齐次 Morrey-Herz 空间上广义 Riesz 变换及其交换子的有界性

2012-07-05 14:27:50杨明华许明杨晓转
纯粹数学与应用数学 2012年2期


(暨南大学数学系,广东 广州 510632

齐次 Morrey-Herz 空间上广义 Riesz 变换及其交换子的有界性


(暨南大学数学系,广东 广州 510632

1 引言

2 预备知识

3 主要结果及其证明

4 补充说明

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Boundedness of generalized Riesz transform and its commutator on the homogeneous Morrey-Herz spaces

Yang Minghua,Xu Ming,Yang Xiaozhuan

(Department of Mathematics,Ji′nan University,Guangzhou 510632,China)

In this paper,we study the generalized Riesz transform∇L-1/2associated with divergence form elliptic operator and its commutator[b,∇L-1/2]generated by generalized Riesz transform and BMO(Rn)functions.By them ethods of studying ring decom position of function and thier corresponding truncated operators, their boundedness of the results form space MKα,λp1,q(Rn)to space MKα,λp2,q(ℝn)were established.The well-known results gotten by before scholars are extended.

ellip tic operator,commutator,homogeneous Morrey-Herz,Riesz transform,BMO(Rn)




2010 MSC:42B25

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