(杭州师范大学应用数学研究所/杭州师范大学数学系,杭州 浙江 310036)
(杭州师范大学应用数学研究所/杭州师范大学数学系,杭州 浙江 310036)
在完备G-度量空间的框架下,利用R-弱交换映象的概念,证明了两对R-弱交换A ltman积分型自映象的一个新的公共不动点定理,并给出了结论的有效性实例.所得的结果不同于已有文献中的已知结果.
A ltman积分型映象;对称G-度量空间;R-弱交换自映象;公共不动点
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Several new comm on fi xed poin t theorem s for A ltm an in tegral type m app ings in G-m etric space
Ye Hongqing,Gu Feng
(Institute of App lied M athem atics and Departm ent of M athem atics, Hangzhou Norm al University,Hangzhou 310036,China)
The concept of R-weakly commuting mappings was used for proving a new common fixed point theorem for two pairs of R-weakly commuting A ltm an integral type self-m appings in com p lete G-m etric space. An exam p le is p rovided to support our result.The results obtained in this paper diff er from the recent relative resu lts in literature.
A ltm an integral typem appings,symm etric G-m etric space,R-weakly commuting self-m appings, comm on fixed point
国家自然科学基金(10671155);浙江省自然科学基金(Y 6110287,Y 12A 010095).
2010 M SC:47H10,54H25