
2013-01-31 09:06
中国科技信息 2013年5期




美国数学学会发言人迈克 布林说:“超大素数令数学家和计算机科学家感到兴奋。”他认为这是素数探究的一项重大突破。




梅森素数在当代具有重大的理论意义和实用价值。其探究推动了“数学皇后”——数论的研究,促进了计算技术、密码技术、网格技术、程序设计技术的发展。另外,梅森素数常用来测试计算机硬件运算是否正确。英国科学家马科斯 索托伊甚至认为梅森素数的研究进展标志着科学发展的里程碑。

World’s largest prime number discovered -- all 17 million digits

If diamonds are a girl’s best friend, prime numbers are a mathematician’s.

And Curtis Cooper at the University of Central Missouri in Warrensburg has just found the biggest, shiniest diamond of them all.

As part of the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS), a computer program that networks PCs worldwide to collectively hunt for a special type of prime number,Cooper discovered the largest prime number yet late last month:a beast with 17,425,170 digits.

The number -- 2 multiplied by itself 57,885,161 times minus 1, written mathematically as 257,885,161-1 -- is the first prime discovered in four years.

Though there is little mathematical value to finding a single new prime, these rare numbers are prized in their own right by some. "It's sort of like finding a diamond," Caldwell told New Scientist. "For some reason people decide they like diamonds and so they have a value. People like these large primes and so they also have a value."

You can see an abbreviated version of the new prime number,or download all 17,425,170 digits in a massive, 22MB text file.

Finding a new prime number,a number divisible only by itself and one, has little mathematical importance, New Scientist said.Yet the quest for the oddities has long fascinated amateur and professional mathematicians.

The first prime numbers are 2,3, 5, 7, 11, and so on. The number 10 is not prime because it is divisible by 2 and 5, for example. There are an infinite number of primes: The curious or numerologically inclined can peruse a list of the first 50 million primes online.

Mersenne primes like Cooper’s were named for the French monk Marin Mersenne,who studied these numbers more than 350 years ago. The GIMPS project has discovered all 14 of the largest known Mersenne primes.

A Mersenne prime is of the form 2P-1, where the variable P is itself a prime -- making the Mersenne an elite sort of prime,a James Bond among spies. The first Mersenne primes are 3, 7,31, and 127 corresponding to P= 2, 3, 5, and 7, respectively, the GIMPS website explains.

There are only 48 known Mersenne primes.



“如果你利用我们现在知道的所有物理学(知识)直接计算,这是个坏消息,”美国费米国家加速器实验室理论物理学家约瑟夫 利肯日前在美国科学促进会2013年年会上对媒体表示。美国科学促进会成立于1848年,是世界最大的科学协会之一,《科学》杂志也由其出版。



希格斯玻色子是英国物理学家彼得 希格斯在上世纪60年代的理论研究中预言的粒子,是物质的质量之源,其他粒子在希格斯玻色子构成的“海洋”中游弋,受其作用而产生惯性,最终才有了质量。希格斯玻色子是理论物理“标准模型”中最后一种证明存在的基本粒子,由于它难以寻觅又极为重要,也被称为“上帝粒子”。

Higgs Boson Discovery = Cosmic Doomsday?

If calculations of the newly discovered Higgs boson particle are correct, one day, tens of billions of years from now, the universe will disappear at the speed of light, replaced by a strange, alternative dimension,one theoretical physicist calls“boring.”

Scientists last year announced they had discovered what appeared to be the longsought subatomic particle that accounts for how matter gets its mass.

Analysis is ongoing to fully characterize the particle, known as the Higgs boson, and its related daughter, grand-daughter and cousin particles, all of which are needed to assure scientists that they’ve truly found what was once pure theory.

PHOTOS: Top5 Misconceptions About The LHC

“It sounds too easy -- a particle with no spin and no charge. Like you made it up and yet there it is,” theoretical physicist Joseph Lykken, with the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia, Ill., told Discovery News.

So far, scientists have found nothing to indicate that the particle discovered last year at Europe’s Large Hadron Collider, or LHC, is not the Higgs boson with a mass of about 126 billion electron volts. It turns out that’s a critical number when it comes to the fate of the universe.

“If you use all the physics that we know now and you do what you think is a straightforward calculation, it’s bad news,” said Lykken, who also serves on the LHC science team.

