
2011-02-09 09:08李静
重庆与世界 2011年5期

□ 李静





来到重庆以后,杰森开始和家人一起开始熟悉这里的一切,一家人去动物园、泡温泉、逛街,打高尔夫。杰森告诉记者自己最大的爱好就是寻找美食,所以他一到重庆就去尝火锅,两个不到三岁的儿子也和爸爸一样成了“火锅迷”,一进餐馆就开始用自己的小手“自力更生”去拿菜放进锅里烫,十分开心。除此之外,杰森还兴致勃勃地拿出相机向记者展示他最喜欢的重庆菜麻婆豆腐、土豆丝等,“我最喜欢的菜是干 煸 四季豆。我去餐馆就很喜欢这一道菜,很好吃。”到过中国这么多城市,杰森很坦率地告诉记者,上海是一个很适合外国人旅游的城市,因为那里可以找到世界各地的美食,比较国际化;而宜居的城市还是重庆。唯一让他不太适应的是在这里很难买到适合他的衣服和鞋子,每次回国都要从家里带上足够的衣服才行。


在惠普重庆担任策略采购经理,从事笔记本电脑SC合作伙伴管理以来,杰森很适应这里的工作。“我是惠普历史上第一个被派到重庆来工作的外国人,”言谈中充满自豪。作为一个外籍管理者,杰森和同事们能很好地沟通,在他看来,重庆的员工思想很单纯,也很坦诚,这让他觉得工作起来很轻松,有时他也会和同事们一起去吃饭、唱歌 , 彼此增进了解。前不久因为工作去上海出差,才去几天竟开始想念重庆了,让他自己也觉得很吃惊。



Chapter 1: Moving to Chongqing, “the real China”.

In 2008 Hewlett-Packard first sent representatives to Chongqing to explore setting up a location here. In 2010 their operation was up and running, bringing more foreign employees with them. Jason Ortega is one of those employees. For the past ten years, Jason has traveled back and forth from Houston, Texas to Shenzhen, Shanghai and other Chinese cities for HP. He first visited Chongqing in 2008 and was quite impressed, “I felt this was the real China. Beijing and Shanghai are very international, but I saw more of the genuine Chinese culture in Chongqing. It's full of fashion, is a microcosm of the country's history and is a combination of modern and ancient civilization. I really like the landscape and the culture here. People are friendly and the food is great.”

Last year, after discussing with his family, Jason moved to Chongqing with his wife and children to start a new life. They gradually began to adapt to life here. “Chongqing is an open city, but there are not many foreigners compared to Shanghai. We live in a small neighborhood of expats where almost everyone knows each other. We can share information and talk about our experiences of living and working here.”

Chapter 2: Enjoying Chongqing, “hot pot fans”.

Jason and his family have started to explore the city, with trips to the zoo, hot springs, shopping and playing golf. Jason told us his favorite hobby is to look for good food. When he first arrived in Chongqing he tried the hot pot. His two younger sons also became “hot pot fans” like their father. They would start to put food into the hot pot as soon as it was placed on their table. Jason took out his camera to show us pictures of his favorite dishes of Chongqing, such as Mapo tofu, potatoes, etc. “My favorite dish is stir fry beans. I can go to a restaurant and just order this dish and some rice. It is so good!” Jason exclaimed with a look of excitement.

After traveling to so many cities in China, Jason told us, very frankly, Shanghai is a city for foreign tourists because you can find food from all over the world. But, for a foreigner, who likes to live here, Chongqing is the best! The only issue he has is the difficulty of buying clothes and shoes that fit. So, each time he returns to the United States, he returns with the clothes he needs.

Chapter 3: Working in Chongqing, “the first American sent to Chongqing by HP”.

As a Strategic Procurement Manager and working in Notebook SC Partner Management, Jason is very proud of the work in which he is involved. “I was the first American sent to Chongqing by HP.”

Jason's ability to communicate with his staff makes his job as a foreign manager very smooth. In his opinion, relations with his staff in Chongqing are quite open and direct, which he enjoys. Sometimes they will go to dinner, or singing with HP co-workers and friends together to enhance mutual understanding. Some time ago, when traveling to Shanghai for business only for a few days, he began to feel homesick for Chongqing, which was very surprising to him.

Chapter 4: The Future of Chongqing. “a city with great potential”.

Jason said, “Chongqing is a city of great potential, especially with the establishment of the Liangjiang New Area. The economic development of the city will grow faster and he hopes the development of the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Zone will strengthen the logistics and transportation in Chongqing.

In his view, although HP's business in Shanghai is doing well, the cost is quite high. The labor cost in Chongqing is lower and human resources are more stable, which is a big advantage. However, experienced, high-tech management talent, with English fluency is very scarce. It is good that the local staff is very open and willing to accept new concepts and new ideas.

In addition to working for HP, Jason is also a board member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Southwest China. He actively encourages more companies and individuals in Chongqing to join the association, which holds a number of charitable activities every year. “With the rapid economic development of Chongqing, more and more foreign enterprises will settle in Chongqing and more foreigners will move to Chongqing. Although I am from the USA, I also want to try my best to help with the development of Chongqing, the major city of western China.”

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