(河北大学生命科学学院,河北保定 071002)
(河北大学生命科学学院,河北保定 071002)
园蛛科蜘蛛物种多样性丰富,是蜘蛛目的第3大科,全世界已记述170属2 999种[1],中国已知43属339种[2-3].艾蛛属Cyclosa由Menge于1866年建立[4],世界性分布,全球共记录173种,中国已记录37种[5-6].
卧羊川艾蛛,新种Cyclosa w oyangchuan sp.nov.(图1)
雄蛛体长2.97~3.07.正模体长2.97:头胸部长1.49,宽1.06;腹部长1.58,宽0.89.背甲梨形,黑褐色,颈沟和放射沟不明显,中窝横向.2眼列均后凹,前眼列稍宽于后眼列.前中眼间距大于前中侧眼间距(0.06∶0.05);后中侧眼间距大于后中眼间距(0.13∶0.04).前后侧眼相接,2后中眼密切靠拢.中眼域梯形,宽等于长(0.26∶0.26),前边大于后边(0.26∶0.18).前中眼>后中眼=前侧眼=后侧眼(0.10∶0.08∶0.08∶0.08).额高0.10,等于前中眼直径.螯肢黄褐色,前齿堤3齿,第2齿最大;后齿堤2齿.颚叶黄褐色,内侧缘浅黄色.下唇和胸板黑褐色.下唇宽大于长(0.25∶0.13),端部三角形.胸板长大于宽(0.68∶0.55).步足黄色,多刺,具褐色环纹;基节I腹面后侧缘具1角状小钩,步足测量:步足 Ⅰ4.79(1.48+0.51+1.22+1.07+0.51),Ⅱ4.08(1.27+0.51+0.92+0.87+0.51),Ⅲ2.76(0.97+0.31+0.56+0.51+0.41),Ⅳ4.19(1.43+0.41+0.97+0.92+0.46).足式:1423.腹部卵圆形.背面密布银白色鳞斑,前端黑色,中央具3对褐色肌痕,末端黑色,具1对黑色圆斑.腹部腹面黑褐色.纺器及其周围黑色.触肢器的顶突基部宽,末端变细,呈针状.插入器细长,呈刺状.中突远端不弯曲,具2个分叉;中突的基叶呈细指状.触肢的膝节具1根刚毛.
图1 卧羊川艾蛛Cyclosawoyangchuan sp.nov.
双钩艾蛛Cyc losa biham ata sp.nov.(图2)
图2 双钩艾蛛Cyclosa bihamata sp.nov.
Cyclosa woyangchuan sp.nov.(Fig.1)
Material:Ho lotype♂,Woyangchuan Forest Farm,Jingyuan County(36°03′N,106°17′E),Ningxia Hui A utonomous Region,7 July 2008,collected by Zhangchao.Paratype:1♂,Dongshanpo Forest Farm,Jingyuan County(37°06′N,106°96′E),Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,5 July 2009,co llected by Hu Dong-sheng.
Etymology:The specific name is a noun in apposition,derived from the type locality.
Diagnosis:The new species is similar to Cyclosa kum adai Tanikawa,1992[7-8],but can be distinguished from the latter by:1)distal part of palpalmedian apophysis bent indistinctly,but in C.kum adai,it is strongly cruved;2)the basal lamella of palpalmedian apophysis is bigger than thatof C.kum adai;3)distal part of em bolus tip,rather than blunt in C.kum adai;(4)conductor is larger than that of C.kum adai.
Males:Total length 2.97—3.07.Ho lo type total length 2.97:cephalothorax 1.49 long,1.06 w ide;abdomen 1.58 long,0.89 w ide.Eye diameters:AM E 0.10,ALE 0.08,PM E 0.08,PLE 0.08;eye interdistances:AM E—AM E 0.06,AM E—ALE 0.05,PM E—PM E 0.04,PM E—PLE 0.13.MOA 0.26 long,f ront w idth 0.26,back w idth 0.18.Cheliceraew ith three p romarginal teeth(second the largest)and two retromarginal teeth.Leg measurements:Ⅰ4.79(1.48+1.73+1.07+0.51),Ⅱ4.08(1.27+1.43+0.87+0.51),Ⅲ2.76(0.97+0.87+0.51+0.41),Ⅳ4.19(1.43+1.38+0.92+0.46).Leg form ul:1423.
