
2010-08-15 00:50山东省淄博市临淄区皇城镇第一中学闫全国供稿
中学生英语 2010年5期

山东省淄博市临淄区皇城镇第一中学 闫全国供稿

Bill Gates is the founder,former president and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft Corporation.He was widely known as a computer genius since he began to write computer programs at the age of 13.He set up Microsoft with his friend when he was only 20 years old.Considered as the greatest computer giant of the computer industry in the 20th Century,he has revenues of 56.4 billion and is the richest man in the world.According to his memory,the following good habits make him become so successful.


A Kid Who Loves Reading 爱读书的小孩

Little Bill liked to play games,especially some riddles with his grandmother.Under the guidance of his grandmother,he became a passionate reader.He was interested in different kinds of books and reading was a good way to kill time for him.He liked the summer reading competition very much,which was held by a library next to his house.He always got the first prize among boys and sometimes won the first place among all children.In his parents’eyes,no child in the neighbourhood loved reading as much as him.A heavy World Book Encyclopedia was his favourite when he was 8 years old.He often spent a few hours reading this big book,which weighed as much as 1/3 of him,and read every word and sentence from start to finish.He often fell into meditation and felt strongly that what a wonderful and magical world was in the book.When he was a little older,he began to read famous people’s biography,like Roosevelt,Napoleon,Edison and so on.Bill Gates once said when he was only a child,he had already decided to think above his age.


A Kid Who Loves Thinking 爱思考的小孩

Little Bill is not only fond of reading,but also of thinking.The more books he read,the more questions he had.When he was in his fourth year,once he suddenly told his friend Carl Edmund,“I would like to become an oak tree standing on the barren land instead of a grass in the lawn because all the grasses are the same,but the oak tree is so huge and stands so high in the sky.”He insisted on keeping a diary to write down his ideas and usually,he thought as deeply as an adult.

At a very early age,he realized that life was previous and we should cherish it.Through thinking,he made a conclusion that the most important thing in life was to make a world-shaking business.One night in his sixth school year,he stayed in the bedroom and didn’t want to go outside for dinner.His mother asked what he was doing.He answered,“I’m thinking,mom.Don’t you think?”You see,he really loved reading very much!



A Resolute and Dedicated Child 坚持专注的小孩>

Little Bill did everything very resolutely.He would insist on doing a thing when other kids had already given up.When he worked in a library and tried to find those books which were placed at the wrong place,he would look for it until he found it.As for any homework made by the school or teacher,whether it was playing music instruments,writing composition or sports competition,he would try his best to finish it very successfully.Once the teacher asked the whole class to write a four-page composition about the special function of human body.Gates looked through Encyclopedia and other medical,phylogical,psychological books and finally wrote a composition of more than 30 pages.Another time,the teacher asked students to write a story of less than 20 pages.Gates imagined a lot and wrote a 100-page story full of wonders and twists and turns,which surprised his teacher and classmates.

Those good habits help Bill Gates make progress continuously,and finally succeeded.




1.Life is not fair,get used to it.生活是不公平的,要去适应它。

2.If you think your teacher is too strict,wait till you get a boss.He doesn’t have tenure.如果你认为你的老师严厉,等你有了老板再这样想。老板可是没有任期限制的。

3.If you mess up,it’s not your parents’ fault,so don’t complain about our mistakes,learn from them.如果你陷入困境,那不是你父母的过错,所以不要尖声抱怨我们的错误,要从中吸取教训。

4.Be nice to nerds.Chances are you’ll end up working for one.善待乏味的人。有可能到头来你会为一个乏味的人工作。

5.Television is NOT real life.In real life,people actually have to leave the coffee shop and go to work.电视并不是真实的生活。在现实生活中,人们实际上得离开咖啡厅去做自己的工作。

6.The world won’t care about your self-esteem.The world will expect you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.这世界并不会在意你的自尊。这世界期望你在自我感觉良好之前先要有所成就。

7.Life is not divided into terms.You don’t get summers off and very few employers are interested in helping you find yourself.Do that on your own time.生活不分学期。你并没有暑假可以休息,也没有哪位雇主乐于帮你发现自我。自己找时间做吧。

Task 3