
2011-03-12 05:21刘佩芳鲍润贤
磁共振成像 2011年3期



1 乳腺MRI对首发症状以腋淋巴结转移癌患者寻找乳腺内原发灶的作用

临床上约近1.0%的乳腺癌患者仅表现为腋淋巴结肿大,经活检病理及免疫组化诊断为转移癌并提示原发灶可能来自乳腺,而临床乳腺触诊、X线和超声检查均为阴性[5]。以往临床上对部分这类患者的传统治疗手段为行同侧乳腺根治术或改良根治术,以期切除其原发肿瘤,但术后并非所有病例的病理结果都能检出癌灶。2005年美国乳腺外科医师协会(American Society of Breast Surgeons,ASBS)对776名医师的调查结果表明:约43%的医师对这类患者选择手术治疗;37%选择放疗;其余则选择观察或由患者选择治疗方案或行PET进一步检查等[6]。因此对首发症状为腋淋巴结转移癌患者术前了解乳腺内是否存在癌灶以及对癌灶的准确定位和范围评估对临床进一步制订个体化的治疗方案至关重要。近年来随着乳腺MRI检查越来越多的应用于临床,对于腋淋巴结转移癌患者寻找乳腺内原发癌灶已成为临床医生公认的乳腺MRI检查适应证之一,已有研究表明MRI对检出腋淋巴结转移癌患者的乳腺内原发癌灶具有较高敏感性,约80%的病例可通过MRI检查检出乳腺内原发癌灶[7-9]。笔者一组研究结果显示[10],以腋淋巴结转移癌为首诊且临床乳腺触诊、X线和超声检查均为阴性的33例患者,MRI检出乳腺内原发癌灶的准确性为83.33%,相对于临床常见的一般乳腺癌而言,以腋淋巴结转移癌为首诊且临床乳腺触诊和X线、超声检查均为阴性的乳腺癌MRI表现以小灶性的肿块性病变(图1)和导管性或段性强化的非肿块性病变(图2)为常见表现类型。乳腺MRI检查可作为腋淋巴结转移癌且临床乳腺触诊、X线和超声检查均为阴性患者寻找乳腺内原发灶的常规检查手段。

图1 患者系右腋下淋巴结转移性癌,双乳临床触诊、X线和超声检查均未发现恶性病变,乳腺MRI诊断右侧乳腺癌,行右乳腺根治术,经全乳取材病理诊断为右乳外上非特殊型浸润性导管癌。图1A~D分别为右乳腺MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,显示右乳外上方不规则强化结节(箭);图1E为动态增强后病变时间-信号强度曲线图,显示为流出型曲线;图1F为DWI图像(b=500 s/mm2),显示该病变呈较高信号,ADC值为0.80×10-3 mm2/s;图1G:双乳X线内外侧斜位,双乳未见明显恶性病变征象Fig 1 Clinically,mammographically,and ultrasonographically (not shown) occult breast carcinoma visualized by MRI in the patient with axillary lymph node metastasis.Histology proved invasive ductal carcinoma of the right breast.MR images before(Fig 1A),1 min (Fig 1B),2 min (Fig 1C) and 8 min (Fig 1D) following injection of contrast medium showed a strong early enhancing nodule (arrow) with irregular shape in the right breast.Kinetic curve (Fig 1E) demonstrated rapid initial enhancement with washout pattern.Axial DWI (b=500 sec/mm2) (Fig 1F) showed obviously high signal intensity lesion with ADC value of 0.80×10-3 mm2/sec.Mediolateral oblique views of both breasts (Fig 1G) showed negative findings.

图2 患者系左腋下淋巴结转移性癌,免疫组化检查提示原发灶来自乳腺,乳腺MRI检查考虑左侧乳腺癌,行左乳腺根治术后经全乳取材病理诊断为左乳外下非特殊型浸润性导管癌。图2A~C分别为左乳腺MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、8 min,显示左乳下方不规则斑点状异常强化病灶(箭);图2D为强化后延迟期横断面,显示左乳强化病变沿导管走行分布(箭)Fig 2 Clinically,mammographically,and ultrasonographically (not shown) occult breast carcinoma visualized by MRI in the patient with axillary lymph node metastasis.Histology revealed invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifi ed of the left breast.MR images before (Fig 2A),1 min (Fig 2B) and 8 min (Fig 2C) following injection of contrast medium showed clumped and stippled enhancement nodules (arrow) in the left breast.Axial delayed enhanced image (Fig 2D) demonstrated linear clumped and stippled enhancement (arrows).

图3 (左乳腺)非特殊型浸润性导管癌,组织学Ⅱ级,淋巴管癌栓(+++),乳头(+),腋下淋巴结11/25。图3A为左乳X线头尾位,图3B为左乳X线内外侧斜位,显示左乳中上方高密度不规则单发肿物。图3C为左乳病变不同层面VR图,图3D~3F分别为左乳腺增强后病变不同层面图;图3G为左乳MIP图,显示左乳头深面从内侧至外侧均可见多发、大小不等不规则异常强化,其中较大肿块(箭)相符于X线所见病变,其余多发的异常强化病变于X线上未显示Fig 3 Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifi ed of the left breast (Grade II),nipple (+),axillary lymph node 11/25 (+).Craniocaudal (Fig 3A) and mediolateral oblique (Fig 3B) views of the left breast demonstrated a solitary irregular high density mass with ill-defi ned margins.Volume rendering images (Fig 3C),contrastenhanced images (Fig 3D-3F) at different slices,and MIP image (Fig 3G) showed multiple enhanced lesions in the left breast.The largest one (arrow) corresponds to the mass shown on mammogram.The other multifocal lesions could not be identifi ed on mammograms.

