
2011-12-25 07:02李静
重庆与世界 2011年4期

文/本刊记者 李静


文/本刊记者 李静


英语优秀 赴美留学




文化差异 毅然回国




创办英语角 快乐的退休生活

在美国学习、生活、工作了16年后,“老海龟”彭中在福建的一家美国独资企业工作,2001年,彭中退休回到重庆,本是准备安享晚年。然后,受不了清闲的退休生活,他又到重庆的一所英语学校教学生计算机英文课程。每个周末,学校会在解放碑组织一个英语角让学生聚在一起练习口语,彭中就负责管理英语角。为了调动他们的学习兴趣,彭中会给他们讲自己在美国的见闻和经验;为鼓励学生,他每次都自己花钱买奖品给学生。后来,彭中工作的英语学校关闭了,但他还是把这个英语角保留了下来。每周在解放碑、沙坪坝举办两次“快乐英语角”,近九年来共862次活动,除此以外,彭中还用自己的退休金举办不同形式的英语聚会,独家赞助大型英语学习活动40多次, 如重庆赴上海外企精英经验交流, 英语口语大奖赛, 快乐英语圣诞晚会等。近九年来,彭中一如既往地办着英语角,共累计捐资约五十万元。德国电视台、美国国际广播电台,重庆卫视, 重庆晨报,重庆时报,重庆晚报,重庆经济报等多家媒体进行了采访报导。就这样,英语角的名气也越来越大,来的人也越来越多,高中生、大学生、工作的、甚至78岁的老年人也闻讯前来,“快乐英语角”的影响力越来越大,很多来重庆的外国人或游客也会到这里和大家进行交流。





Go to Study in US Because o f Exce llen t Eng lish

The p e rsona l sto ries o f M r. Peng Zhong a re like a TV se ries w ith p eaks and va lleys. He m oved to Chongq ing from Be ijing because o f the trans fe r o f his fa the r's wo rk w hen he was 13. In 1963, he was ac cep ted b y Tian jin Un ive rsity, m a jo ring in Elec trica l Powe r Eng inee ring. In 1978, he stud ied in the Institu te o f H igh Ene rg y Physics o f the Ch inese Academ y o f Sc iences.

His strong inte rest in Eng lish urged him to have Eng lish c lasses as an aud ito r, even though Peng Zhong stud ied Russian in schoo l. As a g rad ua te stud en t in the Ch inese Acad em y o f Sc iences, o the r p ee rs w ou ld a lways asked m any questions o f the fo reign visiting p ro fessors. At that tim e, he liked visiting Beijing Friend ship Ho te l by b icyc le because h is fo reign teache rs lived the re and he wan ted to cha t w ith them in Eng lish. Now sp eaking o f tha t pe riod, he said tha t he had cherished a hope tha t one day he wou ld fu rthe r his stud y in Am e rica w ith fu ll scho larship.

God he lp s those w ho he lp them se lves. A visiting p ro fe sso r from Pu rd ue Un ive rs ity ha d a d ee p im p ression on Peng Zhong and ag reed to he lp h im stud y in Am e rica w ith fu ll scho la rship, which stirred his m ind fo r qu ite a long tim e. As som e o the rs w e re be tte r than h im in g rades, his ou tstand ing Eng lish opened a new w indow for him. At the age o f 34, his d ream o f stud ying aboard cam e true.

Com e Back Because o f Cu ltu ra l Diffe ren ces

He fe lt un rea l when he land ed the job in Am e rica wh ich was a b rand new weste rn coun try w ith sha rp d ifferences in cu lture and m a teria ls. A fter m o re than fou r-yea r stud y o f m aste r's and doc to ra l d eg rees the re, he was em p loyed by the Pow e r Dispa tch Cen te r o f Pac ific Gas & Elec tric, San Franc isco, USA. He go t h is g reen ca rd on June 16, 1989. Many peop le be lieved ge tting a g reen ca rd wou ld m ean the rea lization o f the Am e rican d ream bu t tha t w as no t fo r Peng. Wha t he he ld was tha t se lf-im p rovem en t was his pe rsona l Am e rican d ream.

Watching from the roo ftop revo lving restau ran t o f Em ba rcade ro Cen te r, he fe lt a sud den em p tiness p op p ing in to h is m ind and he cou ld no t see his fu tu re. Nosta lg ia becam e m o re acu te and he saw his end in Am e rica because being 43, he w as still an eng ineer. A g lass ce iling stood in h is way up.

The longe r he wo rked in the US, the sha rp e r he fe lt the d iffe rences in cu ltu re and w o rk be tween Ch ina and Am e rica, and the lone lie r he fe lt. To achieve som ething in Am e rica, one m ust assim ila te h im se lf in to the soc ie ty wh ich is the exac t d ifficu lty fo r Peng. He se ldom had som e sha red top ic s w ith h is Am e rican co lleagues. Yes, he w as 34 when he first cam e to Am e rica. At that tim e his wo rld view w as form ed and deep ly a ffec ted by the Ch inese cu ltu re. The cu ltu ra l d iffe rences fina lly m ad e h im bac k to Ch ina, a lthough he w as the sen io r eng inee r in the Pub lic Se rvice Comm ission, State o f Nevada.

Crea ting the Eng lish Co rner and Live a Happ y Re tired Life

Back in China, Peng Zhong w orked in an Am erican com pany in Fu jian Province. After his retirem en t, he wen t bac k to Chongq ing to en joy h is re tired life. Bu t he was no t quite read y for tha t life. So he wen t to teach Eng lish fo r Com p u te r Sc ience in a schoo l wh ich w ou ld o rgan ize an Eng lish Co rne r on weekend s. Bu t la te r the schoo l he taugh t in had shu t dow n, bu t he m anaged to keep the Eng lish co rne r running. Eve ry week he o rg an izes the Eng lish c o rne r a t Jie fang b e i and Shap ingba resp ec tive ly, 862 in to ta l having been done fo r the past 9 yea rs. In ad d ition, Peng has he ld d iffe ren t kind s o f Eng lish parties w ith his pension and sponso red m o re than 40 ac tivities re la ted Eng lish lea rn ing such as the Ch ristm as p a rty and the Eng lish o ra l com pe tition. Th roug h the c ove rag e b y m any m ed ia su ch as Chongq ing Te levision, Chongq ing Daily and e tc., the Hap py Eng lish corner go t its nam e, attrac ting m o re and m o re peop le from h igh schoo l stud en ts to the 78-yea ro ld m an and from loca ls to fo re igne rs.

Ap ril o f the next year w ill m ark the 10th annive rsa ry o f the Happ y Eng lish Co rne r w hich is the b rainchild o f Peng. Wa tch ing so m any p eop le g row ing up and im p roving them se lves in the Co rne r, he fee ls a g rea t sense o f achievem ent tha t never happened to him in Am erica. Peng loves he re and w ill live here fo r the rest o f his life. Peop le he re a re stra igh t and he lp fu l and the c ity itse lf is unde rgo ing p ro found changes, he sa id w ith a sm ile. The Hap p y Eng lish Co rne r w ill go on and he w ill continue seeking hap p iness here.


A Happy Eng lish Life o f an Overseas Chinese

W ritten by Aggie & Gary Hynson Translated by Kenneth Hu

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