从不同角度划分,句子有不同种类和结构。为了多样化起见, 可将简单句、并列句和复合句等各类句子融合在一起。以学生的习作为例:
I would like to smile at my parents. They have given me life. They have taken all the trouble to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me. I have made great progress with their help. I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a smile. I should smile to myself. I can gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away. And I can live a better life.
First, I would like to smile at my parents because they have given me life and taken all the trouble to bring me up. They arrange almost everything for me. With their help, I have made great progress. I would like to say “Thank you” to them with a smile. Then I should smile to myself, for only in this way can I gain more confidence in smiling my troubles away and live a better life.
另外从句子的长度来看,写作提倡长短交错,即长句与短句交错使用。句子的长与短是相对而言的。长句一般容量大,用词较多,且结构复杂,甚至可以包含5W(who, what, where, when, why)的诸多信息。读者从一个句子就可知道它叙述了哪几个W。长句的修辞效果是表意严谨、精确、细致。反之,为短句,短句一般结构简单、紧凑,直截了当,生动活泼。长短句交替使用不仅能表意丰富,增强抒情效果,而且产生特殊的修辞效果。一句或几个长句之后,紧跟一短句,称之为修辞性语句。
修改前:The mouse is a device. It is used by people to communicate with a computer. It is impossible for people to operate a computer or surf the internet without a mouse. A mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. We can use it to insert, delete, move and copy what we want. We can use it to edit text, browse web pages and download what we want.
修改后:The mouse is a device used by people to communicate with a computer. For most people it is impossible to operate a computer without a mouse, let alone surf the internet. A-well-chosen mouse is really handy, flexible and convenient in controlling the screen. With the functions of inserting, deleting, moving and copying, it enables us to edit text, browse web pages and download what we want.
一方面,可以从句子的开头入手。以灵活多变的手法写好句子开头是使句子结构多样化的一条重要途径。句子一般都是以主语起首的(即句子=S+V+O)。但这样的句子使用过多会使文章在形式上缺乏新鲜感。而形式上做到多样化,就能增强文章的魅力,提高读者的兴趣。下面以2009年江西高考书面表达为例, 学生习作与修改后文章对比如下:
修改前:I found I was wrong. I came to realize ‘Failure is the mother of success. I should find the reason why I got a bad result. I thought this was a lesson to me. I find my shortcomings though the lesson. I could improve my English with it. So my bad mood turned into a good one.
修改后:But after a while, I found I was wrong for I came to realize ‘Failure is the mother of success. What I should do was to find the reason why I got so bad a result. And I thought this was a lesson to me and it helped me to find my shortcomings. Just as a saying goes: ‘Every coin has two sides., maybe it could help me to improve my English. So my bad mood turned into a good one.
再以2009年重庆高考题为例, 学生习作与修改后文章对比如下:
修改前:We should be thankful to others. We live in a big family. We can get support from the people around us every minute. What can we do when we get support? We can say “thanks” to them. Our traditional culture is such. We learn it when we are very young. Our parents and teachers told us. We also learn it from books and others. It is already deep in our hearts. So I strongly support this topic.
修改后:In my opinion, being thankful to others should be the hottest topic at present. As we know, we live in the world, a big family. Every minute we can get support from the people around us. What can we do when we get support? The best thing we can do is to politely say “thanks” to them. This is our traditional culture. We learn it when we are very young not only from our parents and teachers but also from books and others. It is already so deep in our hearts that I strongly support this topic.
总之,在英语写作中遣词造句要尽量避免单调、反复地使用简单句,如反复地使用同一种句式结构容易使文章索然无味,缺乏表现力;反之,写作中对句子加以“包装”,遣词造句力求做到句子外部形态的“淡妆”与句子内部结构的“浓抹”相结合, 一句话,“淡妆浓抹总相宜”。那么,我们写作时就能够妙笔生花,乐在其中;我们的文章则会丰富生动,耐人寻味,产生较好的艺术效果;我们的书面表达就能在高考中脱颖而出,取得高分。