
2011-10-26 09:51世界银行今日发布报告称由于在教育和科研方面存在缺陷东亚的大学在推动本国经济增长的进程中没能起到它们应起的作用
中国科技信息 2011年21期




Hubble telescope captures new 'maps' of dark matter--But on this evidence, we may just have to take their word for it

Hubble's Cluster Lensing and Supernova Survey- CLASH - is charting the distribution of dark matter in 25clusters.

The Hubble scientists are scanning cluster galaxies, the most massive objects in the universe held together by gravity, to see if light is distorted by the dark matter inside the clusters.

The astronomers say the distortions produced by MACS 1206is evidence that the galaxies are largely 'made' of dark matter.

The distortions shown in the images would be far weaker if the only mass in MACS 1206was the mass of the stars and planets we can see.

CLASH uses the Advanced Camera for Surveys and the Wide Field Camera 3, the CLASH survey to covers a broad wavelength range, from ultraviolet to near infrared. Astronomers need the diverse colors to estimate the distances to lensed galaxies and study them in more detail.

These maps are being used to test previous results that suggest that dark matter is more densely packed inside clusters than some models predict.

MACS 1206lies 4.5billion light-years from Earth.

The era when the first clusters formed is not precisely known, but is estimated to be at least 9billion years ago and possibly as far back as 12billion years ago.

If most of the clusters in the CLASH survey are found to have excessively high accumulations of dark matter in their central cores, then it may yield new clues to the early stages in the origin of the universe.





但是这次不同,借助哈勃空间望远镜搭载的先进巡天相机(ACS),天文学家们已经找出了一个叫做阿贝尔1689(Abell 1689)的星系团中暗物质分布的具体位置。







Sun's 11-year cycle means we're in for Arctic freeze this winter, say scientists

It's been a lovely Indian summer - but it could come back to bite us.

That's what scientists predict after working out the first ever pattern of activity for the sun.

According to research, the sun runs on an 11-year cycle -and this affects winter weather over the northern hemisphere.

The study says low solar activity can contribute to cold winters in the UK, northern Europe and parts of America.

Which is bad for us - because the sun is just emerging from a so-called solar minimum, when solar activity is at its lowest.

It means after a baking hot September, we could be in for a repeat of last year's big freeze.

But the study also raises the possibility that weathermen can predict cold winter weather over the northern hemisphere using the solar cycle.

Dr Adam Scaife, from the Met Off ce, one of the study's authors, said: 'Our research establishes the link between the solar cycle and winter climate as more than just coincidence.

'We've been able to reproduce a consistent climate pattern, conf rm how it works, and quantify it using a computer model.

'This isn't the sole driver of winter climate over our region, but it is a signif cant factor and understanding it is important for seasonal to decadal forecasting.'

Up until now, researchers have only managed to see a weak link between solar activity and winter weather.

It was understood that when the sun is less active, we're more likely to see weak westerly winds during the winter in the northern hemisphere.

This pattern suggests that easterly winds could bring cold weather from the continent to the UK.

But scientists have struggled to incorporate these ultraviolet (UV) signals into climate models.

Today's f ndings, published in Nature Geoscience, used satellite measurements from NASA's Solar Radiation and Climate Experiment (SORCE) to reveal that differences in UV light reaching the Earth during the 11-year solar cycle are larger than previously thought.

The satellite, launched in 2003, is the first ever to measure solar radiation across the entire UV spectrum.

Professor of atmospheric physics, Joanna Haigh from Imperial College London, said: 'The instrument on the SORCE satellite divides UV light up into small wavelength regions, providing good spectral resolution.

'Before this, climate models used broad spectral bands, so couldn't reveal the solar signal.'

Using this new information in a Met Off ce climate model, researchers from the Met Off ce and the University of Oxford demonstrated that it's possible to reproduce the effects of solar variability which show up in climate records.

It seems that in years of low UV activity, unusually cold air forms over the tropics in the stratosphere, around 30miles up.

This is balanced by a more easterly f ow of air over the mid latitudes – a pattern which then makes its way down to the Earth's surface, bringing easterly winds and cold winters to northern Europe.

But when solar activity is higher than usual – around the peak of the 11-year solar cycle – the opposite happens: strong westerly winds bring warm air and so milder winters to Europe.

Lead author Sarah Ineson, from the Met Office, said: 'What we're seeing is UV levels affecting the distribution of air masses around the Atlantic basin.

'This causes a redistribution of heat – so while Europe and the US may be cooler, Canada and the Mediterranean will be warmer, and there is little direct impact on global temperatures.'









How Black Death Kept Its Genes but Lost Its Killing Power

In f ve years, Black Death wiped out an estimated 30to 50percent of Europe's population. This medieval plague was caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis, which still circulates among humans. Genetic clues as to what might have made it so deadly, however, had remained interred with the tens of millions of victims.

After careful extraction of genetic material from victims' teeth, a team of researchers has sequenced 99percent of the Plague's genome—the f rst whole-genome reconstruction of a disease from skeletal remains. The draft genome is described online October 12in Nature. (Scientific American is part of Nature Publishing Group.)