2 乳腺MRI对乳腺癌患者保乳术前评估的作用

近年来随着医学的发展、综合治疗水平的提高和乳腺癌患者对生活质量的要求,乳腺癌保乳手术以其兼顾乳腺癌疗效和患者生活质量的优势已成为乳腺癌治疗中的几种主要方法之一,但对保乳手术而言为了减少术后复发率,必须严格掌握适应证,临床医师需在术前尽可能准确判断癌灶的位置、范围和有无多灶或多中心肿瘤。相关研究和我们的临床实践表明,MRI对乳腺癌特别是对浸润性较强的乳腺癌范围的评估与组织病理学结果最为接近,而临床乳腺触诊和X线检查对这类病变范围常常低估(图3),在浸润性小叶癌中,术前MRI检查改变治疗方案达24%[11-14]。关于乳腺癌中的导管原位癌(ductal carcinoma in situ,DCIS),尽管其预后明显好于浸润性癌且临床多适合行保乳手术治疗,但其生物学特性具有明显的异质性,另外,DCIS较浸润性癌易呈多中心性,DCIS的多中心性直接影响到保乳手术的效果并增加了局部复发的危险性,MRI因其本身具有的成像优势不仅可对DClS特别是高核级DCIS早期检出,更重要的是可对其准确确定病变范围,对仅表现为钙化的DCIS或伴广泛导管内癌成分的浸润性癌,X线上很难依靠钙化准确评估病变范围,即使联合超声检查或进行术前穿刺活检,也难以保证局部切除范围充足,而出现手术切缘反复阳性或保乳手术失败或术后复发等问题,对此,MRI则有助于对病变范围的准确评估[15,16](图4)。乳腺多灶或多中心性癌发生率为14%~47%,明确诊断乳腺癌是否为多灶或多中心性是临床医生考虑能否行保乳手术的一个最重要因素,文献报道在拟行保乳手术前行动态增强MRI检查的病例中,约有11%~19.3%的病例因发现了多灶或多中心病变而改变了原来的治疗方案,由局部切除术改为乳腺切除术,动态增强MRI、X线和超声三种影像学检查方法对于多灶、多中心性乳腺癌诊断的准确性分别为85%~100%、13%~66%和38%~79%[11,17-20](图5),因此,对拟行保乳手术的患者术前行MRI检查具有较高的临床价值。Fischer等[21]对乳腺癌患者术前行MRI检查价值评估的回顾性研究结果表明,保乳术前行MRI检查和未行MRI检查患者的术后复发率分别为1.2%和6.8%,其差异具有统计学意义,术前MRI检查对保乳手术患者可降低复发率。Turnbull等[22]进行的多中心研究结果表明术前行MRI检查的816例患者中50例因MRI发现了其他病灶而改变了临床处理方式,由肿瘤局部扩大切除术改为全乳切除,其中35例病理证实MRI诊断正确,即70%的患者受益于术前乳腺MRI检查,临床上得到了及时和正确的治疗。此外,对于进行保乳手术治疗以及行放射治疗后的患者,动态增强MRI检查亦有利于发现残留病灶、鉴别手术或放疗后瘢痕和肿瘤复发[23]。

图4 (左乳腺)非特殊型浸润性导管癌(浸出成分较少,可见广泛导管原位癌)。图4A:左乳X线头尾位,图4B:左乳X线内外侧斜位,图4C:左乳钙化区局部放大,显示左乳中上方多发不定形及模糊的细小钙化,成簇和段性分布,局部腺体结构不良,未见明确肿块。图4D~4G分别为MRI平扫和动态增强后1、2、8 min,图4H:动态增强后病变时间-信号强度曲线图,图4I:矢状面MIP图,图4J:横轴面MIP图,显示左乳上方偏内侧局限片状不均匀明显强化,呈段性分布,病变区时间-信号强度曲线呈平台型,病变范围显示清楚Fig 4 Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specified associated with extensive ductal carcinoma in situ of the left breast.Craniocaudal(Fig 4A) and mediolateral oblique (Fig 4B) views of the left breast and magnifi cation view (Fig 4C)for the region of microcalcifications.Multiple clusters of amorphous microcalcifications with varying density demonstrated segmental distribution,no defi ned mass.MR images before(Fig 4D),1 min (Fig 4E),2 min (Fig 4F) and 8 min (Fig 4G) following injection of contrast medium and time-signal intensity curve (Fig 4H),sagittal (Fig 4I),and axial (Fig 4J) maximum intensity projection images demonstrated more extensive,segmental distribution marked enhanced lesion in the upper inner quadrant of the left breast.Kinetic curve demonstrated rapid initial enhancement with plateau pattern.

