1. must的意义
(1)表示责任,义务, 意为“必须”。如:
You must tell me the truth.
I must ask you about your family.
He must be at home; the light is on.
2. must 的时态
must只有一种形式, 在将来时里,可用must, 也可用 shall(will) have to。如:
I must be at home tomorrow.
I shall have to go there some day.
must 一般不用于过去时态,它的过去式常用had to代替。如:
I had to go there yesterday.
He said that he must talk with his teacher.
He decided that he must try to be on the side of the winner.
I said you mustnt go there.
He must have gone to Beijing yesterday.
Just when they were about to go there, they must catch a bad cold.
3. must的否定式及其答语
You must pay the money, but you neednt do so at once.
Must I finish my homework now?
Yes, you must./No, you neednt.
其否定也可用dont have to。如:
You must be back by 12 oclock. 变为否定句应是:
You neednt be back by 12 oclock. 或 You dont have to be back by 12 oclock.
You mustnt do that.
You mustnt smoke, must you?
I mustnt let anyone know.
I must save money, mustnt I?
(3)表示“推测”时 其否定式为cant。如:
He must be there.
He cant be there.
(4)——May I come in?
——No, you mustnt.
4. must 与 have to
You must(have to) do as you are told.
We must try our best to do it.
You must answer my question in English.
(3)表示客观条件不得不如此时,用 have to。如:
He missed the bus and had to walk home.
(4)must的否定式表示“绝对不可,不许, 禁止”,have to的否定式表示“不必”。如:
You mustnt smoke in class.
You dont have to go there.