OnTeachingMethodofScientific&Technical Subjects

2012-08-15 00:47:36PANYanong
巢湖学院学报 2012年3期

PAN Ya-nong

(Chaohu College,Chaohu Anhui238000)

OnTeachingMethodofScientific&Technical Subjects

PAN Ya-nong

(Chaohu College,Chaohu Anhui238000)

Scientific and technical subjects may be difficult for some college students.In order to improve teaching efficiency,we should introduce simpler ideas at the beginning,avoid difficult mathematics in the first semester, emphasize and highlight basic principles and their applications,actively use visual aids,arrange necessary classroom and laboratory demonstrations and problem-solving instructive seminars.

Scientific and Technical Subjects;Teaching Method


Scientific and technical subjects are relatively difficult for college students.In order to make the materialpresented in thelectureaseasyas possible for the students, the instructor should introduce the practical applications and simpler ideas of the subject at an early stage.Postpone the introduction of complicated concepts and difficult problems until the students are quite prepared for them.For the same purpose,the teaching material introduced in the first semester should not require mathematical knowledge beyond elementary algebra and geometry,simple vector operation and the ABC of calculus.


Emphasizing and highlighting basic principles are important and beneficial.It is essential to use a few fundamental principles clearly and exactly when we are teaching a scientific or technical subject. And it is advisable to carry on the teaching work hand in hand with some relevant study or research in connection with the subject. This will make the teaching work closer to practice and more up-to-date.


Seeing is believing.All genuine knowledge originates from direct experience. Only what is perceived can be surely believed and understood.So we must actively use visual aids to present the teaching material in our lectures as concrete as possible.So we must always give a vivid description or a clear explanation before we begin a tedious mathematical derivation.


Experience of many instructors has shown that vivid drawings and lively demonstrations are thebestwaysto convey information clearly and quickly, as most people tend to think and learn visually. For example, the concepts involved in college physics,theoretical mechanics,machinery motion and astronautics would be best understood and clearly remembered by the students if they were presented by visual display unit(VDU).


The most characteristic and valuable mental faculty of a scientist is vision. It is the power of building up a picture of the relevant apparatus,machinery or structure in the mind. And so it is advisable to study with pen and paper at hand,as almost everything in applied science can be represented graphically.If you make a sketch of a relevant object,you may discover and see many important facts about it you did not notice before.And this will greatly enhance your understanding of the problem.And so an important first step in solving a scientific or technical problem is to represent it in sketches.When a concrete outline is in mind,more details of the problem will usually be understood afterwards.


Avoid tedious abstract explanation.Problem solving is an important part of the teaching work.Use more time to analyze,solve and discuss typical examples.Experience has shown that this is the most effective teaching method. It not only introduces the scientific principle,mathematical relation and relevant data involved in a typical problem,but also shows the correct ways and steps we must follow.In this way it will make the material introduced in the lecture more concrete and practical,more instructive and enlightening,more impressive and unforgettable.And thus it will benefit the students in various aspects,enhance their faculty to solve practical problems.







(巢湖学院,安徽 巢湖 238000)



责任编辑:宏 彬

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