
2010-12-27 06:55:28EzioManziniLaraPeninYongqiLouMiaosenGongCarlaCipollaMugendiRithaaAndreaMendozaFrancoisJegouAditalEla
创意与设计 2010年4期

文/Ezio Manzini, Lara Penin,Yongqi Lou,Miaosen Gong, Carla Cipolla,Mugendi K. M'Rithaa, Andrea Mendoza, Francois Jegou, Adital Ela 译/张 桢


文/Ezio Manzini, Lara Penin,Yongqi Lou,Miaosen Gong, Carla Cipolla,Mugendi K. M'Rithaa, Andrea Mendoza, Francois Jegou, Adital Ela 译/张 桢

2010年9月7-10日,Cumulus国际设计院校联盟大会将在上海召开,它在与DESIS国际联盟合作的基础上,将“可持续与社会创新设计”作为会议分主题之一。9月10日,DESIS国际论坛和DESIS-国际联盟会议将在世博会联合国馆举行。9月12日,DESIS国际研讨会 “为地方发展的社会创新设计”将在江南大学设计学院举办。9月13-18日,意大利米兰理工大学与江南大学再次联手合作组织主题为“新农村、新城市、新生活”的食品网络设计工作坊。


The DESIS Network

DESIS[1]is a network of schools of design, companies, nonpro fi t organzations, and other institutions that are interested in promoting and supporting design for social innovation and sustainability. It is a light, nonpro fi t organization, conceived as a network of partners collaborating in a peer-to-peer spirit. This international network comprises several DESIS-Local sub-networks within speci fi ed regions. DESIS-International is therefore the framework within which the di ff erent DESIS-Local networks coordinate themselves and undertake certain global initiatives.

The DESIS Vision

In the complexity of contemporary societies, it is possible to recognize promising cases of socio-technical innovation. They are at once solutions to current problems and meaningful steps toward sustainability. These cases can be found in a variety of fi elds, from the ecological reconversion of the production system to the social construction of a new welfare and from the empowerment of di ff use microenterprises to local sustainable development programs. Many of these promising cases have a common denominator: They have been conceived and implemented (mainly) by the involved actors,moving from their direct knowledge of the problem and from their own personal capabilities. That is, they are the results of successful social innovation processes.

Social innovation mobilizes di ff use social resources (in terms of creativity, skills, knowledge and entrepreneurship). For this reason,it is a major driver of change. And it could become a powerful promoter of sustainable ways of living and producing.

Given its spontaneous nature, social innovation cannot be planned.Nevertheless, the “invention” of new ways of living and producing becomes more probable when creativity and design thinking are di ff used and when there is a favorable social and institutional environment. Similarly, new promising cases last longer and are more widely replicated when they are empowered by appropriate sets of services, products, and communication tools. Favorable environments and enabling solutions are the results of articulated codesign processes in which fi nal users, local institutions, service providers, and dedicated product manufacturers are all actively involved.

With regard to social innovation and the emerging new design networks, the professional design community has a major role to play. Designers and design researchers must use their professional knowledge to empower the codesign processes— that is, to

trigger new ideas, orient the resulting initiatives, and conceive a new generation of enablingsolutions (i.e., services, products, and communications speci fi cally conceived to support them).

Design can give important contributions to social innovation,and vice versa. Social innovation can present an opportunity for a new generation of designers:Professional designers and design researcherscan work to develop and sustain new networksand feed those networks with needed design knowledge.DESIS supports social innovation worldwideand reinforces the design community’s role in it.


- Support social innovation using design skills to make promising cases more visible and e ff ective and to facilitate their replicability

-Help companies and institutions understand the promising cases’potentialities in terms of enabling services, products, and business ideas Reinforce the design community’s role in the social innovation

processes, operating both within the design community (developing dedicated design knowledge) and outside it (rede fi ning design’s perceived role and capabilities)

DESIS Activities

DESIS pursues its activities on three di ff erent levels:

- Fosters social innovation and sustainability by taking part in support projects and programs, gathering and o ff ering greater visibility to signi fi cant cases

- Promotes design for social innovation both within and outside the design community by developing appropriate design tools and organizing cultural and didactic activities

- Encourages the circulation of ideas and experiences, with a peer-topeer approach between the di ff erent DESIS-Local sub-networks, who carry out comparative research projects and co-produce courses at an international level

These activities are mainly accomplished through the coordinating initiatives of the DESIS-Local sub-networks, each of which is organized autonomously and freely. Nevertheless, some possible“standard” DESIS activities can be listed:

- Proposing and developing national and international research programs

- Organizing didactic initiatives (such as workshops, seminars, courses,and conferences)

- Preparing didactic resources (such as teaching tools, course formats,and bibliographic references)

- Collecting research information (such as promising cases, projects,and research results)

- Promoting cultural and communication initiatives (such as exhibitions, publications, and broadcasts)


The emergence of the social economy[2]makes even more explicit the great pressure to develop innovations related to social demands.Innovation and design have always been more or less intertwined,and historically, this con fl uence has occurred in technology, whether in terms of new products, systems, or processes. Designers now have the opportunity to contribute to the new (social) economy. To do so, they will have to adapt their modus operandi to be in connection with social innovation dynamics and optimize their responsiveness to the new demands those dynamics generate. Thus, the community of people and institutions that is being formed with DESIS has an important contribution to make: to research, experiment with, and implement new knowledge, practices, and cultures of design for social innovation and sustainability.