“It may be that the universe we live in is inherently unstable and at some point billions of years from now it’s all going to get wiped out. This has to do with the Higgs energy field itself,” Lykken added,referring to an invisible field of energy that is believed to exist throughout the universe.

PHOTOS: Rapturous Applause for Higgs Boson Scientists

The calculation requires knowing the mass of the Higgs to one percent, as well as the precise mass of other related subatomic particles.

"It's right along the critical line,” said physicist Christopher Hill, also with Fermi.

“That could either be a cosmic coincidence, or it could be that there's some physics that's causing that,” Hill said.

Any life forms still around when the universe ends won’t have to worry about what’s coming -- it will unfold at light speed.

“You won’t actually see it because it will come at you at the speed of light and that’s it,so don’t worry. We know the universe is pretty stable because it’s been around for 13.5 billion years, so even before we did this calculation we knew that.

“This calculation tells you that many tens of billions of years from now there’ll be a catastrophe,” Lykken said.

ANALYSIS: Higgs Boson Likely a 'Boring' Boson

“Essentially, the universe wants to be in different state and so eventually it will realize that. A little bubble of what you might think of an as alternative universe will appear somewhere and then it will expand out and destroy us. So that’ll be very dramatic, but you and I will not be around to witness it,” Lykken told reporters before a presentation at the American Association for the Advancement of Science meeting in Boston this week.

“There will be a new universe, a much more boring universe, so I hope this doesn’t happen,” he added.



“雷克斯”身高近2米,它所使用的假肢和人造器官价值约100万美元(约合623万元人民币),由英国权威机器人专家理查德 沃克和马修 戈登组装而成。“雷克斯”的人工眼包括一个植入了芯片的视网膜和一个置于眼镜上的照相机,相机采集的图像可以转变成电脉冲发送到大脑里,并转化成形状和图案。此外,“雷克斯”全身安装了人造皮肤,体内还装有人工胰脏、肾脏、脾脏等器官和功能性血液循环系统。

“雷克斯”的脚和脚踝是美国麻省理工学院(MIT)的休 赫尔教授开发的,他在一次登山事故中因为冻伤失去了双腿。“人工脚和脚踝上装有感应器,可以读取身体运动进而提供走、跑、跳所需的适量能量,并且它们还能模仿腓肠肌和跟腱的运动,令脚部运动更为自然和灵活,”赫尔教授介绍说。完成后的仿生人可以走路、聊天、并且说出自己的名字,告诉他人其喜欢的时尚品牌并能唱饶舌音乐。



而“雷克斯”的出现也引起了伦理道德方面的争议。波士顿大学的生物伦理和人权教授乔治 安纳斯警告说:“当科技涉及到人类身体时,我们就有了变成‘非人’的危险。需要记住,创造一个新物种,它随时可能反咬我们一口。”

Robot Rex comes face-to-face with the man he is modelled on:Science Museum unveils $1million 'bionic man' with his own heart,blood and lungs

For years it existed only in the wildest realms of science fiction.

But now a team of leading roboticists have created a real bionic man - complete with artificial organs, synthetic blood and robot limbs goes.

The astonishing creation incorporates some of the latest advances in prosthetic technology,as well as an artificial pancreas,kidney, spleen and trachea, and a functional blood circulatory system.

The 6ft 6in (2m) humanoid shares quite a bit in common with Steve Austin, the original 'bionic man' from the cult 1970s TV series the Six Million Dollar Man.

But costing almost £640,000,it is cheaper.

Known as Rex – short for robotic exoskeleton – his hi-tech frame is made up of an array of artificial limbs and organs from around the world.

It was assembled for a new Channel 4 documentary, How To Build A Bionic Man and will go on display at London's Science Museum this week.

The Science Museum exhibit opening on Thursday will explore changing perceptions of human identity against the background of rapid progress in bionics.

In the documentary, to be screened at 9pm on Thursday,experts at the forefront of the research talk to Swiss social psychologist Bertolt Meyer.

Mr Meyer was born without a left hand and has a £30,000 bionic replacement with the ability to grip and twist.

But although his hand is the most advanced on the market,it could soon be obsolete. In the programme Meyer tries out the much more advanced modular prosthetic limb (MPL), which teaches itself how to recognise tiny control signals from the upper arm.

