玛格丽特·撒切尔(Margaret Thatcher)是英国乃至整个西方国家历史上第一位女首相,也是20世纪任职时间最长的英国首相,英国人对她的执政理念和政绩基本上是毁誉参半。尽管如此,他们都不得不承认她是20世纪英国最伟大的几个首相之一(与劳合·乔治Lloyd George、温斯顿·丘吉尔Winston Churchill以及克莱蒙特·艾德礼Clement Attlee并列),在很大程度上改变了英国的历史现状。正因为如此,20年后再来回顾“铁娘子”的从政历程,我们可以更好地理解她为何成为新右派的代表并对当时病入膏肓的英国进行坚决的改革。由美国老牌影星梅丽尔·斯特里普(Meryl Streep)主演的撒切尔夫人传记片《铁娘子》(2011)在上映后引起了较为强烈的反响,斯特里普因此获得了金球奖、英国影视学院奖以及奥斯卡奖。大家一致认为斯特里普的表演出神入化、无可挑剔。但出于不同的政治立场,观众及影评人对电影的内容表述则继续着毁誉参半的争论。
作为杂货商的女儿,玛格丽特从小受到担任地方议员的父亲平等、独立以及个人奋斗理念的影响,靠自己的努力考入了几乎全是男生的牛津大学(当时牛津大学绝大多数学生来自上层社会)。毕业后,她决定从政,实现自己改造英国社会的政治抱负。当年轻商人丹尼斯向她求婚时,玛格丽特提出了保持独立、互不干涉和不做家务等约法三章。两次竞选议员失败之后,玛格丽特终于在33岁时进入英国议会,之后成为保守党希思(Edward Heath)政府内阁里唯一的女阁员,担任教育大臣的要职。有感于英国的衰落以及保守党与工党面对“英国病”(其中包括高福利的沉重负担和英国工会此起彼伏的罢工对英国经济的“绑架”)的无能为力,撒切尔夫人毅然决然向保守党领袖希思发起挑战,并取而代之。1979年当选英国首相后,撒切尔夫人便立即按照自己的药方来解决英国的各种问题,其中包括国有企业私有化、减少福利、削减政府开支并紧缩货币以及限制并打击工会的罢工活动。
在接下来的回忆中,电影以撒切尔夫人的视角历数了20世纪80年代英国发生的重大事件,其中包括由于其货币主义政策和紧缩财政所造成的节节攀升的失业率、1981年伦敦南部布利克斯顿骚乱(Brixton Riots)、1984年保守党代表大会期间玛格丽特和丹尼斯险些丧生的格兰德酒店爆炸案(Grand Hotel Bombing)以及持续了一年之久的英国煤矿工人大罢工(1984-5)。这些事件均为针对其施政纲领和政策的剧烈社会反应,但撒切尔夫人对此均进行了毫不动摇的回应,即使其声望降到最低点。1982年4月,阿根廷占领了与英国存在主权争议的马尔维纳斯群岛(英国称为福克兰群岛Falklands),引发了英阿战争危机。冒着巨大风险(连主要盟友美国都主张谈判解决),撒切尔夫人力排众议,决定派遣特混舰队(Task Force)到万里之外夺回“领土”。74天之后,英国以255条生命代价(阿方649人)终于重新控制了该群岛。福克兰战争的胜利重振了英国的昔日威风,使玛格丽特从最不受欢迎的首相一跃而成为民意支持率最高的首相,为1983年的大选连任奠定了基础。铁娘子还回忆了与美国总统罗纳德·里根(Ronald Reagan)的特殊友谊。他们有着不谋而合的意识形态(包括政治、经济以及对外关系政策),一起联手整垮前苏联并结束冷战(铁娘子的封号就是前苏联给的),成为叱咤风云的世界领袖。撒切尔夫人大刀阔斧并持之以恒的改革终于在80年代后期见效,英国经济逐渐摆脱了滞胀,出现了增长甚至繁荣。
然而,铁娘子强势的个性在十年近乎独裁的执政期间使内阁成员和同事对她听不进不同意见的行为深为不满,再加上不得人心的“人头税”(Community Charge,又称为Poll Tax)的开征以及保守党内部关于欧盟政策的对立和分裂,终于导致了铁娘子众叛亲离、被迫辞职。具有讽刺意味的是,当党内挑战者赫塞尔廷(Michael Heseltine)出面竞选保守党领袖之时,铁娘子正在布鲁塞尔出席欧盟首脑会议,并没有把它当回事儿,所以竟然没有回国投票。历史到了这里似乎经历了一个轮回:当年正是撒切尔夫人不满保守党政府的软弱无力,站出来挑战希思才夺得了保守党的领导权。回想起自己的黯然下台,她对这些党内挑战者和反对派仍然耿耿于怀。
《铁娘子》上映后得到的影评反响可以说是毁誉参半。Movie Metropolis上的博客高度评价了斯特里普的表演,但批评影片仅仅聚焦撒切尔政府的辉煌时刻而缺乏应有的深度。
“The prospect of exploring the swathe cut(大刀阔斧)through history by this remarkable woman is a daunting(具有挑战性的)and exciting challenge. I am trying to approach the role(接近角色)with as much zeal, fervour and attention to detail as the real Lady Thatcher possesses—I can only hope my stamina(努力与付出)will begin to approach her own.”