DESIS’ underlying principles can be traced back to a number of previous international initiatives that have in recent years helped to establish a set of conceptual tools for promoting social innovation and sustainability. Among them, the pioneer project, EMUDE,

Emerging User Demands for Sustainable Solutions[3],explored the potential of grassroots innovation and pinpointed emerging patterns of sustainable living in Europe. The project Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyles (CCSL)[4]turned its geographical focus to emerging countries—in particular Brazil, India, and China—through partnerships with design schools in those three countries.One of its main fi ndings was that social innovation and collaborative creativity in everyday life can be found worldwide. Even if they are deeply rooted in speci fi c contexts, their basic principles are very similar. The same line of investigation followed with CCSL Africa[5],which involved design schools in South Africa and Kenya and then other schools around the African continent. This project focused on clarifying the particular forms that social innovation concepts might assume in various African nations, with a special focus on its emerging urban centers.

Following from these and other initiatives, DESIS as an international network has been founded in Italy and DESIS-Local sub-networks have been created, fi rst in China and Brazil and now in the United States, Colombia, Africa, Europe, India, Australia and Mid-East (see fi gure 1). Each sub-network connects primarily local design schools but also other institutions, companies, and nonpro fi t organizations around local projects, innovative teaching, and research. DESIS operates, then, in what might be called a global spirit: It is based on local sub-networks, each of which has its own story, speci fi c research agenda, and projects that re fl ect local needs. But DESIS is also in dialog with its international peers, stimulating and being stimulated by ongoing discussion in a cross-cultural forum. LARA PENIN

Figure 1: DESIS-Local Sub-networks

DESIS -China[6]

DESIS-China is a network of schools, institutions, companies and non-pro fi t organizations. It is co-founded by a group of design universities in China in collaboration with the Politecnico di Milano (Polimi), Indaco Department and it is connected with other“local” DESIS in di ff erent countries, in the framework of the DESIS International Network. The founding members of DESIS-China are six best design schools in China: TsingHua University, Hunan University, Jiangnan University, Tongji University, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts and the Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Among them, Tongji University is the hosting member for the secretary offi ce in founding phrase.

DESIS-China aims to actively support design initiatives and projects in the fi eld of design for social innovation and sustainability in China. That is, in the fi elds of the ecological reconversion of production and consumption systems, the social construction of services, and the balanced, distributed development of local areas.Speci fi c initiatives and projects in these fi elds can be, for example:local sustainable development programs; services for elderly people and for social cohesion; collaborative networks based on digital services and platforms, etc.

Social Innovation is a new idea, also in China. Moreover, the Chinese tradition of Civil Society is relatively weak. Nevertheless, it has been promoted and accepted widely in last years since China is in a rapid transformative age in terms of economy, culture and society, which calls for social innovation. In the fi eld of design particularly, there were intensive exchanges and collaborations between founding members and Politecnico di Milano with common interests on DESIS, like CCSL-China (with GAFA in 2007), Chita 08 (with JU in 2008) and other workshops in di ff erent universities in last years. The fi rst Kick-o ff meeting has been organized between founding members of DESIS-China and Polimi on March 08th, 2009 in Guangzhou where they agreed on the DESIS-China proposal and generate the research agenda. The fi rst collaborative project, DESIS09: Social innovation and connection, has been launched in the meeting. Since then, DESIS-China actively organized several forums, seminar and exhibitions to promote the exchange and research in this fi eld. On May 26th 2009, a DESIS forum and exhibition were co-organized by Tongji University and DESIS-China in Shanghai. It’s the fi rst public event on the issue of Design for Social Innovation in China,where the foundation of DESIS-China was announced offi cially. In last October, another DESIS forum. “Connceting the World” and exhibition “Next Design”, were organized during Shanghai Creative Industries Week, where Prof. Ezio Manzini was invited as a Keynote speaker and participate second DESIS-China founding members meeting.

In May of 2010, DESIS-China has third Founding members meeting during the Great China Creative Industries Forum in Shanghai.Promoted by founding members, DESIS initial will be also involved into the di ff erent events and activities like Shanghai Expo 2010,Cumulus Annual conference 2010 in Shanghai, Business of Design Week in Hong Kong 2010 and so on.