He also meets teams of British scientists who are restoring sight to the blind by implanting microchips in their retinas, and building artificial organs to replace failing lungs, kidneys, pancreases and spleens.

'I've looked around for new bionic technologies, out of personal interest, for a very long time and I think that until five or six years ago nothing much was happening,' said Mr Meyer.

'Then suddenly we are now at a point where we can build a body that is great and beautiful in its own special way.'

David Glover, senior commissioning editor for Channel 4 Factual, said: 'Following Bertolt Meyer, who has a bionic arm himself, as he investigates the reality of building a bionic human takes this brilliantly made documentary into new territory.If what scientists can do now is jaw-dropping, the future is mindboggling.'

The project is supported by a Wellcome Trust People Award which aims to help the public explore biomedical science.

Clare Matterson, director of medical humanities and engagement at the charity, said,quoting from the introduction to the One Million Dollar Man:'Throughout history people have always sought to enhance themselves to overcome disabilities or to become 'bigger, better,stronger and faster'.

Build A Bionic Man hints at the implications these advances may raise for mankind in the future.'







Light from silicon nanocrystal LEDs

Silicon nanocrystals have a size of a few nanometers and possess a high luminous potential.Scientists of KIT and the University of Toronto/Canada have now succeeded in manufacturing siliconbased light-emitting diodes (SiLEDs).They are free of heavy metals and can emit light in various colors.The team of chemists, materials researchers, nanoscientists, and opto-electronic experts presents its development in the Nano Letters journal.

Silicon dominates in microelectronics and photovoltaics industry, but has been considered unsuitable for light-emitting diodes for a long time. However,this is not true for nanoscopic dimensions: Minute silicon nanocrystals can produce light.These nanocrystals consist of a few hundred to thousand atoms and have a considerable potential as highly efficient light emitters, as was demonstrated by the team of Professor Uli Lemmer and Professor Annie K. Powell from KIT as well as Professor Geoffrey A. Ozin from the University of Toronto. In a joint project, the scientists have now succeeded in manufacturing highly efficient light-emitting diodes from the silicon nanocrystals.

So far, manufacture of silicon light-emitting diodes has been limited to the red visible spectral range and the near infrared. As regards the efficiency of silicon diodes emitting red light, researchers from Karlsruhe are already top in the world."Controlled manufacture of diodes emitting multicolor light, however,is an absolutely novelty," explains Florian Maier-Flaig, scientist of the Light Technology Institute (LTI) of KIT and doctoral student of the Karlsruhe School of Optics and Photonics (KSOP). KIT scientists specifically adjust the color of the light emitted by the diodes by separating nanoparticles depending on their size. "Moreover,our light-emitting diodes have a surprising long-term stability that has not been reached before,"Maier-Flaig reports. The increased service life of the components in operation is due to the use of nanoparticles of one size only.This enhances the stability of the sensitive thin-film components.Short circuits due to oversized particles are excluded.

The development made by the researchers from Karlsruhe and Toronto is also characterized by an impressing homogeneity of the luminous areas. The KIT researchers are among the few teams in the world that know how to manufacture such devices. "With the liquidprocessed silicon LEDs that may potentially be produced on large areas as well as at low costs, the nanoparticle community enters new territory, the associated potentials of which can hardly be estimated today. But presumably,textbooks about semiconductor components have to be rewritten," says Geoffrey A. Ozin,who is presently working as a KIT distinguished research fellow at KIT's Center for Functional Nanostructures (CFN).

The SiLEDs also have the advantage that they do not contain any heavy metals. In contrast to cadmium selenide,cadmium sulfide or lead sulfide used by other groups of researchers, the silicon used by this group for the lightemitting nanoparticles is not toxic. Moreover, it is available at low costs and highly abundant on earth. Due to their many advantages, the SiLEDs will be developed further in cooperation with other partners.