The 660-year-old plague DNA was isolated from four victims, who had been exhumed from London's East Smithf eld Cemetery in the 1980s by the Museum of London Archaeology. To get samples from the skeletal remains, physical anthropologist Kristen Bos of McMaster University in Ontario and a colleague found themselves "wiggling the teeth out of the skulls at the Museum of London," she said in a Tuesday press brief ng about the new study.

After carefully extracting genetic material from the inner pulp chamber of the teeth (so as not to damage their exteriors), the team created what Bos called a genetic "f shing rod," baited with molecules from modern-day Y. pestis. With that as a lure, "we were able to essentially f sh out the small preserved fragments of Yersinia pestis DNA" and separate it from the stew of human, bacterial and other genetic material that had accumulated during centuries in the soil. (The team described the actual method, which uses high-throughput DNA sequencing and microRNA enrichment, in an August Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences paper.)

The genome now gives researchers a sort of "fossil" to start to map out the bacterium's phylogenetic tree. They discovered that the Black Death that devastated Europe between 1347and 1350was likely close to the common ancestor of all extant Y. pestis strains, (which likely arose—from the soil bacterium Yersinia pseudotuberculosis—between 1200and 1340).

If this was "the first big pandemic with disseminated Yersinia pestis in humans," as Johannes Krause, of the University of Tübingen's Institute for Archaeological Sciences, asserted at the briefing, then previous plagues, such as the sixthcentury Plague of Justinian, were either caused by a completely different pathogen or by a strain of Y. pestis that proceeded to go completely extinct.

The new family tree can also help researchers examine related groups, such as the types of plagues that currently affect only rodents (such as Microtus strains and those that have been found in Chinese marmots)—and what genetic changes might need to occur to allow them to infect humans.

The sequenced strain has some 4.7million base pairs. When compared with the modern version (based on 17different genomes), there are just 90genetic substitutions. That such few genetic changes occurred over the years, Krause said, was "really surprising."

Among these changes, none obviously explains ancient Black Death's virulence, Hendrik Poinar, also of McMaster, said during Tuesday's prepublication brief ng. "There's no particular smoking gun."So if the slight genetic differences in the disease were not responsible for its drastic change, what did make it so deadly in the 14th century that, as Bos described it, "people honestly thought it was the end of the world"?

Much of the mortality might be explained by situational factors, Poinar explained. Cooler climatic conditions and an excess of rain had led to failed crop harvests and widespread hunger, in addition to large numbers of people living in crowded—and already pathogen-filled—medieval cities. "You probably had an immunocompromised population, living under very stressful conditions," Poiner said. Add to that a "population being hit by Y. pestis maybe for the first time," and "Black Death was the perfect storm."

Humans have also adapted to the disease. The global population has likely built up some immunity from centuries of exposure to the pathogen. And even before the modern era, virulence was likely quelled by cultural adaptations, Krause noted. During the first outbreak, no one knew what kind of disease it was nor how to treat it, he said. During subsequent outbreaks, however, "people had already developed some kinds of adaptations—they had developed quarantines, they had developed first aid to treat patients with the symptoms."













East Asia's Universities Need To Play Bigger Economic Role, Says World Bank

low and should be increased, preferably through performance-Universities in East Asia aren't giving their countries the economic boost they should because of educational and research shortcomings, concludes a report released today by the World Bank. In Putting Higher Education to Work: Skills and Research for Growth in East Asia, a team of bank experts says reforms and better funding could position universities and postsecondary vocational schools to improve economic productivity and competitiveness particularly in the developing countries of Southeast Asia, China, and Mongolia.

The problem stems from a number of what the report calls "disconnects." The most important is a mismatch between the advanced skills needed in the workforce and the training provided at universities and other post-secondary institutions. The team also found that university research was not contributing to the technological advancement of industry and commerce. Other gaps include a lack of interaction between universities and national research institutes and inconsistent secondary schooling.

Universities are now operating in isolation, the authors argue, instead of as part of an integrated system designed to meet strategic needs. Specific recommendations start with increasing funding for higher education and encouraging more students to go beyond secondary schools—particularly in science, technology, engineering, and math—by providing scholarships and loans. The report notes that with the exception of several more advanced countries—Korea, Japan, and China—spending on R&D as a share of GDP is relatively based funding such as competitively awarded grants. And few of these countries have university technology licensing efforts, public-private matching research funding programs, or other schemes to forge university-industry ties. The team also concludes that most of the region's universities would benef t from better management and governance and greater autonomy.

For most of these challenges, the report provides examples of best practices drawn from within the region. "We don't want to preach" to educational and government leaders, James Adams, World Bank's regional vice president, said at the report's launch today in Tokyo. Rather, the goal is to provide comparative information for decision-makers to work with.






IBM Exhibit Visualizes Today's Urban Problems--and Potential Solutions

At first glance the mammoth screen running down a former parking ramp at Lincoln Center looks like something on loan from Times Square, about a dozen blocks to the south. But this 37.5- by 4.3-meter digital data-visualization wall, parked in the heart of Manhattan, is offering much more than enticements to buy snacks or the latest cologne.

