1 效果图/Rendering (schreinerkastler.at)
2 北立面,西单元/North elevation, unit West
3 东立面,西单元,中庭/East elevation, unit West, atrium
4 东立面,西单元/East elevation, unit West
林茨艺术与工业设计大学需要独特的外观作为学校的可视化名片。学校建于纳粹时期的两座新古典主义的桥头堡建筑,为坐落其上的醒目的透明构造建筑提供了底座和背景。两部分建筑构造相辅相成,同时也适应不同的功能需求。建筑通过这种方式达到了形式和功能的统一,两个墨守成规的建筑物从图面和形体上都延伸到了天空。这些“可移动的”雕塑般形体的轻质透明感,与桥头堡建筑形成了鲜明的对比;从形式和内容上,也与兰托斯美术馆和电子艺术中心这些新近具有象征性的文化建筑产生了联系。□(司马蕾 译)
The University for Art and Industrial Design requires a visible outward profile. The two bridgehead buildings-neo-classicist structures erected during the Nazi era-provide the basis and the backdrop for the distinctive translucent constructions perched atop them, which accommodate, and are at the same time generated by, different important functions. In this manner a unity between form and function is brought about and the two ossified buildings are extended graphically and sculpturally toward the sky. The lightness and transparency of these "moving"sculptures is in marked contrast to the bridgehead buildings; this creates a connection, in terms of both form and content, to recent emblematic cultural buildings, such as the Lentos Museum and Ars Electronica Center. □
业主/Client: BIG/Bundesimmobiliengesellschaft
团队/Team: Luciano Parodi, Jana Raudnitzky, Stefan Just, Patrick Fessler, Karin Triendl, Anna Dabernig