美国计划为脑活动绘图 媲美人类基因组计划


这一名为“脑活动绘图”的计划预计最早于3月份公布,参与者包括国家卫生研究院、国防部高级研究项目局、国家科学基金会等联邦机构,霍华德 休斯医学研究所、艾伦脑科学研究所等私营机构,以及神经学家和纳米科学家组成的团队。他们将共同推进对人类大脑近千亿神经细胞的理解,加深对感知、行为以及意识的研究。






Brain Activity Map Project in Planning Stages

The US government is in the planning stages of a massive project to map the activity of the human brain, Story C. Landis, PhD,director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, confirmed in an interview with Medscape Medical News this week.

President Barack Obama alluded to investing in the "Brain Activity Map" project in his State of the Union address, saying, "Every dollar we invested to map the human genome returned $140 to our economy. Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer's;developing drugs to regenerate damaged organs; devising new material to make batteries 10 times more powerful.

"Now is not the time to gut these job-creating investments in science and innovation," he said."Now is the time to reach a level of research and development not seen since the height of the Space Race. We need to make those investments."

Brain Activity Map Project

A "concrete plan" for exactly how the project will unfold has yet to be ironed out, Dr. Landis said. It's also not clear yet how much money the federal government will provide for the project, but a ballpark figure discussed is $300 million a year for a project slated to last 10 years.

Dr. Landis said "work is now ongoing putting together a consortium of federal agencies that would be participating and there is interest from a number of different private foundations."

The Brain Activity Map project will piggyback on the Human Connectome Project, the National Institutes of Health–funded project to create a high-resolution map of the major structural and functional connections in the human brain.

There has been"extraordinary progress" in understanding aspects of human brain organization, Dr. Landis said."The Human Connectome Project is now beginning to produce data in the form of a structural wiring diagram of the human brain and how different areas are connected."

"But what we really need to understand is not just the anatomy but how information gets processed through those connections; in essence, how the human brain actually works. We are never going to get that through wiring diagrams. We really need to know about the function," she explained.

The goals of the Brain Activity Map project, she said,are to develop the tools to "listen in" to neurons as they perform tasks. "How does information go from one brain cell to the next brain cell? How is that information transformed? And ultimately how does processing through the different brain circuits end up giving us behavior, learning, memory,philosophy, etc.?"

This knowledge, Dr. Landis said, should lead to new and better ways of treating neurologic and some psychiatric diseases.

She offered, as an example,deep brain stimulation (DBS) for Parkinson's disease.

DBS, although effective,"is a very elementary way to influence how circuits in the brain function," Dr. Landis explained. "It uses electrical current as sort of a brain pacemaker to change the way circuits involved in the disease work. But imagine if we understood in detail how information was processed through the circuits that control movement for Parkinson's,or emotion for depression, we could potentially develop much better interventions."

Recently, as reported by Medscape Medical News, by use of a sophisticated brain–computer interface, a woman paralyzed from the neck down learned to control a robotic prosthetic arm with her thoughts and perform several activities of daily living.


冰川学家John Priscu刚刚结束48小时的曲折旅行,从南极洲回到美国西海岸。即使现在,他还在跟难以忍受的时差作斗争。但是,疲劳并没有掩盖住Priscu的兴奋之情。







“好极了,这些发现极为重要。”英国布里斯托大学南极研究学者Martin Siegert表示。Siegert也是英国埃尔斯沃斯湖考察队队长,该湖是南极另一个冰下湖泊。去年12月,Siegert带领考察队来到这里,但不幸的是,技术性困难让他们的考察折戟沉沙。



First Evidence of Life in Antarctic Subglacial Lake

The search continues for life in subglacial Lake Whillans, 2,600 feet below the surface of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet—but a thrilling preliminary result has detected signs of life.

At 6:20am on January 28, four people in sterile white Tyvek suits tended to a winch winding cable onto the drill platform. One person knocked frost off the cable as it emerged from the ice borehole a few feet below. The object of their attention finally rose into sight:a gray plastic vessel, as long as a baseball bat, filled with water from Lake Whillans, half a mile below.

The bottle was hurried into a 40-foot cargo container outfitted as a laboratory on skis. Some of the lake water was squirted into bottles of media in order to grow whatever microbes might inhabit the lake. Those cultures could require weeks to produce results.But one test has already produced an interesting preliminary finding.When lake water was viewed under a microscope, cells were seen: their tiny bodies glowed green in response to DNA-sensitive dye. It was the first evidence of life in an Antarctic subglacial lake.

