(1.安阳师范学院数学与统计学院,河南 安阳 455000;2.教育部考试中心,北京 100084)
(1.安阳师范学院数学与统计学院,河南 安阳 455000;2.教育部考试中心,北京 100084)
本文中使用了Nevanlinna经典理论的一些基本符号和基本定理,关于这部分详细内容可见文献[1-4].令f(z)和g(z)为复平面ℂ上的两个非常数亚纯函数,并且令P(z)为一个多项式或者是一个有限数.用deg P(z)来定义多项式P(z)的级.用f(z)=P(z)⇒g(z)=P(z)来表示:当f(z)-P(z)=0时可推得g(z)-P(z)=0.若有f(z)=P(z)⇒g(z)=P(z)且g(z)=P(z)⇒f(z)=P(z),则将其表示为f(z)=P(z)⇔g(z)=P(z),并且称f(z)和g(z)分担P(z)IM(不计零点重数).如果f(z)-P(z)和g(z)-P(z)有相同的零点并且这些零点的重数相同,则称f(z)和g(z)分担P(z)CM(计零点重数)[1].更进一步,用记号σ(f), ν(f)来定义f(z)的级和超级.下面给出定义:
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Entire functions that share one polynomial with their linear differential polynomials
Zhang Guowei1,Chen Ang2
(1. School of Mathematics and Statistics, Anyang Normal University, Anyang 455000, China; 2. National Education Examinations Authority, Beijing 100084, China)
In this paper,we improve some known results about Bruck's conjecture. We study the problem that entire function and its linear differential polynomial share a polynomial and obtain some properties of solution of the related complex differential equation. Moreover, we get a theorem which improves some known results.
entire functions,Nevan linna theory,uniqueness,share value
河南省教育厅重点项目(12A 110002).
2010 MSC:30D 35