
2012-12-21 08:42石荆维
重庆与世界 2012年9期

□ 文/石荆维





我们观看的是中国香港代表团与韩国的乒乓球赛。进入比赛场地,全场座无虚席,我们坐在自己的位子上,等待着比赛的开始。在一阵音乐响起后,一位主持人用流利的英语解说比赛的赛程。很快比赛正式开始,当香港代表团赢了一球的时候,我会高举着国旗欢呼,当香港代表团输了一球,我会有些沮丧。来自各国的观众都在为我们加油,我听到许多外国人用蹩脚的中文高喊着:“中国加油,香港加油!”也有人在喊:“Come on”“Fighting”为我们中国加油鼓气。




On August 5th, I arrived in this beautiful foggy city——London and lived in a hotel with excitement, starting my 13 days’ life in London.

The next morning, we had our fi rst breakfast in London,although the taste was not good as Chinese food, we felt the strong customs of United Kingdom. After breakfast, we went on a tour in Central London, Tower Bridge, Westminster Abbey, Big Ben, and London Parliament building ... ... where all these places have left our joyous laughter.

The deep bells of Big Ben there was flying over in London; In the Parliament building, we saw modern buildings;In Downing Street, I felt the enthusiasm of Chinese people to the British people; In the ... ... there were too many good things in United Kingdom that I can never write all up!

In the afternoon, we went to see the Olympic site,where people from many countries came to cheer for their own countries. So do I! I wore a shirt with flag design of my country, waving the Chinese fl ag with teachers, cheering loudly for China, I feel very proud!

We watched the Hong Kong to Korea table tennis tournament. The competition venue was filled with the audience; we sat down and waited for the game to start. After the music, the host introduced competition schedule in fl uent English. Soon the competition officially began, when Hong Kong team gained point I will hold the national fl ag higher;when they lost points, I got a little bit depressed. Many people from different countries were cheering for China. I heard them shouting in Chinese: "Jia you,China,jia you Hong Kong!" The players tried so hard and maximized their potential, they are fi ghting for glory. Even though I was a little frustrated because Hong Kong lost to Korea, the game was still very excited. We went to many places and had a good time in the following 10 days, I harvested a lot in this trip to London!
