湖南师范大学 黄飞飞 供稿
Obama has a very rough childhood.His father is a black economist and his mother is a typical white American.His parents divorced when he was only two years old.Since then,he lived with his mom and his grandparents.When he was six years old,he went to Indonesia with his mom and stepfather.He lived there for several years and came back to America at the age of 10 when his mom divorced with his stepfather.At most of the time,he lived with his grandparents.He learned the good qualities of responsibility,country-loving,hard work,treating others well.He saw the most merciful and honorable spirit from his mother who was an anthropologists.At the same time,he learned to be confident,courageous and how to win friends from different social backgrounds.
Obama was very good at studying and he studied very hard.He entered the local wellknown private school Punahou.In his secondary school years,he once had a short period of depression since he was one of the three black kids in his school while all the other students were whites.Because the color of his skin was different from others,he felt very blue and got lost.Like any desperate black young man,he didn’t know what the meaning of life was.He struggled with himself for a long time and burst out an amazing fighting spirit,that is,he would prove himself by struggle and success.
After graduation,Obama entered Columbia University.He worked for several years before he entered Harvard University to study law.After he got his master’s degree,he gave up the high-paid job on Wall Street.Instead,he worked as a community servant in the poorest part of Chicago.This work also laid solid foundation for his later political career.Driven by the great desire to succeed,which was caused by the inferiority complex because of the color of skin,he struggled hard,and became doctor,professor,state senator,U.S.senator and finally set the first black American president as his goal.Hard work pays off.On December 4,2008,he realized his and also his ancestors’dream,becoming the first black American president.
中学毕业后,奥巴马进入哥伦比亚大学 学习。工作几年以后,他又考进了哈佛大学学习法律。获得硕士学位后,他放弃了华尔街的高 薪工作。一种内在的使命感使他决定到芝加哥最贫困的黑人社区服务,从事了多年的基 层工作,这也为他以后的政治生涯奠定了坚实的基础。就这样,在因肤色自卑而带来 的强烈的成功欲的驱动下,他努力奋斗,从博士、教授到州议员、国会议员一路走 来,最终以成为美国首位黑人总统作为自己毕生追求的目标。功夫不负有心 人,在2008年12月4日这一天,他实现了父辈和自己的梦想,成为了美国 历史上首位黑人总统。