
2011-08-15 00:51:41
海洋经济 2011年6期


我国海洋经济及其管理的发展特征分 析 ………………………………………………………………………… 王 宏(1)


我国海洋经济统计发展历 程 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 何广顺(6)


中国:石油供给和能源安全——面向海洋 …………………………………………………………… 袁光宇,陈卫东(12)

大力发展海洋工程装备 推动我国成为海洋强 国 ………………………………… 中国船舶工业集团公司海洋工程部(16)

振兴海洋盐业 发展海洋化工 促进海洋经济发 展 ……………………………………………………………… 胡红江(21)


努力做好三篇文章 服务蓝色经济发 展 …………………………………………………………………………… 侯英民(28)

抓住历史机遇 推进浙江海洋事业科学发 展 ……………………………………………………………………… 赵利民(33)

大力推进海洋经济发展试点 实现海洋事业科学发展新跨 越 …………………………………………………… 郑伟仪(38)


国外海洋经济研究进 展 ………………………………………………………………………………… 周秋麟,周 通(43)

海洋经济对东南亚社会经济发展影响分 析 ……………………………………………………………………… 王晓惠(53)



统筹规划 合理布局 促进区域海洋经济协调发 展 ……………………………………………………………… 王殿昌(1)

我国战略性海洋新兴产业发展阶段及基本思路初 探 …………………………………………………………… 徐 胜(6)


我国区域海洋经济地理研究的回顾与展 望 …………………………………………………………… 韩增林,狄乾斌(12)

海域公共资源市场化管理的研究综 述 …………………………………………………………………………… 杨 林(20)

基于主体功能区理念的无居民海岛空间开发模式研 究 ……………………………………………… 赵 锐,蔡大浩(26)


山东半岛蓝色经济区产业结构演进的科技驱动效应分 析 …………………………………………… 赵 昕,郭 晶(32)

我国海洋灾害救助能力评价的实证研究——以上海风暴潮为例 ………………………… 黄瑞芬,王 燕,夏 帆(39)


…………………………………………………………………………………………… 于海淼,李长如,赵 鹏(46)


海洋油气助推中国经济发 展 …………………………………………………………………………… 郭 越,宋维玲(52)


世界主要沿海国家海洋经济内涵和构成比 较 ………………………………………………………… 朱 凌,林香红(58)



“十一五”海洋经济发展情况述 评 ………………………………………………………………………………… 何广顺(1)


海涂资源粘性引致的海水养殖产业集聚效应测算——基于省际面板数据的计量分析 …………… 于梦璇,王 波(9)

中国珍珠产业性质的回归及其形态转 型 ………………………………………………………………………… 徐质斌(17)


沿海地区海洋经济投入产出效能评价与分析——以山东半岛为例 …………… 王 晶,刘大海,李 朗,刘其舒(24)

滨海电厂循环经济发展模式相关政策研 究 ……………………………………… 王晓惠,周怡圃,羊志洪,李宜良(29)


抢抓战略机遇 大力推进黄岛区蓝色经济发 展 ………………………………………………………………… 高 嵩(41)

海阳市海洋经济可持续发展研 究 …………………………… 孙鹏飞,纪玉娥,张晓霞,包华军,任永秋,王永章(46)



广东省海洋绿色核算研 究 ……………………………………………………………………………… 李宜良,王 震(50)


澳大利亚海洋产业现状和特点及统计中存在的问 题 …………………………………………………………… 林香红(57)



促进我国海洋经济发展的财政政策分 析 ………………………………………………………………………… 王晓惠(1)

我国海洋产业发展的融资问题研 究 ……………………………………………………………………………… 唐正康(7)

“十二五”时期加快我国战略性海洋新兴产业发展的对策研 究 ………………… 李文增,鹿英姿,王 刚,李 拉(13)


潮流能发电的潜在环境影响及其评价指标体系研 究 ………………………………………………… 丁 晓,李洪远(18)

大型海藻能源化利用的研究与思 考 …………………………………………………………………… 周志刚,毕燕会(23)

天津北疆电厂海水资源开发利用及取水工程关键技 术 ……………… 孙 波,孙林云,于海淼,韩 信,刘建军(29)