DESIS-China Network have been generating a strong force on design research and practice on social innovation and sustainability in China and positive impact to the international research community.After the establishment of DESIS-China network, we had to face with the issue on “China’s national circumstances”. Many hold the idea that in developed countries, when the development of material civilization comes to a high point, it’s quite reasonable for the expansion from material design to immaterial design. However, China has just begun its transformation in growth mode from “quantity” to “quality”, in addition, the entire society is still in the period of enlightenment on acknowledgement of “design” value. In this case, is it too early to talk about design on “social innovation” in China? Meanwhile, will it restrict the development of “mainstream design” to some extent to emphasize on immaterial design like “service design” etc.?

Obviously, the above questions are inevitable. There are two core issues. Firstly, is it possible to “leapfrog”? Secondly, what’s the role of design, “to serve” or “to lead”? With the gross background of global social development, the traditional developing mode in developed countries is facing with an increasing challenge in sustainability throughout the “ fl at, hot and crowded” world. If the resources of the earth cannot bear developing countries imitating the mainstream developing mode in western countries, then “to leapfrog” is a necessary rather than merely a possibility. Then, It's no longer a problem only to be discussed at particular stage of economic development as to how design is going to be an e ff ective tool for pushing forward the innovation and sustainability of the society.Design can well be converted from being driven by market and“demand” to a more proactive “leading” role, including promotion of new social economic mode and integration of design discipline to a new business mode, meanwhile, conductive to provide strategies for solve the social problems in a creative manner.

In recent years, the transformation of design from “physical design”to “strategic design” is getting increasingly clearer, when design discipline is facing with a new mission, new opportunity, new fi eld and new method. It makes such situation more urgent and possible than that in the western societies that China is rapidly developing and constantly changing. Once stepping out, great chances are that China will make new contributions to the “typology” of future design and social development.

We do hope that the establishment of DESIS Network in China will provide a supportive platform and network for the interdisciplinary cooperation, coordinated by "Innovative Community" as a whole by means of design . The goal is to bring the society to a more sustainable future via collaboration and interaction with other

DESIS –Brazil[7]

DESIS-Brazil seeks to shed light on factors that could promote social innovation for sustainability in Brazil. It also seeks to establish guidelines for the design of solutions—i.e., a speci fi c set of tools,services, and skills that help each case evolve toward a more e ff ective and accessible organization and ultimately, to di ff usion on a larger scale.

The DESIS-Brazil local network began as the result of a collaboration between the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro’s COPPE Institute and Politecnico di Milano. The Brazilian university had been a partner in the international project CCSLDesex, which investigated the potential of social innovations to generate and di ff use new and more sustainable ways of living in the urban environments of Brazil, India, China, and Africa. The collaboration that began with CCSL activity continued with the workshop course DESIGN.ISDS: Design, Social Innovation, and Sustainable Development.Ezio Manzini taught the course at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in 2007 and 2008. Manzini also published Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability: Creative Communities,Collaborative Organizations, and New Design Networks (English translation from Portuguese).9 The course was streamed online to universities all over the country. DESIS-Brazil was formed out of this second experience and its members now include some of the major Brazilian universities. In its initial phase, DESIS-Brazil consists of interested teachers and researchers in fi ve schools: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (the current host and secretary), Fluminense Federal University, São Paulo University, Federal University of Santa Catarina, and Federal University of Paraná. The local network has formed a steering committee, which is composed of a representative from each founding member, plus one representative from the international network. The steering committee has regular distance meetings and at least one physical meeting per year.


In April 2009, the White House made offi cial its new Offi ce of Social Innovation. Even if the new offi ce’s agenda is not yet clear to the public, the few signs given so far suggest an intention to increase the activity and agency of the nonpro fi t sector by directing public investments toward innovative ideas and models that can generate measurable impact.

Responding to the stimulus of the DESIS International network,a group of professors from Parsons The New School for Design,Stanford, MIT, and Politecnico di Milano gathered in New York City in May 2009 to discuss the implications of the new offi ce for design practice and education and to launch DESIS-USA.

The three founding institutions—Parsons, Stanford, and MIT—framed the initial phase of DESIS-USA as a project and developed a twelvemonth timetable for conducting a series of activities (including courses, projects, seminars, and a conference) focused on design for social innovation in the United States. At the end of this period, the group will also establish the broader DESIS-USA agenda and de fi ne its mission, goals, management system, and membership criteria.During the fi rst phase, Parsons is hosting and serving as secretary of the project.

