1. Exercise 30 minutes every day. Especially if you dont do much movement while working, its essential that you get some daily exercise. 30 minutes every day the minimum recommended for optimal health.
2. Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, yet so many people skip it. Personally, I like to eat a couple of toasts in the morning along with a cup of fruit juice.
3. Sleep 8 hours. Sleep deprivation is never a good idea. You may think that you are gaining time by sleeping less, when in reality you are only gaining stress and tiredness.
4. Avoid snacking between meals. Snacking between meals is the best way to gain weight. If you are hungry, eat something concrete. Otherwise dont.
5. Eat five portions of fruits and vegetables every day. Our body and brain love getting vegetables and fruits, so I highly recommend eating as many of them as possible.
6. Eat fish. Fish is rich in omega 3 and other healthy elements. At least one meal per week of fish should be enough for getting all these nutrients.
7. Drink one glass of water when you wake up. When you wake up, your body is dehydrated and needs liquid. Make the habit of drinking one glass of water after you wake up in the morning. 8. Avoid soda. Soda is often one of the most unhealthy beverage you can find. Limit your consumption of soda as much as possible and your body will be grateful for that.
9. Keep your body clean. I dont advise spending your day in front of the mirror, but a minimum of personal care does never hurt.
10. If you smoke, stop it. Theres no reason to smoke anymore, and quitting is easy.
11. If you drink, stop it. Dont think that alcohol will solve your problems. It never does. The only exception is one glass of wine per day during meals.
12. Take the stairs. This is just a hack that forces you to do a minimum of exercise. Instead of taking the elevator, take the stairs.
1. 每天锻炼三十分钟。特别是当你的工作不会涉及大量运动时,每天运动将非常有必要。三十分钟的锻炼是保持身体最佳健康状态的最低要求。
2. 坚持每天吃早餐。早餐是一天当中最重要的一餐,但往往被很多人所忽略。对我个人来说,我早上喜欢吃两个烤面包外加一瓶果汁。
3. 每天睡足八小时。牺牲睡眠并非好计策。也许你曾认为为赶时间牺牲点睡眠不算什么,但实际上睡眠不足令你精神紧张并且疲乏无力。
4. 切忌以零食充饥。吃零食很容易使人发胖。要是真饿得慌,那就挑些固体食物吧,否则,宁可不吃。
5. 每天至少吃五种水果蔬菜。我们的身体和大脑喜欢吸收水果和蔬菜的营养,我极力建议你吃得越多越好。
6. 多吃鱼。鱼类食品富含欧美加 3(为一组多元不饱和脂肪酸,对人体健康十分有益。译者注)和其他人体健康所需的元素。每周至少吃一次鱼能够为人体提供所需的这些营养。
7. 起床后饮一杯水。当你醒来后,身体处于缺水状态,这时应该补充水分。养成每天起床后饮一杯水的习惯。
8. 忌饮汽水。汽水是日常所见对健康最无益的饮料。如果你尽量少喝汽水,那么你的身体所受伤害就会小一些。
9. 保持身体干净整齐。我可不是在建议你整天对镜自照哦,不过适度关心个人形象总是无伤大雅的吧。
10. 要是你吸烟,赶紧戒吧。绝不应该继续抽烟,并且戒掉这一习惯是很容易的。
11. 要是你酗酒,那也赶紧戒吧。指望酒精能解决问题,做梦吧!吃饭时候来一杯,那无所谓啦。
12. 多爬楼梯。这只是强迫你每天做起码锻炼的修改方案而已。与其坐电梯,不如改为爬楼梯吧。