1 外景/Exterior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
2 平面/Plan
这项“艺术创作”进行了很多年,并对克利尚尼兹此后所有的建筑设计都有重要意义。尽管可以根据对整个方案和若干个人作品展的设计都产生了影响的不同设计类型来划分活动领域——其中包括修缮更新、家具设计、展览设计以及同艺术家共同进行的概念设计等,然而,所有这些活动又都是彼此密切关联的。□(徐知兰 译)
Adolf Krischanitz' activity in the Secession building, designed by Joseph Maria Olbrich,encompassed three principal areas: 1985-1986: the adaptation of the entire building, which had been destroyed and was rebuilt several times, to create a contemporary exhibition building, the work of directing this artists' association for a period of four years and, finally, the design of individual exhibitions.
This "art work" took up many years and is of significance for all Krischanitz' subsequent architectural work. Although it is possible to define the various areas of activity according to type i.e. renovation work, furniture design, exhibition design and conceptual work with the artists, which affected both the entire programme and individual exhibitions, all these activities were closely connected, one with the other. □
业主/Client: 维也纳分离派,视觉艺术家协会/Wiener Secession, Vereinigung bildender Künstler
合作者/Collaborators: Jürg Meister, Gerhard Schlager, Werner Neuwirth
3 内景/Interior view(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
4 装置,迪亚特·罗斯,1995年/Installation view, Dieter Roth,1995(摄影/Photo: Margherita Spiluttini)
5 立面/Elevations
6 立面/Elevations