One of the fi rst projects of DESIS-USA is“Amplifying Creative

Communities in NYC,” which was recently awarded a grant by The Rockefeller Foundation’s Cultural Innovation Fund. Project participants investigate social innovation phenomena in New York City, analyze them through diverse disciplinary perspectives, and amplify social innovation initiatives through design methods and tools. The project, led by the DESIS Lab at Parsons, will involve partnerships with local businesses and nonpro fi t organizations as well as other members of DESIS-USA and the international network. DESIS-USA’s founding members are Lara Penin, Eduardo Staszowski, and Cameron Tonkinwise

(School of Design Strategies, Parsons The New School for Design);Nidhi Srinivas (Milano The New School for Management and Urban Policy); Banny Banerjee (Design Program and Design for Change Lab at Stanford University); and Federico Casalegno (Mobile Experience and Design Laboratory at MIT). Other attendees of the kick-o ff meeting in May 2009 included Ben Lee, senior vice president for International A ff airs at The New School; Joel Towers, dean of Parsons The New School for Design; and Tim Marshall, provost of

The New School. LARA PENIN
DESIS –Africa[9]

The main objective of DESIS-Africa is to form a network of key actors in Design for Sustainability (DfS) projects and related activities in the public and private sector. The di ff usion of social innovation entails developing inspiring initiatives through the DESIS

International network, with a particular emphasis on those of special relevance to contemporary local socio-economic and geopolitical realities on the African continent. DESIS-Africa also builds upon the Creative Communities for Sustainable Lifestyles-Africa (CCSLAfrica) project, in which promising cases of social innovation were collected, documented, and disseminated.

The inaugural CCSL-Africa initiative showed that many examples of sustainable living in Africa that are relevant in contexts far removed from our continent. Additionally, there are place-speci fi c expressions of being and living that are unique to Africa, at least in their original authentic forms. The accessible and inclusive ubuntu ethos of “humanness” is one such unique ideal. Ubuntu posits that “I am because we are”—an affi rmation of the intrinsically relational character of human existence that contrasts sharply with the individualistic logic of modern liberalism. Through ubuntu,Africa invites every human being into a robust dialog of engagement and participation in the matters that a ff ect all human beings—the sustainability agenda, for example. Through DESIS-Africa, we hope to promulgate, perpetuate, and preserve the dynamic communitarian ethos of ubuntu, thereby promoting a spirit of“resilience by design.”The membership of DESIS-Africa is drawn principally from faculty members in the ever-expanding Network of African Designers(NAD). The intention is to extend DESIS-Africa to include every actor who is interested in and committed to membership. NAD was initiated by Adrienne Viljoen of the SABS Design Institute in South Africa as a peer-to-peer network with the explicit aim of “foster[ing]design and design recognition in Africa for the sustainable development of the continent and improved quality of life and economic prosperity for all.”12 The founding institutions of DESISAfrica were the Cape Peninsula University of Technology (CPUT) in Cape Town, South Africa, and the University of Nairobi in Nairobi,Kenya. Other members now include Maseno University (in Kenya);the University of Botswana; Makerere University (in Uganda); the Federal University of Technology, Akure (in Nigeria); and Kwame Nkurumah University of Science and Technology (in Ghana). This fl edgling network is growing through the dissemination of the results of the CCSL-Africa project, and as more NAD members become acquainted with the relatively new concept of social innovation.Personal contact remains the most e ff ective tool for recruitment.DESIS-Africa e ff ectively came into being in July 2009 in Nairobi,Kenya, during a CCSL-Africa seminar. Present for this event were actors from academic institutions, the public sector (including various nongovernmental organizations), the private sector (both the formal as well as the pervasive informal jua kali sub-sectors),and CCSL-Africa, DESIS, and NAD members (including Adrienne Viljoen, Carla Cipolla, Daria Cantu, Ezio Manzini, François Jégou,Lilac Osanjo, Lorraine Amollo, Norah Gitobu, and Mugendi M’Rithaa). It is anticipated that a formal launch of DESIS-Africa will be celebrated during the “Africa meets Africa” NAD Africa Design Day event in May 2010. CCSL-Africa has also been invited to mount an exhibition of promising cases collected during the project at this forum. MUGENDI M’RITHAA


Although DESIS-Colombia shares the objectives of its partners in China, Europe, NY, Brazil, South Africa, the Middle East, Australia and India, the Colombian context is quite peculiar. Given its socioeconomic, political, cultural, and even geographical circumstances,social innovation crops up all over the country, but so far it has been disdained because “auto-organization” is merely considered as a way to struggle and make a living.

In this scenario, DESIS-Colombia, aims to reorienting, at least from the design viewpoint, the attitudes of citizens with regard to those small actions that improve people’s livelihoods and that are solid examples of more sustainable ways of being and doi¬¬¬¬ng. We hope to accomplish this by working on, so far, two thematic clusters:urban dynamization (UD) and traditional knowledge (TK).

