澳大利亚 John Murtagh全科病案研究(三十六)——严重哮喘病例分析

2011-08-15 00:45:28JohnMurtagh
中国全科医学 2011年13期

John Murtagh

译者按:医疗负性事件是指由于卫生服务方面的原因所导致的病人疾病、损伤甚至死亡。研究表明, 药物负性事件占负性事件的绝大部分, 而且大多数负性事件是可以通过服务质量改进行动而避免的。全科医学服务中同样存在医学负性事件,Murtagh教授在这个案例中讨论了因药物导致病人哮喘的事件,并探讨怎样从药物管理、加强医患沟通、完善病历等方面, 预防负性事件的发生。

1 第1次就诊

病人, 彭敏, 女, 67岁, 身体一直很健康。这次来全科医学诊所就诊, 主诉原因是感到头疼和颈项疼。病人以往有偏头疼、轻度高血压、颈椎病。目前服用的药物有氯噻酮 (利尿降压药)500 mg/d, 并在需要的时候服用扑热息痛。体检发现, 病人血压较高, 185/105 mm Hg(1 mm Hg=0.133 kPa)。

治疗效果:给病人开心血管选择性β -受体阻滞剂。初步疗效不错, 病人感觉好多了, 偏头疼减轻, 血压稳定在145/90 mm Hg。

2 第2次就诊


治疗和效果:我安慰她, 让她消除顾虑, 并给她开润喉止咳糖浆, 让她夜间服用。几天后, 病人的丈夫给我打电话:“大夫!彭敏晚上咳嗽的非常厉害, 简直快让我疯掉了!我特别怀疑你给她的药是不是能真的有作用。我也去药店了, 想试试各种不同的止咳药, 可是根本不管用。”

3 第3次就诊

我约病人再来看病。晚上病人如约而至, 我给她做体检,听诊发现哮喘音。给病人做简单的肺功能测试, 证实病人存在阻塞性肺功能障碍, 且通过支气管扩张喷雾剂可以缓解症状。我询问病人是否以前被诊断过支气管哮喘, 病人惊叫着说:“我的天啊, 大夫, 我从小到大就没得过哮喘病!”

治疗和效果:彭敏的病, 是由于服用β -受体阻滞剂引起的医源性哮喘。从她的病历记载中, 并不能提示她的这种病情, 但是作为全科医生, 我应该在给病人开药前, 询问病人是否存在这个问题。我的治疗措施是让病人停止服用β -受体阻滞药, 改用血管紧张素转换酶抑制剂 (ACE), 同时给病人开舒喘宁。

4 随访情况

彭敏的哮喘一直没有好转。7 d后让病人来复诊, 发现病人的情况没有任何改善, 我给病人加上了皮质类固醇喷雾剂。2个星期后病人再来复诊, 发现情况仍然没有改善, 我又让病人短期口服类固醇。口服类固醇的确缓解了病情, 可是一旦停用类固醇, 继续用喷雾剂, 哮喘就会再出现。

经过这番周折, 病人终于缓解了病情。不过遗憾的是, 因β -受体阻滞药导致的哮喘病将伴随病人的余生。

5 其他医源性疾病的案例

在墨尔本举行的一个学术研讨会上, 一些全科医生报告和分析了病人错误使用抗哮喘喷雾剂的情况。医生们认为这种情况很多, 主要表现为病人把抗哮喘喷雾剂:




喷在床上 (杀螨虫)

1) 集叶率与作业效率都与手持作业时移动剪叶器的速度有关,过快虽作业效率高,但集叶率相对要低一些;过慢作业效率低,但集叶效果要好。因此,在具体操作过程中,要兼顾效率和集叶效果,掌握好移动速度。

