新目标英语九年级Unit 9 When was it invented? Section B 3a~4b教案

2012-03-15 15:04牡丹江市第四中学学区第六中学杜红梅
黑龙江教育(教育与教学) 2012年5期

✿牡丹江市第四中学学区第六中学 杜红梅




1.语言知识目标:学习课文中的重点词汇ancient,remain,notice,produce,pleasant,pie,by accident,according to, fall into,throw,达到四会;掌握并熟练运用一般过去时的被动语态。










Step ILeading-in(3m inutes)

Greet to the class.

T:Hi,boys and girls!First letme introducemyself.Icome from No.6 Middle School.My name is Du Hongmei.You can callmeMissDu.Sonice tomeetyou,everyone!

Ss:Nice tomeetyou,Miss Du!

T:Who put the papernoteshere?It’s really in amess.

(Teacher collects the paper notes in the box.Then show the box to the class.)

T:Whatis it?

Ss:It’sa paperbox.

T:What’s itused for?

Ss:It’sused for putting small things/holding...

T:Why didwe inventit?

Ss:Tocollectthingseasierandmakeour roommuch tidier.

T:Wehave lotsofinventionstosolvetheproblem indaily life.

T:When we listen to English,whatdowe use?(a TV?a computer?amobilephoneora tape recorder?)

Ss:A tape recorder.

T:Butwhen you listen to English,can you take a recorder everywhere?

Ss:No,we can’t.

T:In order to solve this problem,what people invented? Can you guess?


(Teacher takesoutan MP3 and shows it to the class.)

T:Whatis it?What’s itused for?


T:Yes,it’sused for listening to English ormusic any time and anywherewithoutdisturbingothers.

T:As we know,inventions like MP3 are changing our world all the time;they canmake our lifemore convenientand more com fortable.Today we are going to talk about the inventions around us.We are going to learn Unit9When was it invented?Section B 3a~4b.

Step IIPresentation(10m inutes)

T:Next,we are going to learn some words about the invention of tea.Read the following stories carefully,try to guess themeaningof the red words.

(Show the stories on the screen and get the students to guess.)

(Teacherexplains theusagesof thenewwords.)

Story One

Long time ago,a shepherd(牧羊人)noticed his sheep becamemore active after eating some red fruit from a bush.He boiled some and itproduced a pleasant smell,so coffee,one of themostpopulardrinkswas invented.

(Teacher explains the usages of the new words and give examples.)

Story Two

The Cowherd and theWeaver is a famous Chinese ancient legend.Now a newmovie ismade according to the story,lots of peoplego to see itin the theatre.

Story Three

Once a boy fell into a big vat(缸)fullofwater.The other kids ran help.Only Sima Guang remained there.He picked up a big stone and threw itat the vat.The vatwas broken and the boywassaved.

Read the new words after the teacher together.Then students read them togetheronce.

Say out the new words and phrases according to the Chinesemeanings.One reads twice.

Step IIIReading(20m inutes)

T:I’m thirsty now,whatshould Ido?

Ss:You should drink somewater.

(Show a bottle ofwater.)

T:Water is one kind of beverage.Beveragemeans drink. Read afterme.

T:Nextwearegoing to talk aboutanotherbeverage,tea.Do you know how teawasinvented?


T:Please open your books and turn to Page 72.Read the articlequickly and find outwho invented tea.

(Students read thearticleand answer.)

T:Read silently and carefully and discuss the following questions in groupsof4.

(Geteach group toansweronequestion.)

T:Let’s read the articlealoud together.

T:Well,next let’s read one paragraph after one and analyze thearticle.Please look at thescreen.

Paragraph One

Did you know that tea,themostpopular drink in theworld (afterwater),...invented...?

T:The firstparagraph tells uswhatwas invented.It's the thingof invention.

Paragraph Two

Although tea wasn't brought to the Western world until 1610,this beverage was discovered over three thousand years before that.According to an ancient Chinese legend,the emperor Shen Nong discovered tea when he was boiling drinking wateroveran open fire.

(Teacher explains theword over in this paragraph.Let the studentssum up themain pointsaccording to the red words.)

Ss:It tellsus the time,the person and the place.

T:Yes,it tellsuswhen itwas invented,who itwas invented by and where itwas invented.

Paragraph Three

Some leaves from anearby bush fell into thewater and remained there for some time.Theemperornoticed that the leaves in the water produced a pleasant smell.Later he decided to taste thehotmixture.Itwasquite delicious.

T:The third paragraph tells us the process of the invention.It tellsushow teawas invented.

Paragraph Four

And in thisway,one of theworld’s favorite drinkswas invented.

T:The lastparagraph tells us how important tea is.It tells us the importanceof the invention.

T:Nextplease discusson how towrite aboutan invention in groupsof fourand fill in the form on the study plan.

(Lead the students to sum up themain points and write on the blackboard.)

T:If there is time,place,person,cause,process and result in an article,we call itanarrative.

(Explain thesix elementsand narrative in Chinese.)

T:Look,it’sa flying disk.Read afterme,flying disk.Who can play it?It’san importantinvention because itcan bringusa lotof fun.Read thearticleand try to find out the six elementsof narrative.Discussin pairs,fillin thechartusing thequestion like:

—Whatwas invented?—Flying disk.

From pie p late to flying disk

The flying disk was invented by college students.The original flying disk was really ametal pie plate from a bakery in Bridgeport,Connecticut(布里奇波特,康涅狄格州).The students liked to eat the pie and then threw the pie plates each other.In the1950s,a company beganmaking plastic disk.Now there are flying disk clubs,a flying disk magazine,and even a national flyingdisk festivaleach September.

(Getseveralpairs to actout their conversations.Show the correctcharton the blackboard.)

What flying disk Who college students When in the1950s Where in abakery in Bridgeport,Connecticut How studentseatpie,throw pie plates Today clubs,magazines,festival

Step IVW riting task(5m inutes)

T:We have learnt two articles about invention.I think you have known how to talk orwrite aboutan invention.Ifyou are a magazine reporter,youwant to introduce an invention.You can choose eitherof them towrite about.Write iton yourpapers.

(Students:Write their compositionson the paper.Teacher goesaround givinghelp ifnecessary.)

Step VComments(5m inutes)

T:Do you know how to check a composition?Letme give you some adviceon it.

(Teacher shows the ways to check a composition on the screen andmake twoor three examples.)

Step VISummary&Homework(2m inutes)

T:Whathavewe learntin class?


T:Which country did Shen Nong come from?


T:Teawas invented by Chinese.But tea isdrunk by people allover theworld.Whatdo you think of it?Don’t think that Chinese peopleare greatand wise?


T:I think we should be proud of ourmotherland and our Chinese people.You can also be a great inventor.First,you should have the idea,nextyou should work hard and hold on to your dream,you can achieve your dream one day.

T:You are clever,so youmusthave your own invention to help people around you.Write an article to introduce your invention.


被动语态复习(The Paasive Voice) 九年级 Unit5—7