Urban dynamization focuses on improving the wellbeing and the mood of citizens by means of public design and interventions, drawn on the very interstice of design-art and architecture. Example of this is the work developed by in Italy or improveeverywhere in the U.S., but re-read from our speci fi c Colombian context.

Traditional knowledge focuses on rescuing the ancient wisdom of our still alive (and kicking) indigenous families. Our main interest there is to explore how their way of communicating, talking, dialoguing can give us hints to improve communication in cities, where noise and misuses of useful tools such as mobile phones could get better.Based in Bogotá, the design department from Los Andes University has been leading the process towards the consolidation of the DESISColombia dot. Uniandes has worked jointly with the Academic Design Network RAD (Red Academica de Diseño), a national entity that promotes excellence in the realm of design pedagogy and research. From this partnership a series of symposiums and related events plus a semester-long workshop have taken place throwing great results especially regarding students who are always surprised and pleased to see this “other side of design” beyond the artefact.We will continue working on this fi gure (RAD-DESIS workshops)with courses that focus cases gathered so far.

The consolidation of a steering committee and a DESIS headquarter Offi ce is underway, led by Freddy Zapata, director of the Design department at Uniandes, this with the input of interested teachers and students throughout the country.

Besides the academies, other organizations have shown interest in DESIS-Colombia such as the Fundación Corona (Corona

Foundation), a non pro fi t organization which, although not identifying its work as promoting “social innovation” per se, has worked in this fi eld for more than 10 years thanks to an strategic alliance with other institutions such as El Tiempo national newspaper and its social branch, Bayer Colombia, the national time bank, etc., collecting hundreds of cases in the framework of the Premio Cívico Corona (Corona’s Civic Award), an award which is granted to communities that organize themselves to improve their lives. Among the cases, one has had greatly called our attention given that it has allowed us to work on the Urban Dynamization topic indepht and also for having been an example to share with peers world wide, the case is: Sueños Films (Dreams Films) a group of young talented fi lmmakers who have gathered to show the world that the neighbourhood in which they live in Bogotá (banned as highly dangerous) is not, and that indeed it has very positive things to share, and people interested in making culture peer their particular realities, hence they affi rm that what matters, beyond all the problems that surround them, is to bring people to the top of “Maslow”pyramid, this by o ff ering people moments of joy throughout cinema.They have pursued this dream through a fi lm festival called: Ojo Al Sancocho.

DESIS-Colombia then, has set an alliance with the Premio Civico and its partners working towards the strengthen of communitarian initiatives.

Other interested organizations although not yet engaged, have been the green party, lead by former ex-mayor Antanas Mockus,working now on public policy, citizenship culture and (in Hannah Arendt’s terms) mutual regulation, and organizations working in LatinAmerica.

DESIS-Colombia details—

Coordination: Freddy Zapata & Andrea Mendoza


DESIS Europe[11]

How to step forward from promising micro-experimentations to sustainable macro-transformations of places?

This topic was the core of the discussions of an original kind of meeting that brought together innovation labs, public authorities,social innovators and design schools in Malmö, this last 1st to 4th of June. These 4 days of case review and exchanges have been concluded with the launch of the DESIS Europe, a network of schools,institutions, companies and non-pro fi t organizations on Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability in Europe. DESIS Europe will operate in the framework of DESIS international: a network started in 2008 and based on similar local networks in China, Brazil, US,Columbia and soon in India and Mid-Orient.

This movement is emerging from design schools and universities that, worldwide, recognise themselves as potentially powerful agent of change. And that operate to do that exploring social innovations in order to inspire new and more sustainable solutions for daily life, and using design-based approaches to mainstream them and facilitate their deployment. Examples are many: local trading systems, active welfare services, digital platforms for exchange and mutual supports outline the emergence of new forms of neighbourhoods; community supported agricultures, food purchasing groups, urban farming and collective orchards are de fi ning new food networks; creative centres, based on di ff erent mix of cultural activities, social supports and capacity building emerge as new kinds of places where bottomup entrepreneurship and sustainable transformations are incubated.Similar social dynamic is developing in community-based tourism;alternative mobility; health care networks picturing the emergence of a sustainable lifestyle.

DESIS network aims at 1/ exploring these initiatives worldwide and collect them in a catalogue of promising practices to give them more visibility; 2/ inspire new collaborative services, shared products and enabling systems and design them to facilitate their access to a wider share of the population; 3/ promote implementation of larger programmes of urban/regional sustainable development based on multiple local projects in synergy. The launch of DESIS Europe con fi rms a large series of such activities are already going-on in Milan, Paris, Malmö, Helsinki, Lancaster – where the core launch group initiate from. But many other European design schools and universities are moving in similar way and, of course, they will be invited to join the network and take action to develop this common approach. That is to foster in Europe and worldwide design for social innovation and sustainability! FRANÇOIS JÉGOU

DESIS Middle East[12]

The 7th DESIS dot was launched recently in the Middle East where the long for social innovation and sustainability comes from a genuine wish to join the grassroots movement of collaboration and enhance the common traditions and cultural wealth.

