(山西大学 理论物理研究所,山西 太原 030006)
(山西大学 理论物理研究所,山西 太原 030006)
图1 种间相互作用强度g12取不同值时凝聚体内形成不同的矢量孤子所对应的分段图,其中κg 11<g 22/κ,g 11<0,g 22<0Fig.1 Chart in stages of vector solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates with different values of the interspecies interaction strength g 12,withκg 11<g 22/κ,g 11<0 and g 22<0
f.g12∈(-∞,κg11],此时Q1>0,Q2<0,形成亮 -亮孤子;
g.g12∈(κg11,g22/κ],此时Q1>0,Q2>0,形成亮 -暗孤子;
h.g12∈(g22/κ,+∞),此时Q1<0,Q2>0,形成暗 -暗孤子;
图2 种间相互作用强度g12取不同值时凝聚体内形成不同的矢量孤子所对应的分段图,其中κg 11<g 22/κ,g 11<0,g 22>0Fig.2 Chart in stages of vector solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates with different values of the interspecies interaction strength g 12,withκg 11<g 22/κ,g 11<0 and g 22>0
图3 种间相互作用强度g 12取不同值时凝聚体内形成不同的矢量孤子所对应的分段图,其中κg 11<g 22/κ,g 11>0,g 22>0Fig.3 Chart in stages of vector solitons in Bose-Einstein Condensates with different values of the interspecies interaction strength g 12,withκg 11<g 22/κ,g 11>0 and g 22>0
另外,可调相互作用的两组分玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中不同的孤子之间可以相互转换,如图7所示.首先,我们选择一对速度为零的亮 -暗孤子且种间相互作用强度满足g12∈(κg11,g22/κ],代入方程(1)和(2)进行动力学演化,然后在t=5时将种间相互作用强度g12瞬间变为小于κg11的值,继续动力学演化.由于g12<κg11,满足Q1>0,Q2<0,所以凝聚体内亮-暗孤子在t=5时转换为亮-亮孤子,且不同种类凝聚体中形成的亮孤子经过几次碰撞后合并为一个新的亮孤子.
图4 在弱囚禁势中亮-亮孤子的动力学演化图其中g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=-3,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5,v=0.8Fig.4 Dynamic evolution of bright-bright solitons in weak longitudinal trap with g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=-3,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5 and v=0.8
图5 在弱囚禁势中亮-暗孤子的动力学演化图其中g11=-3.47,g22=5.89,g12=3,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5,v=0.4Fig.5 Dynamic evolution of bright-dark solitons in weak longitudinal trap with g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=3,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5 and v=0.4
图6 在弱囚禁势中暗-暗孤子的动力学演化图其中g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=30,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5,v=0Fig.6 Dynamic evolution of dark-dark solitons in weak longitudinal trap with g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=30,κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5 and v=0
图7 在弱囚禁势中亮-暗孤子相互转换的动力学演化图.初始态与图5相同取g 11=-3.47,g 22=5.89,g 12=3,在t=5后,种间相互作用强度变为g12=-20,其它参数不变,其中κ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5,v=0Fig.7 Dynamic evolution of the mutual transforming bright and dark solitons in weak longitudinal trap withg 11=-3.47,g22=5.89,g12=3 initially,and the interspecies interaction strength is changed tog 12=-20 at t=5,other parameters are changeless,andκ=7/23,λ1=λ2=0.12,η=1.5,v=0
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Dynamic Properties of Vector Solitons in Two-species Bose-Einstein Condensates
ZHOU Yan-zhen,ZHANG Su-ying
We discuss the dynamic properties of the vector solitons of two-species Bose-Einstein condensates in weak trapping potential by numerically solving its corresponding equations of motion.The results show that under some condition,different intraspecies and interspecies interaction coefficients result in different types of vector solitons,such as bright-bright,bright-dark and dark-dark vector solitons.Moreover,the bright-bright and bright-dark vector soliton are dynamically stable,while the dark-dark vector soliton is dynamically unstable.In addition,the different types of vector solitons can be transformed by tuning the interspecies interaction via Feshbach resonance.
two-species Bose-Einstein condensates;vector soliton;stability