本刊记者 刘江洁
本刊记者 刘江洁
全球低碳经济的盛行,绿色、环保、节能减排之风兴起,具有运能大、占地少、能耗低、污染小等优势的内河航运成为了时代的“新宠”。“目前,中央和地方各级政府高度重视内河航运的发展,加快内河航道建设,不仅社会各界统一了认识,而且也具备了良好的发展环境和条件。” 交通运输部水运局工程管理处处长李永恒说。
交通运输部水运科学研究院研究员苏国萃告诉记者,现在全国内河通航里程只有 12.3 万公里,在12.3 万公里航道中,只有6.1万公里是等级航道。《内河通航标准》将航道分为天然和渠化河流航道、限制性航道等类别,航道按可通航船舶的吨级划分为7级。一级航道可通航3000吨级的船舶,七级航道可通航50吨级的船舶。现在能通行50吨级以上船舶的航道只有6.1万公里,剩下的6万多公里连50吨船舶都不能通航。而1000吨级以上的高等级航道只有8800多公里,只占整个航道里程的7%;300吨级以上的航道占20%,只有2.43万公里,这也就意味着80%的航道只能通300吨级以下的船舶,而美国千吨级航道占了其总里程的60%多,德国占70%多。
“内河航道不尽如人意的现状导致内河航运的效能没有充分发挥,由于早年全社会对内河航运发展的认识不足,投资不够,造成内河航运资源的巨大浪费,并使其资源严重受损,历史遗留下太多的棘手难题。” 苏国萃说,据有关统计,在我国现有通航河流上共建有水利水电枢纽4400多座,其中建有船闸、升船机等过船设施的仅有860多座,形成碍航闸坝3500多座,造成航道中断4万余公里。除碍航闸坝外,在航道上建设桥梁、管道、取水口、栈桥和架设电线等跨河、临河建筑物,也严重威胁航道功能的发挥,甚至中断航道。此外,航道保护工作面临着诸多难题,如在航道上乱采砂石、淘金、取弃土、乱倒垃圾,造成部分航道淤积严重;在航道内弃置沉船沉物,损坏和破坏航标,造成航行安全重大隐患等。这些侵占、破坏和损坏航道的行为,直接造成航道通航条件恶化,航道里程下降,部分航道只能区间通航,水运资源受到很大损害。
“内河航道建设非常复杂,涉及到水流、泥沙、土质、流速、流量等诸多因素,内河航道建设要循序渐进,不能各地一窝蜂地发展,一定要把前期规划及各项准备工作做扎实,夯实发展基础,逐步加大投资,才能把航道建设项目建成‘安全工程’、‘精品工程’。” 李永恒建言。
The key for development of water transportation is to construct and protect navigation channel in a good condition. The navigation channel is the base of water transportation and is the national important communication facility of commonweal.Practice has shown at home and abroad, without modern channel, there would be no modern water transportation of low consumption, high eff i ciency and safety.
According to the information from Mr. Yuan Qijun,Deputy Director of Water Transport Institute of Planning Institute of Ministry of Transport, during the period of"The 11th Five Year Plan”, the major rapids and dangerous shoal in way of the trunk routes of Yangtze River have been managed and controlled in general.The freight quantity of Yangtze River has surpassed that of Mississippi River and the Rhine to become the busiest inland water transportation in the world and navigating r i v e r w i t h t h e b i g g e s t volume; Xijiang River are planning to put into practice capacity expansion through transformation, until then, ships of 1000 tons and above could navigate along that river, which shall become connection between southwest and regions of Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao; at the end of "The 11th Five Year Plan” in grand canal of northern Jiangsu section will reach the second-class channel standard to navigate ship of 2000 tons, Jiangnan section to be the great channel of coal transport from north area to south area, which could navigate ship of 1000 tons and it is according to third- class channel standard to transform;the construction of height class channel network of Yangtze river delta has embarked on a large scale;height class channel network of Yangtze river delta is hope of reach planning standard at the end of “The 11th Five Year Plan”; the stepped channel major tributaries and parts of channels and its water transport in regions with a few rivers are boost in order by planning.
Yuan Qijun considers, the construction of channel and its function directly influence on development of water transport and regional economic and social development. With the rapid development of economy and society in China, the requirements of resourcesaving and environment-friendly are increasing,accelerate the construction of inland waterway construction, bring the advantage and potential of inland water into full play, it is benef i cial to develop low-carbon economy and promote transformation of the mode of economic development, decrease energy consume,reduce the contamination emission; it is promote coordinated development of regional economies, speed up the construction of inland waterways, give the play to the role of bridge between international and domestic markets in inland water navigation of Yangtze River and Xijiang River, it is benef i cial to realize the effective engagement and have complementary advantages interlocal on factors of resources, technology, capital,open up the basin wider to the outside world; at the same time, bring unique advantage in inland water transportation of bulk commodity of energy and raw materials and container transport into full play, hold up the industrial belt along the Yangtze river area of formation and development of power,steel, petrochemical, automobile, speed up industrial adjustment and of eastern area's industry upgrading and pace of migration, it is in favor of adjustment and optimization of industrial distribution along Yangtze river;further to exploit the potential advantages of inland water transportation, improve the ability of service, realize the organic water transportation connecting with the mode of transportation of road, rail, aviation, pipeline,it is beneficial to construct the modern integrated transport system, develop multimodal transport, play the part of varies of comparative advantages of mode of transportation, deduce the community integrated transportation cost.
In order to steadily boost China’s navigation channels construction, the National Development and Reform Commission and the Ministry of Transport organized to develop “The National Inland Waterways and Port layout Planning”(abbreviated “as The Planning”),and approved by the State Council in 2007, the Planning made overall deployment for construction and development of inland shipping, which divided into two levels: including height class channel and others class channels, meanwhile height class channel is the key and backbone of China’s inland channels.it is the important component of national integrated transportation system. “The Planning” put forward in the abundant water resources of 18 major tributaries,including the Yangtze River, Pearl River, the Grand Canal and the Huaihe River, Heilongjiang and Songliao Rivers and other river systems, from the Yangtze River, Xijiang River shipping route, the Grand Canal,the Yangtze River Delta, high-grade channel network high-grade Pearl River Delta Waterway Network to form the layout of height class channels of the mode of “two rows, one in trail, two networks, eighteen lines”of about 19,000 kilometers(about the national inland waterways of 15%)“The Planning” will be clarif i ed in the coming period, that is based on“two rows, one in trail,two networks, eighteen lines”as the emphasis of height class channel.
Looking into the future, the basic establishment of modern inland shipping system of smooth, efficient,safe and green shall be completed by 2020. The national height class channel of 19,000 kilometers could basically reach the planning standard, main port construction of port posses scale, specialization and modernization, transport ships realize standardized and large scale, transport efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions by conserving energy have risen notably, construct modern safety supervision and rescue system.
“In the Mood for Love”of Navigation Channel Construction
Reporter Liu Jiangjie