Desis Middle East (ME) operates in a challenging yet hopeful setting.Traditionally the Middle East region is characterized with unique hospitality and particularly strong Family and community ties.

Despite the common western in fl uence and the obvious political challenges, those exceptional characteristics still shine through suggesting a wealth of inspirations and study cases for design for social innovation.

We hope to learn and enrich the network with the local social innovation practices and explore new visions for the sustainable Mediterranean city under the theme of "urban dynamization". We are currently working to establish the DESIS ME network and are in search for partnering design schools in our region. We hope that Design for Social Innovation can become a bridging topic enabling collaborations and networking between students and professionals in counties that nowadays have challenging relations.

In order to launch Desis ME and create a solid invitation for possible partners from the region, we would like to hold in the next few months a regional "kick-o ff " event with international guests from the DESIS network.

In December 2010 a unique exhibition, “Sustainability in the Urban Context”, will open at the Tel Aviv City Museum (Israel) that will touch upon incorporating sustainable habits and actions in the urban context. The exhibition will feature a wide-scope glimpse into a global search towards a possible future of vibrant, condensed,participatory and collaborative cities that feature new possibilities for residents on the personal, communal and urban scales. The exhibition will present conceptual and realized projects from around the world, traditional and contemporary projects in various fi elds:design, architecture, Urban planning, social innovation art etc.




[2] Forecasts indicate that the "social economy” will be the biggest sector of western economies in 10 years and are therefore critical to job creation. This new economy, which can be driven by the non-pro fi t sector, government, market,academia and social enterprises includes sectors such as housing, healthcare,food, education and mobility.

[3] EMUDE was funded by the European Commission 6th Framework Programme(2004 to 2006). EMUDE identi fi ed a large number of promising cases and, on this basis, developed a set of conceptual tools to deal with them, to orient policy makers and to de fi ne research and design guidelines in order to promote their consolidation and di ff usion. EMUDE was organized as a consortium of European universities and research centers and has mobilized design schools from across Europe in order to identify a collection of more than a 100 promising cases of social innovation in the continent.

[4]CCSL (2006 to 2007) was part of the Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles,within the United Nations 10 Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production (the Marrakech Process).

[5] CCSLA AFRICA (2008-2009) is currently running under the United Nations’Task Force on Sustainable Lifestyles.

[6] DESIS-China coordinating team: Yongqi Lou, and Miaosen Gong, Website:

[7] DESIS-Brazil coordination: Carla Cipolla Website: (DESIS group at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - COPPE)

[8] DESIS-USA coordinating team: Lara Penin Eduardo Staszowski Cameron Tonkinwise Website:

[9] DESIS-Africa coordinating team: Mugendi M’Rithaa (South Africa) and Norah Gitobu (Kenya)

[10] DESIS-Colombia coordination: Andrea Mendoza,, Websites:

[11] DESIS-Europe Coordination: François Jégou,, ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris, France / SDS Brussels, Belgium;

[12] DESIS-ME Coordination: Adital Ela,, Faculty of Design at HIT- Holon Academic Institute of Technology, Israel.





















—— 提议和发展国家层面和国际层面的研究项目。组织专属的活动(如工作坊、研究小组、教学课程和会议)

—— 组织教学活动(如工作坊、研究小组、教学课程和会议)

—— 准备教学资源(如教学工具、课程版式和参考书目)

—— 收集研究信息(如有希望的案例、项目和研究成果)

—— 促进文化交流活动(如展览、出版物和广播宣传)




因此,与DESIS 相关的人和机构的团体可以做出重要贡献:为社会创新和可持续发展,去调研,去试验,去发挥设计新知识、实践和设计文化的能量。









我们希望DESIS社会创新和可持续设计联盟(中国)的成立,可以为在中国借助设计推进“创意社群”,以一种集合形式与社会各界开展跨界合作、协同创新提供一个支撑平台和关联网络。通过与DESIS其它分支机构的合作和互动,促进整个社会往更可持续的方向发展。 (娄永琪,巩淼森)



DESIS巴西本土网络开始于一项在里约热内卢联邦大学的COPPE学院和米兰理工之间开展的合作。巴西大学曾是国际项目CCSL-Desex的参与者,此项目研究社会创新潜力的产生,在巴西、印度、中国的城市环境中,各类新的多样的可持续生活方式的研究。合作开始于CCSL活动,继而是DESIGN.ISDS工作坊:设计,社会创新和可持续发展。EzioManzini 2007年和2008年间,在里约热内卢联邦大学教授此课程。Manzini出版过《为社会创新和可持续发展而设计:创意社区、合作组织和新的设计网络》。(英文版翻译自葡萄牙语)课程从网络延伸至全国的大学。DESIS巴西的建立出于第二类经验,成员已涵盖巴西的主要大学。