(A Russian team has reported that two types of bacteria were found in water from subglacial Lake Vostok, but DNA sequences matched those of bacteria that are known to live inside kerosene—causing the scientists to conclude that those bacteria came from kerosene drilling fluid used to bore the hole, and not from Lake Vostok itself.)

In order to conclusively demonstrate that Lake Whillans harbors life, the researchers will need to complete more timeconsuming experiments showing that the cells actually grow—since dead cells can sometimes show up under a microscope with DNA-sensitive staining. And weeks or months will pass before it is known whether these cells represent known types of microbes, or something never seen before. But a couple of things seem likely. Most of those microbes probably subsist by chewing on rocks. And despite being sealed beneath 2,600 feet of ice, they probably have a steady supply of oxygen.

The oxygen comes from water melting off the base of the ice sheet—maybe a few penny thicknesses of ice per year. “When you melt ice, you’re liberating the air bubbles [trapped in that ice],” says Mark Skidmore, a geomicrobiologist at Montana State University who is part of the Whillans drilling, or WISSARD,project. “That’s 20 percent oxygen,”he says. “It’s being supplied to the bed of the glacier.”

In one possible scenario, lake bacteria could live on commonly occurring pyrite minerals that contain iron and sulfur. The bacteria would obtain energy by using oxygen to essentially “burn” that iron and sulfur (analogous to the way that animals use oxygen to slowly burn sugars and fats). Small amounts of sulfuric acid would seep out as a byproduct; that acid would attack other minerals in the sands and sediments of the lake—leaching out sodium, potassium,calcium, and other materials that would accumulate in the water.







Stanford researchers develop tool for reading the minds of mice

Stanford scientists have developed a system for observing real-time brain activity in a live mouse. The device could prove useful in studying new treatments for neurodegenerative diseases,such as Alzheimer's.

If you want to read a mouse's mind, it takes some fluorescent protein and a tiny microscope implanted in the rodent's head.

Stanford scientists have demonstrated a technique for observing hundreds of neurons firing in the brain of a live mouse,in real time, and have linked that activity to long-term information storage. The unprecedented work could provide a useful tool for studying new therapies for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.

The researchers first used a gene therapy approach to cause the mouse's neurons to express a green fluorescent protein that was engineered to be sensitive to the presence of calcium ions. When a neuron fires, the cell naturally floods with calcium ions. Calcium stimulates the protein, causing the entire cell to fluoresce bright green.

A tiny microscope implanted just above the mouse's hippocampus – a part of the brain that is critical for spatial and episodic memory – captures the light of roughly 700 neurons.The microscope is connected to a camera chip, which sends a digital version of the image to a computer screen.

The computer then displays near real-time video of the mouse's brain activity as a mouse runs around a small enclosure, which the researchers call an arena.

The neuronal firings look like tiny green fireworks,randomly bursting against a black background, but the scientists have deciphered clear patterns in the chaos.

"We can literally figure out where the mouse is in the arena by looking at these lights," said Mark Schnitzer, an associate professor of biology and of applied physics and the senior author on the paper,recently published in the journal Nature Neuroscience.

When a mouse is scratching at the wall in a certain area of the arena, a specific neuron will fire and flash green. When the mouse scampers to a different area, the light from the first neuron fades and a new cell sparks up.

"The hippocampus is very sensitive to where the animal is in its environment, and different cells respond to different parts of the arena," Schnitzer said."Imagine walking around your office. Some of the neurons in your hippocampus light up when you're near your desk, and others fire when you're near your chair.This is how your brain makes a representative map of a space."

The group has found that a mouse's neurons fire in the same patterns even when a month has passed between experiments. "The ability to come back and observe the same cells is very important for studying progressive brain diseases," Schnitzer said.

For example, if a particular neuron in a test mouse stops functioning, as a result of normal neuronal death or a neurodegenerative disease,researchers could apply an experimental therapeutic agent and then expose the mouse to the same stimuli to see if the neuron's function returns.

Although the technology can't be used on humans, mouse models are a common starting point for new therapies for human neurodegenerative diseases, and Schnitzer believes the system could be a very useful tool in evaluating pre-clinical research.

The work was published Feb. 10 in the online edition of Nature Neuroscience. The researchers have formed a company to manufacture and sell the device.

Everyone Can Be a Rex
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