海洋渔业产业结构优化升级的目标与对策研 究 ……………………………………………………… 杨 林,马 顺(35)


渤海海域生态系统功能服务价值评 估 ……………………………………………………… 索安宁,于永海,苗丽娟(42)

论长三角海域生态合作治理实现形式与治理绩 效 …………………………………………………… 陈莉莉,王 勇(48)

江苏省滨海旅游竞争能力分 析 ………………………………………………………………………… 张 月,仇燕苹(53)


试析中美海洋经济发展的差 异 ……………………………………………………………… 宋维玲,徐丛春,林香红(57)



中国海岛县产业结构新演进与发展模 式 ………………………………………………………………………… 张耀光(1)

中国海岛县域经济发展特征及优势产业分 析 ………………………………………………………… 赵 锐,杨 娜(8)

中国无居民海岛开发的历史进程与趋势研 究 ………………………………………………………… 王 琪,许文燕(16)


海洋经济统计信息化建设构 想 …………………………………………………………………………………… 宋维玲(25)


区域海洋主导产业评价的组合赋权模型及其应 用 …………………………………………………… 郭 晶,赵 昕(31)

论中国海洋经济开发的金融战略投放导 向 …………………………………………………………… 李靖宇,任洨燕(37)


环渤海地区海洋产业结构及生产效率实证分 析 ……………………………………………………… 徐 胜,张 鑫(44)

现金流量法在海域使用权价值评估中的应 用 ……………………………………………… 徐 伟,梁湘波,岳 奇(53)


中美海洋产业分类比较研 究 ……………………………………………………………………………………… 徐丛春(57)



基于碳汇功能的中国海洋渔业政府激励机制分 析 …………………………………………………… 于谨凯,黄 群(1)

中国海洋交通运输业碳排放因素分解研究——基于中国远洋集团的实证分析 …………………… 纪建悦,孔胶胶(8)


海岸带区域经济发展中的政府作用探 析 ………………………………………………………………………… 陈林生(12)


浙江“港航强省”评价指标体系构建及应用研 究 ………………………………………… 金小平,许云飞,韩 霄(17)

台湾海洋资源与海洋产业发 展 ………………………………………………………………………… 周 通,周秋麟(24)

“十二五”时期连云港市海洋经济发展构 想 ……………………………………………………………………… 李双建(33)

北部湾经济区海洋产业转型升级对策探 析 …………………………………………………………… 朱 念,朱芳阳(40)


海水利用业统计方法研究——以天津海水利用企业为例 ………………………………… 高建国,李长如,周季明(45)

基于文献统计的国内海洋经济研究现状初步分 析 …………………………………………………… 张潇娴,杨 娜(53)


中外海洋经济统计分类比较分析董 伟,徐丛春(59)


No.1(Sum No.1)

Analysis of the Development Features of China′s Marine Economy and Its Managemen t ………………WANG Hong(5)

Development Course of Marine Economic Statistics of Chin a …………………………………………HE Guang-shun(11)

China:Petroleum Supply and Energy Security—Meeting the Needs of the Ocean………………………………………………………………………………… YUAN Guang-yu,CHEN Wei-dong(15)

Vigorously Develop Ocean Engineering Equipment,Push China Forward Toward a Maritime Power…………………………………………………………………………………………… CSSC Offshore Department(20)

Revitalize Marine Salt Industry,Develop Marine Chemical Industry,and Promote the Development of Marine Econom y ………………………………………………………………………………………HU Hong-jiang(27)

Making a Success of Our Work in Three Areas to Serve the Development of Blue Econom y ………HOU Ying-min(32)

Grab Historical Opportunities to Promote the Scientific Ocean Development of Zhejian g ………………ZHAO Li-min(37)

Greater Efforts on Pilot Areas of Ocean Economy Development:for a New Breakthrough in the Scientific Development of Marine Cause ……………………………………………………………ZHENG Wei-yi(42)

Development in Ocean Economic Studies in the World…………………………………ZHOU Qiu-lin,ZHOU Tong(52)