在最初阶段,DESIS巴西由五所院校的对此感兴趣的教师和研究者组成:里约热内卢联邦大学(现在的主办方和秘书处)、弗卢米嫩塞联邦大学、São Paulo大学、圣卡塔琳娜联邦大学、Paraná联邦大学。本土网络已举行了一个主导会议,代表来自各个创建成员,外加一个来自国际网络的代表。主导会议设有定期的远程会议和至少每年一次的实体会议。







DESIS美国的创始成员是:Lara Penin, Eduardo Staszowski和Cameron Tonkinwise (Parsons设计新校,设计策略学院);NidhiSrinivas(米兰管理和城市政策新校);BannyBanerjee(斯坦福的设计规划和设计变更实验室);FederioCasalegno(麻省理工移动体验和设计实验室)。其他出席2009年5月初始会议的还有:Ben Lee,新校国际事务高级副总裁;Joel Towers, Parsons设计新校校长;Tim Marshall,新校教务长。 (LARA PENIN)


DESIS非洲的主要目标是建立一个有关键活动者的网络,主要为了可持续项目的设计和相关公共与私人领域的活动。社会创新的广泛传播需要通过DESIS国际网,开发有激励性的首创精神。特别强调的是那些在非洲大陆上, 与当下本土社会经济和地缘政治现实有特殊关联的社会创新。DESIS非洲也建立在非洲可持续生活方式的创意社区项目(CCSL-Africa)基础上,项目使社会创新案例被搜集、记录和传播。


DESIS非洲的成员原则上来自不断扩大的非洲设计者同盟(NAD)。目的是把DESIS非洲延伸到每个对此感兴趣、也有志于此的活动者。NAD由SABS 设计机构的Adrienne Viljoen发起,机构在南非。作为一个对等的网络,它目标清晰:为了整个大陆的可持续发展,鼓励非洲的设计和设计认可,同时提高其生活质量,促进经济发展。DESIS非洲的成立机构是南非开普敦的开普敦技术大学(CPUT),和肯尼亚内罗毕的内罗毕大学。其他的成员包括:马赛诺大学(肯尼亚)、博茨瓦纳大学、马凯累累大学(乌干达)、阿库雷联邦技术大学(尼日利亚)、kwamenkurumah科学技术大学(加纳)。这个较幼小的网络伴随CCSL-Africa项目成功的传播成长起来,更多的NAD成员开始对社会创新,这个相对新的概念有所熟知。个人的社会关系仍旧是最有效的补充工具。

DESIS非洲在2009年7月肯尼亚的内罗毕真正开始,在CCSL-Africa研讨会期间。出席此次活动的参与者来自学院机构、公共部门(包括各类非政府组织)、私人部门(正式的和遍布的非正式jua kali次级部门)、CCSL-Africa,DESIS,NAD成 员( 包 括 AdrienneViljoen, Carla Cipolla,Daria Cantu, EzioManzini, François Jégou, Lilac Osanjo,Lorraine Amollo, Norah Gitobu, and Mugendi M’Rithaa)。期望DESIS非洲的正式发起,能在2010年5月的 “非洲遇见非洲”的NAD非洲设计日上庆祝。CCSL-Africa已经受邀组织开展一个有希望的案例的展览,案例来自论坛中的项目。







Bogotá为基础,珞以斯安第斯大学的设计部门引领DESIS哥伦比亚次级网络的伙伴联合。Uniandes已经和艺术设计网络RAD(Red Academica de Diseño)合作,RAD是在设计教育和研究领域推优的一个民族独立体。在合作伙伴间,一系列的专题讨论会和相关活动,加上一个为期一个学期的工作坊已举行。影响波动力巨大,特别对那些好奇、并乐于知晓设计的不同层面的学生。


一个执行委员会和一个DESIS总办公处正在建设中,由Freddy Zapata带头,Freddy Zapata是Uniandes设计部的主任,同时也在全国范围内吸纳了有兴致的老师和学生。

