李和胜,许 斌,宫建红,李 丽,李木森
(1.山东大学材料科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250014;2.山东省超硬材料工程技术研究中心,山东 邹城 273500;3.山东建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250101)
高温高压下Fe-N i-C系合成金刚石单晶的机理研究(上)①
李和胜1,2,许 斌2,3,宫建红1,2,李 丽1,2,李木森1,2
(1.山东大学材料科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250014;2.山东省超硬材料工程技术研究中心,山东 邹城 273500;3.山东建筑大学材料科学与工程学院,山东 济南 250101)
从三个方面综合介绍了本课题组近几年来采用Fe-N i-C系在高温高压下合成优质金刚石单晶的研究成果:1)采用单质金属铁、镍粉和石墨粉以及粉末冶金方法制备出新型铁基触媒,利用六面顶压机合成了高品位的金刚石单晶;2)采用现代分析测试方法对金刚石单晶外的金属包覆膜物相结构进行了系统表征和分析;3)基于固体与分子经验电子理论(EET理论)和托马斯-费米-狄拉克-程开甲理论(TFDC理论)对金刚石合成过程中相关物相(金刚石、石墨、Fe3C((Fe,N i)3C)和γ-(Fe,N i)等)的价电子结构进行了计算和论证。实验分析与理论研究结果表明,单质金属粉辅以粉末冶金方法同样可以实现高品位金刚石单晶的合成;金属包覆膜中存在大量的Fe3C、(Fe,N i)3C类型的金属碳化物和γ-(Fe,N i)型金属中间相,且γ-(Fe,N i)与金属碳化物的对应晶面之间存在相互平行的位向关系;金刚石与石墨主要晶面间的平均共价电子密度在一级近似条件下均不连续,而Fe3C与金刚石或Fe3C与γ-(Fe,N i)之间存在界面电子密度连续性,因此证明Fe3C/金刚石界面能够满足金刚石生长的边界条件。研究结果表明,金刚石单晶生长的碳源并非直接来源于石墨,而来源于在金属中间相的催化作用下,由金属碳化物过渡相中脱溶出的、具有类SP3杂化态的C-C原子团,因此从实验和理论上进一步支持了金刚石合成的“溶剂-催化”理论。
人造金刚石;合成机理Fe-N i-C系;固体分子经验电子理论;高温高压
Abstract:The important research resultsmade by our research team in the past few years are introduced in this paper.They are composed of three parts:1)yielding high-quality diamond single crystalw ith iron-based catalystmade by powdermetallurgicalmethod,using pure form of iron and nickel as main raw materials;2)general characterization and analysis of m icrostructure of metallic film surrounding diamond crystal by means of modern testing technology;3)calculation and analysis of valence electron structure of related phase(including diamond,graphite,Fe3C((Fe,N i)3C),γ-(Fe,N i)and so on)involved in the process of diamond synthesis,based on the empirical electron theory of solid and molecules(EET)and the improved Thomas-Ferm i-D irac theory by Cheng(TFDC).The results of experiments indicate that high-quality diamond single crystal can be obtained w ith the iron-based catalystsmade by powdermetallurgicalmethod.There are large num-ber of metallic carbides and transition phase just likeγ-(Fe,N i)in the metallic film. In addition,some crystal planes ofγ-(Fe,N i)have the parallel orient relationship w ith those of some metallic carbides.The results of calculation show that the valence electron densities of common planes in graphite were not continuous w ith those of planes in diamond at the first order of approximation.On the contrary,the continuous relationship of valence electron densities appears on the interface of Fe3C and diamond aswell as that of Fe3C and γ-(Fe,N i).It means that the boundary condition of diamond grow th can be satisfied on the interface of Fe3C and diamond.A ll the results suggest that the direct carbon source of diamond grow th is not graphite.The carbon atom s groups possess SP3structure,which decompose from metallic carbides,deposit on the diamond nucleus surface and make it grow.The real catalyst is the metallic transition phase i.e.γ-(Fe,N i).Our research results agree w ith the solvent-catalyst theory.
Keywords:synthetic diamond;synthesizing mechanism;Fe-N i-C catalytic system;EET;high-temperature and high-pressure(HTHP)
由于高温高压合成金刚石是在密闭的腔体中进行的,难以对金刚石的原位反应过程进行实时动态检测[10]。因此,通过合成之后对金刚石、触媒以及包裹金刚石的金属包覆膜系统的物相结构表征,辅以基于固体分子经验电子理论(EET理论)和Thomas-Ferm i-D irac-Cheng理论(TFDC理论)对上述各物相价电子结构的计算与分析来反推金刚石高温高压的合成机理具有较高的可行性和可信度。
1.1 粉末冶金铁基触媒的制备[11]
将-200目的单质铁粉、镍粉与一定比例的人造石墨粉混合均匀,在四柱粉末压力成型机上压制成Φ25×0.5(±0.05)mm 的圆坯,覆以石墨粉在充满还原性气氛的箱式电阻炉中进行6h、1000℃的渗碳烧结。将烧结强化之后的片材装入特制模具中,在四柱液压机上进行整平,消除烧结变形。随后,使用球磨机,以40目左右的纯铁粉为磨料对其进行表面清理,从而制得铁基触媒。
1.2 金刚石的高温高压合成试验[12]
图1 铁基触媒的金相组织Fig.1 M etallographic analysis of iron-based catalyst
图2 铁基触媒的X射线衍射图Fig.2 X-ray diffraction pattern of the iron-based catalyst
图3 新式合成压块组装结构示意图Fig.3 N ew sample assembly for diamond synthesis
1.3 金刚石单晶的性能表征[13]
图4 压力功率动态匹配工艺曲线Fig.4 Technology curve of diamond synthesis
图5 金刚石单晶的光学显微照片Fig.5 Optics morphology of diamond single crystal
表1 金刚石晶体的主要形貌参数Table 1 M ain configuration parameters of diamond single crystal
图6 金刚石的粒度分布Fig.6 Grain size distribution of diamond single crystal
图7 金刚石的晶形分布Fig.7 Crystal shape distribution of diamond single crystal
表2 金刚石的主要机械性能Table 2 I mpact toughness and static compressive strength of diamond crystal
由图5可以看出,使用粉末冶金铁基触媒合成出的金刚石单晶为粒径300~500μm 的六-八面体聚形。由表1可知,晶体圆度与椭圆度的比值趋近于1,结晶完整度高;表面粗糙度较低,包裹体与杂质含量低;晶体的纯净度和透光性较高[14]。金刚石的粒度较粗,峰值为425/355μm,40/45以粗的金刚石约占53%,且晶体形态较好的Ⅳ型料占绝大多数。由表2可知,金刚石的主要机械性能指标均超过机械行业标准《人造金刚石技术条件》(JB/T7989-1997)对锯片级金刚石的技术要求,评级可在SMD30以上[15]。
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M echan ism of synthesizing diamond single crystal from Fe-Ni-C system under high-temperature and high-pressure
L IHe-sheng1,2,XU Bin2,3,GON G Jian-hong1,2,L IL i1,2,L IM u-sen1,2
(1.S chool of M aterials S cience and Eng ineering,S handong U niversity,J inan250014,China;
2.S handong Eng ineering R esearch Centre f or S uperhard M aterials,Zoucheng273500,China;
3.S chool of M aterials S cience and Eng ineering,S handong J ianzhu U niversity,J inan250101,China;)
TQ 164
李木森(1952-),男,教授、博士生导师,主要从事超硬材料研究;E-mail:m sli@sdu.edu.cn。