大多数错误使用抗哮喘喷雾剂的病人是老年人, 你可能怪罪病人不懂或老糊涂了。但我们应该非常清楚, 在日常诊疗服务中存在一些严重的医患沟通问题。

6 从案例中学到的

要针对第一次使用喷雾剂的病人, 详细地解释正确喷雾的方法。而且要在随诊过程中检查病人的使用方法。

夜间咳嗽 (特别是儿童)往往提示初期的支气管哮喘。如果病人主诉是夜间咳嗽, 一定不要忘记这种诊断的可能性。

一定要尽可能地详细和准确地记录病人的病历, 并有一个准确的 “病人问题”清单, 特别是病人的过敏史。

β -受体阻滞剂 (包括滴眼液)可以导致哮喘, 有哮喘倾向的人更容易患病。老年人犯病更难控制。在给患有高血压和其他心血管病的病人开药时, 要特别当心。

译者注:负性事件 (adverse events):中国尚没有开展负性事件流行率的研究, 为数不多的中文文献只是限于理论讨论和特定案例分析, 中国的医院管理质量标准和评审标准均没有把负性事件作为评价医疗质量及其改善行动的指标。发达国家对负性事件的研究已经有30多年的历史, 各国对负性事件发生率的报告也从2.9%~16.6%不等。澳大利亚研究者Graeme Miller等[1]研究发现, 全科医学服务场所的药物负性事件发生率为10.4%, 45岁及以上、 4岁以下、女性患者的药物负性事件发生率较高。药物负性事件中, 71.9%由已知的药物不良反应造成, 12.4%由药物敏感性造成, 11.0%由药物过敏引起。有7.6%的全科医学药物负性事件导致了患者住院治疗。

1 Graeme Miller, Helena Britt, Lisa Valenti.Adverse drug events in general practice patients in Australia[J] .The Medical Journal of Australia, 2006, 184 (7):321-324.


Min P, aged 67, who enjoyed good health, presented for review becauseof headaches and neck pain.She had a history ofmigraine, mild hypertension and cervical spondylosis.Hermedication was chlorthalidone500mgdaily and paracetamolas required.On examination her blood pressurewaselevated at185/105mmHg.A cardio selective beta blocker was prescribed.The initial response was good.She felt better, her′migraine type′headaches abated and her BPsettled to145/90.She returned comp laining of severe spasms of coughing during the night.Physical and radiological examination of her chest revealed no abnormality.I reassured her and prescribed a cough linctus at night.Some days later her husband telephoned to say."Doc, Ming′s cough is drivingmemad at night.Surely in this day and age ofwondermedicine you can fix the problem.I′ve gone to the pharmacy and we′ve tried some different typesof coughmedicinesand they are nothelping the cough".

Min came in the following evening asarranged and on examination wheezing could be heard on auscultation.Simple pulmonary function tests revealed an obstructive pattern with a positive response to an aerosolbronchodilator.When Iconfronted her with the diagnosisof bronchialasthma she exclaimed"Goodnessme, Doctor, Ihaven′t had asthma since Iwas a child".

Min had developed iatrogenic asthma induced by thebetablocker.Her problem list in hermedical record did not include this importanthistory but, of course, Ishould have inquired about this issue before prescribing the medication.The beta blocker was withdrawn and an ACE inhibitorwas substituted.Iprescribed a salbutamol inhaler.Follow up

Min′sasthma persisted and at review 7 days later therewasno improvement so Iadded a corticosteroid based inhaler.At review in 2 weeks there was still no improvement so I prescribed a short course of oral steroids.Her asthma improved but the wheezing returned after she completed the course and returned to the inhalers.I organised a homemedication review by thepharmacistwho checked comp liance and asked to observe the inhaler technique.Would you believe she had not been taking the caps off the inhalers so there was no delivery of the active substance? She eventually improved but unfortunately the beta blocker induced asthma bothered her for the rest ofher life.Other extraordinary aerosol delivery tales

A group of doctors at a seminar in Melbourne were comparing themany incorrect ways in which patients used their anti-asthma aerosols.The following were recorded.

Sprayed directly onto the chest

Sprayed under the arm

Sprayed up the nose

Sprayed onto the bed(to killmites)

Most of the patientswere elderly butwe do have some serious communication breakdowns.Lessons learned

It is important to teach correct inhaler technique initially and check the technique at follow up

Nocturnal cough is often the presenting problem of incipient bronchial asthma, especially in children, and this diagnostic possibility should be considered foremost in patients presenting with this problem

Patients′medical records should contain an accurate problem list, and important historical features such as allergic disorders should be enquired aboutand listed if present.

Beta blocking agents including topical eye drops can induce asthma in those with a tendency to this unfortunate disorder.It can be difficult to control in the elderly.Consider this carefully if prescribing it for hypertension or other cardiac conditions.

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