Mathematician. Born in Fengshun, Guangdong Province. Gradauted from Zhongshan University in 1933. Studied in Tokyo Imperial University from 1934 to 1936. Research professor, China Foundation for the Promotion of Education and Culture from 1937 to 1939, professor, Wuhan University, and director and honorary director, Wuhan Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Li has been chiefly engaged in the education and research of function theory, mathematical physics and has obtained many important achievements in meromorphic function, uniqueness problem, series of rational functions, application of integral function theory, approximation of analytic function, mathematical physics and systems science. In the field of function theory, he has attained a series of extraordenary accomplishments. He also made important contributions in fostering scientefic figures.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Mathematician. Born in Pingyang, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from Northeast Imperial University, Japan in 1927 and received Ph.D. from the University in 1931. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. President, honorary prdsident and professor, Fuand University.
Su has been engaged in the research, teaching and education in differential geometry and computational geometry and is entitled as the “First Geometer in Oriental”. In his early years, he made excellent projective differential geometry. He botained extraordinary achievements in general space differential geometry, conjugate net theory in higher dimensional space and computer aided geometry design. He also made singificant contributions in developing education and training scientific figures.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Physicist. Born in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province. Graduated from Nanjing College and Southeast University in 1923. Received MS from Paris University, France in 1925 and French national doctor of science in 1927. Elected academician of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Honorary president, Presidium of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and professor, president and honorary president, University of Science and Technology of China.
Yan is one of the founders of modern physics research in China. He precisely determined the “Adverse Phenomena” of the Curie piezoelectric effedt and discovered the dual –refraction effect of light. He tackled and examined systematically the electrification phenomena of the crystal cylinder under torsion, established the crystal torsion-electricity principle, carried out deepgoing investigation on the spectrum of alkaline metal vapor, etc.. and discolsed the axis-symmetric molecular effective cross-section value different from that of the Fermi-Linesburg Epuation, providing abundant experimental evidences for the Stack effect in atomic physics. He also precisely edtermined the ultra-violet absorbing coefficient of ozone, which was used for over 30years for observing the varation of the ozonosphere depth by meteorologists from all over the world. In his study on the influence of pressure on the light-sensitivity of photoemulsion, he found that pressure turns out tu weaken emulsion’s sensitivity. During the Anti-Japanese War, he was in charge of the applied optics study and developed a large number of military and medical optical equipment.He has also made important contributions to the management and coordination of Chinese scientific affairs and the development of Chinese education.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 1955.
Physicis. Born in Gaoan, Jiangxi Province. Graduatd from Nanjing Advanced Normal Collage in 1920. Received doctor of physics from Chicago University, USA in 1926. Elected academician and appraiser of the Central Academy of Sciences in 1948. Research professor and vice president, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Wu took part in the research and education of modern physics, especially in the field of X-ray scattering spectroscopy. He was one of the pioneers and founders of Chinese modern physics. In the 1920s, he completed a series of important investigations in Compton’s experiments on X-ray scattering, and made outstanding contributions to the general acceptance of the Compton effect. He also devoted himself to the promotion of education and scientific research in China, to which he made significant contributions.
He became Member of the Chinese Academy fo Sciences in 1955.