Analysis on the Impact of Marine Economy on the Socioeconomic Development in Southeast Asia……………………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Xiao-hui(61)

No.2(Sum No.2)

Making Overall Plans and Rational Arrangement to Promote the Coordinated Development of Regional Marine Econom y ……………………………………………………………………………………………WANG Dian-chang(5)

Preliminary Study on the Development Stages and Basic Thinking of Strategic Marine Emerging Industries in Chin a ………………………………………………………………………………………………………XU Sheng(11)

Retrospect and Prospects for Regional Marine Economic Geography of Chin a …………HAN Zeng-lin,DI Qian-bin(19)

Research Review on Market-Oriented Management of Public Resource in Ocean Area ……………………YANG Lin(25)

Research on the Space Development Pattern of Non-inhabitant Island Based on the Theory of the Major Function Oriented Zon e ……………………………………………………………ZHAO Rui,CAI Da-hao(31)

Analysis on the Scientific&Technological Driving Effect of the Industrial Structure Evolution in the Blue Economic Zone of Shandong Peninsula……………………………………………………ZHAO Xin,GUO Jing(38)

Empirical Study on the Evaluation of Marine Disaster Relief Capability in China—A case study of Shanghai stormsurge ………………………………HUANG Rui-fen,WANG Yan,XIA Fan(45)

Application and Extension of the Major Marine Industries Circular Economy Model—A case study of circular economy project of Beijiang Power Plant…YU Hai-miao,LI Chang-ru,ZHAO Peng(51)

Offshore Oil and Gas Thrust China′s Economic Developmen t ……………………………GUO Yue,SONG Wei-ling(57)

A Comparative Study on the Content and Composition of Marine Economy in Major Coastal Countries………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHU Ling,LIN Xiang-hong(64)

No.3(Sum No.3)

Assessment of Marine Economic Development in the 11th Five-year Plan Period ……………………HE Guang-shun(8)

Estimates of the Maricalture Cluster Effect Induced by Tidal Flat Stickiness:Based on the Provincial Panel Data Analysis……………………………………………………………………YU Meng-xuan,WANG Bo(16)

Return to the Nature of Pearl Industry of China and Its Growth Model Transformatio n …………………XU Zhi-bin(23)

Evaluation and Analysis of Coastal Zone Marine Economic Efficiency in China——A Case of Shandong Peninsula…………………………WANG Jing,LIU Da-hai,LI Lang,LIU Qi-shu(28)

Study on the Policy of the Coastal Power Plant Circular Economy Development Model………………………………………………… WANG Xiao-hui,ZHOU Yi-pu,YANG Zhi-hong,LI Yi-liang(40)

Seize the Strategic Opportunity and Vigorously Promote the Blue Economic Zone Constructio n …………GAO Song(45)

Research on the Sustainable Development of Marine Economy in the Haiyang City………… SUN Peng-fei,JI Yu-e,ZHANG Xiao-xia,BAO Hua-jun,REN Yong-qiu,WANG Yong-zhang(56)

Study on the Green Accounting of Ocean of Guangdong Province …………………………LI Yi-liang,WANG Zhen(56)

Australian Marine Industry′s Current Situation,Features and the Problems in Statistic s ……………LIN Xiang-hong(62)

No.4(Sum No.4)

Analysis of Fiscal Policies for PromotingChina′s Marine Economic Developmen t ……………………WANG Xiao-hui(6)

Study of Financing for Marine Industrial Developmen t ………………………………………………TANG Zheng-kang(12)

Research on the Countermeasures of Developing Strategic New Marine Industries in China During the 12th Five-year Plan Period ………………………………………………………LI Wen-zeng,LU Ying-zi,WANG Gang,LI La(17)

Study on the Potential Environmental Impact and the Environmental Assessment Index System of Tidal Current Power Generation System ………………………………………………………………………DING Xiao,LI Hong-yuan(22)

Perspectives and Thoughts on the Seaweeds Exploited in the Biomass Energy Production……………………………………………………………………………………… ZHOU Zhi-Gang,BI Yan-Hui(28)