3 乳腺MRI对一侧已确诊为乳腺癌患者检出对侧同时性乳腺癌的作用


图5 (左乳腺)双发癌,左乳外上非特殊型浸润性导管癌,组织学Ⅱ级;左乳中上浸润性筛状癌。图5A:右、左乳X线头尾位,图5B:右、左乳X线内外侧斜位,显示双乳腺呈多量腺体型乳腺,其中左乳内可见高密度不规则单发肿块(箭)。图5C~5F分别为MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,图5G~5J分别为不同层面MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,图5K为左乳矢状面MIP图,图5L为横轴面MIP图,图5M、5N:左乳病变不同层面VR图,显示左乳稍外上和中上方两个不规则明显异常强化肿物,时间-信号强度曲线呈流出型Fig 5 Double lesions of the left breast cancer.Invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifi ed localized in the upper outer quadrant and invasive cribriform carcinoma localized in the medially upper region.Craniocaudal (Fig 5A) and mediolateral oblique (Fig 5B) views of both breasts showed a solitary irregular high density mass (arrow) with ill-defi ned margins in the left breast.MR images before (Fig 5C,Fig 5G),1 min (Fig 5D,Fig 5H),2 min (Fig 5E,Fig 5I) and 8 min (Fig 5F,Fig 5J) following injection of contrast medium at different slices,sagittal (Fig 5K) and axial (Fig 5L) maximum intensity projection,and volume rendering images at different slices (Fig 5M,Fig 5N) demonstrated two irregular marked enhanced masses with spiculated margins.The kinetic curves (not shown) demonstrated rapid initial enhancement with washout pattern for the both lesions.

图6 (双侧乳腺)同时性乳腺癌。该患者X线检查可疑左乳癌,术前行MRI检查以进一步明确左乳诊断和病变范围,MRI诊断双则乳腺癌。手术病理诊断:(左乳腺)导管原位癌,组织学Ⅱ级,伴灶性早期浸润,乳头(+)见灶性导管内癌;(右乳腺)非特殊型浸润性导管癌,组织学Ⅱ级。图6A:右、左乳X线头尾位,图6B:右、左乳X线内外侧斜位,图6C:左乳钙化区局部放大,显示左乳外上局限多发细小钙化。图6D~6G分别为左乳MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,图6H~6K分别为右乳MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,显示左乳较大范围段性分布异常强化,同时右乳上方可见不规则明显强化肿物,边缘毛刺Fig 6 Bilateral synchronous breast cancer.Histology revealed ductal carcinoma in situ associated with focal microinvasion of the left breast (grade II),nipple (+),and invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifi ed of the right breast (grade II).Craniocaudal(Fig 6A),mediolateral oblique (Fig 6B),and magnifi cation (Fig 6C) for the region of microcalcifi cations views demonstrated multiple amorphous microcalcifications of varying density in upper outer quadrant in the left breast.MR images before (Fig 6D,Fig 6H),1 min (Fig 6E,Fig 6I),2 min (Fig 6F,Fig 6J) and 8 min (Fig 6G,Fig 6K) following injection of contrast medium demonstrated extensively segmental enhancement in the left breast corresponding to microcalcifi cations on mammograms and irregular enhanced mass with spiculated margins that could not be identifi ed on mammograms in the right breast.

4 MRI引导下乳腺病变定位和活检



图7 (双侧乳腺)同时性乳腺癌。该患者X线和超声检查诊断左乳癌,右乳正常,临床准备行左侧保乳手术,手术前行MRI检查诊断双则乳腺癌。手术病理诊断双乳腺非特殊型浸润性导管癌。图7A:右、左乳X线头尾位;图7B:右、左乳X线内外侧斜位,显示左乳中上肿块(箭),边缘毛刺,未见钙化,右乳未见肿物及钙化。图7C~7F分别为左乳MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,图7G~7J分别为右乳MRI平扫和动态增强后1 min、2 min、8 min,显示左乳腺内上不规则分叶状肿块,动态增强后肿块呈明显强化;右乳腺中上方沿导管走行方向呈串珠状异常强化Fig 7 Bilateral synchronous breast cancer.Histology revealed invasive ductal carcinoma not otherwise specifi ed bilaterally.As in this patient,MRI was proving helpful in establishing the presence of synchronous,clinically and mammographically unsuspected bilateral breast cancers.Craniocaudal (Fig 7A) and mediolateral oblique (Fig 7B) views of the both breasts showed an irregular high density mass (arrow) in the left breast and negative findings in the right breast.Ultrasound (not shown) diagnosed carcinoma in the left breast and normal in the right breast.MR images before (Fig 7C,Fig 7G),1 min (Fig 7D,Fig 7H),2 min (Fig 7E,Fig 7I) and 8 min (Fig 7F,Fig 7J) following injection of contrast medium of both breasts demonstrated irregular mass with spiculated margins in upper inner quadrant of the left breast corresponding to the lesion seen on the left mammogram and string enhancement nodules ductal distribution that could not be seen on mammograms in the right breast.


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