Cyclosa biham ata sp.nov.(Fig.2)
Material:Ho lotype♂,Sutai Forest Farm,Longde County,Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region(35°29′N,107°20′E),2 July 2008,collected by Zhangchao.Paratypes:2♂♂,sam e data as holo type.
Etymology:The specific name is named fo r the two hooksof male palpalmedian apophysis.
D iagnosis:The new species is similar to Cyclosamonticola Bösenberg&Strand,1906,but can be distinguished from the latter by:1)palpalmedian apophysis is longer than that of C.monticola;2)paramedian apophysis w ide and large,w ing-shaped,but in C.m ontico la,it is small,sickle-shaped;3)em bolus bent indistinctly,w hile em bo lus is strongly cruved in C.m ontico la.
Males:Total length 3.93-4.28.Holotype total length 4.18:cephalothorax 2.09 long,1.53 w ide;abdomen 2.14 long,1.43 w ide.Eye diameters:AM E 0.11,ALE 0.08,PM E 0.08,PLE 0.08;eye interdistances:AM E—AM E 0.12 AM E—ALE 0.05,PM E—PM E 0.03,PM E—PLE 0.16.MOA 0.34 long,f ront w idth 0.34,back w idth 0.21.Cheliceraew ith three p romarginal teeth and two retromarginal teeth.Leg measurements:Ⅰ5.75(1.83+2.09+1.22+0.61),Ⅱ5.04(1.58+1.88+1.02+0.56),Ⅲ3.37(1.07+1.23+0.66+0.41),Ⅳ4.89(1.63+1.73+1.07+0.46).Leg form ula:1243.
[1]PLA TN ICK N I.The wo rld spider catalog version 10.5.American M useum of Natural Histo ry[J/OL].[2010-05-21].http://research.amnh.o rg/entomology/spiders/catalog/COUNTS.htm l.
[3]SONGDaxiang,ZHU M ingsheng,CHEN Jun.The Spidersof China[M].Shijiazhuang:Hebei Science Technology Pub-lishing House,1999.
[4]LEV IH W.The American o rb-w eaver genera Cyc losa,M etazyg ia and Eusta la north of Mexico(A raneae,A raneidae)[J].Bulletin of the M useum of Comparative Zoology,1977,148:61-127.
[5]宋大祥,朱明生,陈军.河北动物志 蜘蛛类[M].石家庄:河北科学技术出版社,2001:1-510.
[6]ZHU M ingsheng,L IAN Weiguang,CHEN Huim ing.Two new species of the genera L arinia and Cyc losa from China(A raneae:Cybaeidae[sic])[J].Acta arachno logica,Tokyo,2006,55:15-18.
[7]TAN IKAWA A.A revisional study of the Japanese spidersof the genus Cyclosa(A raneae:A raneidae)[J].Acta arachnologica,Tokyo,1992,41:11-85.
[8]TAN IKAWA A.Hersiliidae Nephilidae,Tetragnathidae,A raneidae.In Ono,H.(ed.),The Spidersof Japan w ith keys to the families and genera and illustrations of the species[M].Kanagawa:Tokai University Press,2009:149,403-463.
Two New Species of the Genus Cyclosa
(Araneae:Araneidae)from China
ZHANGXiao-xiao,ZHANG Feng,ZHU Ming-sheng
(Co llege of Life Sciences,Hebei U niversity,Baoding 071002,China)
Two new speciesof the genusCyclosabelonging to the family A raneidae from Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region,China,were described and illustrated under the name ofCyclosawoyangchuan sp.nov.andCyclosabihamata sp.nov.
A raneae;A raneidae;Cyclosa;new species;Ningxia;China
Q 959.226
宁夏六盘山昆虫资源科考专项基金资助项目(L IR0810)