Key Seawater Utilization and Intake Techniques at the Tianjin Beijiang Power Plant……………………………………………… SUN Bo,SUN Lin-yun,YU Hai-miao,HAN Xin,LIU Jian-jun(34)

A Study on the Object of and Countermeasures for Optimizing and Upgrading the Industrial Structure of Marine Fishery………………………………………………………………………………………………… YANG Lin,MA Shun(41)

Assessment of Ecosystem Service Value in the Bohai ……………SeaSUO An-ning,YU Yong-hai,MIAO Li-juan(47)

Discussion on the Forms of Achievement and Performance of Governance of the Ecological and Cooperative Administration in the Yangtze River Delta Area ………………………………………CHEN Li-li,WANG Yong(52)

Analysis of the Competitiveness of Jiangsu Coastal Tourism ……………………………ZHANG Yue,QIU Yan-ping(56)

Preliminary Analysis of the Differences in Marine Economy Between China and America………………………………………………………………… SONG Wei-ling,XU Cong-chun,LIN Xiang-hong(62)

No.5(Sum No.5)

Latest Evolvement and Development Pattern of the Industrial Structure in China′s Island Counties…………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Yao-guang(7)

Research on the Economy Developing Characteristics and Advantage Industries of Island County Regions………………………………………………………………………………………………… ZHAO Rui,YANG Na(15)

Research on the Historical Process and Trend of China′s Uninhabited Islands Exploitation……………………………………………………………………………………………… WANG Qi,XU Wen-yan(24)

Concept of the Construction of Marine Economic Statistic Informationizatio n …………………………SONG Wei-ling(30)

Construction and Application of the Combinational Weighting Model for Evaluating Regional Marine Leading Industries………………………………………………………………………………………………… GUO Jing,ZHAO Xin(36)

On the Running Direction of the Financial Strategy of China′s Marine Economy Development…………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Jing-yu,Ren Xiao-yan(43)

Marine Industrial Structure and Efficiency Analysis of Bohai Regio n ………………………XU Sheng,ZHANG Xin(52)

Application of Cash Flow Methodology in Evaluating the Right of SeaUse …… XU Wei,LIANG Xiang-bo,YUE Qi(56)

Comparative Study of Marine Industry Classification Between the United States and Chin a …………XU Cong-chun(62)

No.6(Sum No.6)

Analysis on the Government′s Incentive Mechanism to Develop Marine Fisheries Based on the Carbon Sink…………………………………………………………………………………………… YU Jin-kai,HUANG Qun(7)

Carbon Emission Factors Decomposition Analysis of China′s Marine Communications and Transport—Based on the empirical analysis of the China Ocean Grou p ……………………JI Jian-yue,KONG Jiao-jiao(11)

Analysis of the Role of the Government in the Regional Economic Development of Coastal Zone … CHEN Lin-sheng(16)

Evaluation Index System Construction for Invigorating the Zhejiang Province Through Port and Shipping Development and its Application Research ……………………………JIN Xiao-ping,XU Yun-fei,HAN Xiao(23)

Maine Resources and Development of Marine Industrial in Taiwa n ……………………ZHOU Tong,ZHOU Qiu-lin(32)

Concept of Marine Economic Development in Lianyungang City During the Twelfth Five-Year Plan Period………………………………………………………………………………………………………… LI Shuang-Jian(39)

Analysis of the Countermeasures for Marine Industrial Transformation and Upgrading in the Beibu Gulf Ecomomic Zone ……………………………………………………………………ZHU Nian,ZHU Fang-yang(44)

Research on the Statistical Method of Seawater Utilization Industry—Take Tianjin enterprisesof seawater utilization for example …… GAO Jian-guo,LI Chang-ru,ZHOU Ji-ming(52)

Preliminary analysis of Current Situation of Marine Economic Research in China Based on Literature Metrology……………………………………………………………………………………… ZHANG Xiao-xian,YANG Na(58)

A Comparative Analysis on the Classification of Marine Economy in Major Coastal Countries……………………………………………………………………………………………… Dong Wei,Xu Congchun(64)

今日农业(2022年14期)2022-09-15 01:44:56
增加就业, 这些“经济”要关注
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第一章 向海洋出发
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