除了一些学院,很多其他机构对DESIS哥伦比亚感兴趣,例如有Fundación Corona (Corona Foundation),一个私人非盈利机构。尽管它没有明确说明它的工作是促进社会创新,然而实质上已经在这方面做了超过10年的工作,收集了上百个案例。这归功于它的Premio Cívico Corona (Corona’s市民奖),这个奖是颁给社区的,他们自发组织起来解决问题以提升生活质量。在这些案例中,其中有个“Suenos Films”(梦影)的案例引起我们特别的关注。因为它使我们有机会在城市活力这个课题上得以深入,并向同行展示案例。在这个案例中,一群年轻有为的电影工作者走到一起,向世界展示他们所生活的波哥达地区的社区(处于高度安全戒备)。虽然这些社区存在各种各样的问题,但还有很多积极的事情和人们,他们带动了社会的关注,如何将人们带到马斯洛金字塔的上层。这些电影工作者通过电影为人们提供了愉悦。为了追求这个梦想,他们创立了一个电影节 “Ojo Al Sancocho”。

DESIS-哥伦比亚已经与Premio市和相关伙伴达成了联盟,包括全国性的报纸“Editoral El Tiempo”,Bayer哥伦比亚以及一些社区建设的组织。

其他伙伴组织还包括绿党,在前市长AnanasMockus领导下,该组织在公共政策、市民文化、拉丁美洲的互利互惠条约等方面做了大量工作。 (ANDREA MENDOZA)





DESIS网络的目标是:1、寻找世界范围的新创意并收集它们,以可发展实践的目录进行将其分类,使其可见。2、鼓励新的合作服务,共享产品和平台系统,设计它们使其被更多的人分享。3、基于配合的多个本土项目,促进城市/地方可持续发展的大型项目的完成。关注一系列大型项目的DESIS欧洲的发起已经在米兰、巴黎、Malmö、赫尔辛基、兰卡斯特进行——这里都是核心组织的来源地。但许多其他欧洲设计院校和大学也做着同样的事情,当然,他们也会受邀参与此网络,并会用实际行动展开常用的方法。如此鼓励了欧洲和世界范围内社会创新和可持续发展的设计发展! (FRANÇOIS JÉGOU)




通过本土的社会创新实践,通过在“urban dynamization”主题下探索地中海沿岸城市的可持续发展新视角,我们希望学习并丰富这个网络。我们当前正致力于建立DESIS ME网络,寻找我们领域内的合作设计院校。我们希望社会创新的设计成为一个桥接话题,促进郡县间内学生和教授的合作和网络建立,郡县间已有挑战这种关系。

为了发起DESIS ME,为区域的潜在合作者创建一个真诚的邀请,接下来的几个月,我们将和DESIS网络的国际伙伴举行区域的创始活动。

在2010年11月,一个题为“城市环境的可持续发展”的特殊展览,将在特拉维夫城市博物馆(以色列)举行,这将唤醒存在于城市中的、综合的可持续习性和行为。展览将以最广视角去关注一个全球研究。研究针对充满生机的、精炼的、可参与的、合并的城市,这些城市在个人的、公共的和城市区域为城市居民提供了新的生活潜力。展览将展示:全世界的概念项目和实现的项目、各领域传统和当代的项目(设计、建筑、城市规划、社会创新艺术等)。 (ADITAL ELA)

DESIS International Network: Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability

Ezio Manzini, Lara Penin, Yongqi Lou, Miaosen Gong, Carla Cipolla,Mugendi K. M'Rithaa, Andrea Mendoza, Francois Jegou, Adital Ela


Ezio Manzini(Full professor, INDACO, Politecnico di Milano,Italy)Founder of DESIS-Network)

Lara Penin(Assistant professor, Parsons The New School for Design,USA)

Yongqi Lou(Professor, vice dean, School of Design and Innovation,Tongji Universtiy)

Miaosen Gong(Associate professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University)

Carla Cipolla(Associate Professor, COPPE, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro,Brazil)

Mugendi K. M'Rithaa(Senior lecturer, Department of Industrial Design, Cape Peninsula University of Technology,South Africa)

Andrea Mendoza(Senior Lecturer, Los Andes University in Bogotá,Colombia)

Francois Jegou(Owner, Strategic Design Scenarios sprl,Belgium,Visiting Professor, politecnico di milano,Italy)

Adital Ela(HIT- Holon Institute of Technology, Israel)

Ezio Manzini(意大利米兰理工大学设计系教授,DESIS联盟发起人)

Lara Penin(美国帕尔森设计学院 助理教授)

Yongqi Lou(同济大学设计创意学院教授,副院长)

Miaosen Gong(江南大学设计学院 副教授)

Carla Cipolla(巴西里约热内卢联邦大学COPPE系 副教授)

Mugendi K. M'Rithaa(南非开普半岛理工大学工业设计系 高级讲师)

Andrea Mendoza(哥伦比亚洛斯安第斯大学 高级讲师)

Francois Jegou(比利时场景战略设计公司创办人,意大利米兰理工大学客座讲师)

Adital Ela(以色列霍隆理工学院)

张 桢(江南大学设计学院 硕士生)

Zhang Zhen(School of Design,Jiangnan University Master Student)

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