
2011-07-30 12:36:34阿道夫·克利尚尼兹,徐知兰
世界建筑 2011年7期



“方盒子”的建筑类别被人们作为最基础和最小化的空间限定形式而选用。“盒子/容器”是一个抽象的符号化形式,象征着“被割离”的世界,象征着一个被容器内的艺术品所限定、并作为外界参照的世界。□(徐知兰 译)

1 立面:道格拉斯·戈登/Facade: Douglas Gordon

2 立面:埃德·卢查/Facade: Ed Ruscha

3 立面:格哈德·里希特/Facade: Gerhard Richter

4 立面:沃尔特·奥布沃泽/Facade: Walter Obholzer(1-4 摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)

5 外景/Exterior view

6 外景/Exterior view

7 咖啡厅内景/Café,interior view(5-7 摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)

8 剖面/Sections

9 剖面/Sections

10 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)

A Metamorphosis. Let the crate take off, its airborne closure is strengthened by the insertion and penetration of the tube. Like art itself this space for art is both removed from the world and yet part of it, floating away from its surroundings while still occupying space. The exploitation of distance and presence, of proximity and separation as idealised parallaxes of perception enable one to penetrate the space.

Form is defined by use. The perception derived from the use of a form does not necessarily reflect its functional value. Whatever the case, use is also form, a pattern of use which develops from climatic-both social and cultural-circumstances and thus derives its effect, to a certain extent, from the form of the content. Buildings are therefore both containers and relationships seen from different aspects: They not merely define an internal space in terms of a specific character but also external space as “the other side”. This means that inside and outside are differently “charged” fields of space which are separated (or perhaps better put, connected) by boundaries such as wall, roof,window or door that are of different densities.

The building type "box" was selected as the most radical and minimal form of spatial definition.The "box/container" is an abstract symbolic form of the“excised” world, of a world determined by art in a vessel that makes passing references to the outside. □

业主/Client: 维也纳市/City of Vienna

使用者/Occupant: 维也纳艺术馆/Kunsthalle Wien

合作者/Collaborators: Stefan Rudolf, Wolfgang Tröger

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