Watch the animated screen a little longer, though, and you will learn something—about the city's largely untapped potential to collect solar energy, the amount of water from New York State's reservoirs wasted before it ever reaches urban residents, and the patterns in traffic and air quality that change hourly. You are seeing data that have been harvested by IBM from 100sensors throughout the city, analyzed for patterns and rendered into visualizations to create a more complete picture of the city's oft-ignored problems and potential solutions.

"Think," a free exhibit on display at Lincoln Center through October 23, consists of three parts: At the lower end of the ramp, visitors move past the digital wall into a small theater f lled with 20massive video columns, each 2.4meters tall and 1.2meters wide. The columns are covered front and back by video screens that, when dark, resemble the primordial monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. They are arranged in clusters that immerse the audience for a 10-minute film highlighting scientific and technological progress in areas including space exploration, personalized medicine, traff c management and agriculture around the world. At the conclusion of the f lm, all 40video screens convert into large interactive touch panels. This lets the audience drill down on different topics via maps, timelines and images.

View a slide show of IBM's Think exhibit.

As visitors leave the theater they can see the f nal part of the exhibit—a timeline of key IBM milestones from the past century. Starting with the events leading up to Thomas J. Watson's founding of the Computing-Tabulating-Recording Co. in June 1911from the merger of four firms to the company's name change to International Business Machines in 1924all the way through the recent success of the company's Watson artif cial intelligence program on the game show Jeopardy!.

Think is one of several ways IBM is celebrating its centennial anniversary this year. The exhibit however, is curiously light on advertising for "Big Blue"—as the company was previously nicknamed—and focuses more on what the company's technology is doing behind the scenes to address health care, resource conservation, food production and other 21st-century concerns. Short interactive videos in the exhibit's theater feature IBM researchers such as David Ferrucci (who led the development of Watson) as well as scientists such as Howard-Yana Shapiro, global director of plant science and external research at Mars Inc.

"We wanted to do something that would be open to the public," says IBM's Lee Green, vice president of brand experience and strategic design. "IBM hasn't done anything like this since probably 1964when Charles and Ray Eames designed the IBM exhibition at the World's Fair in Flushing Meadows, New York." That exhibit, much less subtle, featured a dome resembling a company innovation, the electric typewriter ball, albeit with only the letters I, B and M.

"What they did so well was take the complexity of math, science and technology and simplif ed it," Green says. "We wanted to do the same thing, [telling] stories about what it is possible to achieve today through science and technology." IBM plans to tour the exhibit to science museums and educational institutions when it completes its stay at Lincoln Center.

New form of superhard carbon observed

Carbon is the fourth-most-abundant element in the universe and takes on a wide variety of forms, called allotropes, including diamond and graphite. Scientists at Carnegie's Geophysical Laboratory are part of a team that has discovered a new form of carbon, which is capable of withstanding extreme pressure stresses that were previously observed only in diamond. This breakthrough discovery will be published in Physical Review Letters.

The team was led by Stanford's Wendy L. Mao and her graduate student Yu Lin and includes Carnegie's Hokwang (Dave) Mao, Li Zhang, Paul Chow, Yuming Xiao, Maria Baldini, and Jinfu Shu. The experiment started with a form of carbon called glassy carbon, which was first synthesized in the 1950s, and was found to combine desirable properties of glasses and ceramics with those of graphite. The team created the new carbon allotrope by compressing glassy carbon to above 400,000times normal atmospheric pressure.

This new carbon form was capable of withstanding1.3 million times normal atmospheric pressure in one direction while confinedu n d e r a p r e s s u r e o f600,000 times atmosphericlevels in other directions.N o s u b s t a n c e o t h e rthan diamond h a s beenobserved to withstand thistype o f p ressure s t re s s,indicating t h a t t h e newc a r b o n a l l o t rope m u s tindeed be very strong.

However, unlikediamond and other cry stalline for msofcarbon, the structure of this new material is not organized in repeating atomic units. It is an amorphous material, meaning that its structure l a c k s t h e l o n g-r a n g e order of cr ystals. This amorphous, superhard carbon allotrope would have a potential advantage over diamond if its hardness turns out to be isotropic-that is, having hardness that is equally strong in all direwcions. In contrast, diamond's hardness is highly dependent upon the direction in which the crystal is oriented.

"These findings open up possibilities for potential applications, including super hard anvils for high-pressure research and could lead to new classes of ultradense and strong materials," said Russell Hemley, director of Carnegie's Geophysical Laboratory.



IBM软件业务副总裁南希皮尔森(Nancy Pearson)称,用户可以选择四大行业:银行、零售、水和能源,然后试图解决相关问题。例如,监控城市的水质量,或者是能源的供应情况等。

皮尔森称,该游戏可提升人们对IBM新服务的意识和销售额。当前,IBM正在推行智慧地球(Smarter Planet)计划,从而帮助企业和政府部门利用数字技术更好地进行决策。IBM此前曾表示,到2015年该项技术可给IBM带来100亿美元的销售额。