英国《电讯报》(The Telegraph)评论员David Gritten认为斯特里普的获奖是必然的,但他认为影片的缺点是斯特里普的光芒盖过了影片中其他角色:”Awards should be coming Streeps way; yet her brilliance rather overshadows the film itself.”英国《卫报》(The Guardian)影评人Xan Brooks赞扬斯特里普的表演是”astonishing and all but flawless”。每日邮报(Daily Mail)影评家Baz Bamigboye这样写道: “Only an actress of Streeps stature could possibly capture Thatchers essence and bring it to the screen. Its a performance of towering proportions that sets a new benchmark(基准) for acting.”
然而,涉及到影片的内容时,影评人的意见则很不一致。首先,影片对撒切尔夫人的刻画遭到其子女马克与卡罗尔·撒切尔的批评,认为影片像是左派的幻想(“It sounds like some left-wing fantasy”)。《亚美利加杂志》(America Magazine)提醒观众注意影片缺乏历史的准确性。英国左翼的《卫报》评论员Stuart Jeffries对美国演员饰演撒切尔夫人表示谨慎乐观,但影片内容的叙事方式可能会忽略一些民众对作为英国经济体系摧毁者和战争贩子撒切尔的愤怒之情(rage about what Thatcher, economy destroyer and warmonger, was doing to Britain),而仅仅关注撒切尔作为一个女人是怎样战胜人生历程中的困难的(exclusive focus on Thatcher as a woman triumphing against the odds.)。
《星期日邮报》(The Mail on Sunday)则对撒切尔夫人老年痴呆的社会影响表示关切。其他媒体也有同感。《每日邮报》(Daily Telegraph)2012年1月以”The Iron Lady reflects societys insensitive attitude towards people with dementia.”为标题报道了老年撒切尔夫人对观众的震动:”It is impossible not to be disturbed by her depiction of Lady Thatchers decline into dementia”。美国著名影评家Roger Ebert对该片评价不高(4分制的2分),认为斯特里普只是形似而已,内容则缺乏中心思想(“shes all dressed up with nowhere to go” in a film that cannot decide what it wants to say about Thatcher)。但Ebert也承认撒切尔夫人强势的个性和大刀阔斧的改革政策必然引发人们(尤其是利益攸关的英国人)毁誉参半的争论,这也是为什么影片编导自认为客观公正而观众却不买账的原因(“Few people were neutral in their feelings about Thatcher, except the makers of this picture.”)。
Response to Denis Marriage Proposal After Her Failure in MP Election
Denis: But if you were to become the wife of a moderately successful businessman, youd get to parliament, and Id get to be the happiest man in wherever they select you. Margaret, will you marry me? (Silence) Well?
Maggie: Yes. Yes! (Cries )
Denis: What?
Maggie: I love you so much but... I will never be one of those women, Denis, who stays silent and pretty on the arm of her husband. Or remote and alone in the kitchen doing the washing up for that matter.
Denis: Well get a help for that.
Maggie: No. Ones life must matter, Denis. Beyong the cooking and cleaning and the children, ones life must mean more than that. I cannot die washing up a tea cup. I mean it Denis. Say you understand.
Denis: Thats why I want to marry you, my dear. (Kiss each other and smile.)
Decides to Run for Party Leader
Denis: Are you sayig you want to be Prime Minister?
Maggie: What Im saying is that someone must force the point, say the unsayable. None of these men have the guts(勇气,胆量).
Denis: The Prime Minsiter has been very loyal to you, MT(Margaret Thatcher的缩略).
Maggie: But hes weak, and hes weakened the party. One must know when to go. Youre shaking.
Denis: (Toasting the bread refusing Maggies help.) Let me bloody do it. I can do it. (Dropping the bread to the ground.)
Maggie: Goodness me! What is the matter with everyone this morning?
Denis: Ive told you what the matter is. The business is a bit rocky(困难重重的)at the moment and the Doctor thinks I need a rest.
Maggie: And do you need a rest? We both know that its highly unlikely that I would ever be elected leader, but I will run. I will run, just to nip(快速行动)at their heels and make them reaffirm the principles on which the Conservative party must stand. Theres so much to do.
Denis: Youre insufferable, Margaret, do you know that?
Maggie: Denis, you married someone who is committed to public service, you knew that. And it is my duty.
Denis: Dont call it duty. Its the ambition which has got you this far. Ambition. And the rest of us, me, the children, we can all go to hell! Dont worry about me, Ill be fine!
Tough Stance on the Falklands Issue Facing American Persuasion
US Secretary of State: So you are proposing to go to war over these islands. Theyre thousands of miles away, a handful of citizens, politically and economically insignificant, if youll excuse me.
Maggie: Just like Hawaii, I imagine.
US Sectretary of State: Im sorry?
Maggie: 1941, when Japan attacked Pearl Harbour. Did America go cap in hand(毕恭毕敬地,顺从地)and ask Tokio for a peaceful negotiation of terms? Did she turn her back on her own citizens there because the islands were thousands of miles from mainland United States? No, no, no! We will stand on principle or we shall not stand at all.
US Secretary of State: But Margaret, with all due respect when one has been to war...
Maggie: With all due respect sir, I have done battle every single day of my life and many men have underestimated me before. This lot seems bound to do the same, but they will rue(对……感到遗憾或后悔)the day.