
2010-05-15 02:02:28建筑设计雅蒙德维斯奈斯建筑事务所
世界建筑 2010年11期


1.2 外景/Exterior view




3 庭院/Courtyard






根据原有结构的质量,新加建的部分围绕着3个新的庭院组织,每个庭院适于不同年龄的孩子游戏和娱乐。现有的中庭用白色的砾石、长椅和绿色植物装饰成安静的花园,非常适合一些安静的游戏和交谈。其中有两棵大橡树被保留下来。在2期工程里,中庭采用橡胶地板,适合那些最小的孩子们在其中玩耍。学校西侧的开放式庭院被规划为球场。□(张晓黎 译)

4 外景/Exterior view

5 入口/Entrance

6 外景/Exterior view

Oslo International School is a private school with about 500 children from more than 50 different nations,divided into kindergarten, reception, primary and secondary school. The school is based on a traditional use of classrooms combined with special facilities for advanced studies.

The primary goal of the building project is to upgrade existing areas, replace temporary structures and establish new educational areas for specific needs. The project is divided into 3 phases to make possible continuous use of the school during the construction period.

The existing structure from the 1960-ies was worn down, but had obvious architectonic qual ities. The organization on one level gives easy orientation, good natural lighting and a close contact to the outdoors.The modular st ructure is f lexible to programmatic changes. The new st ructure gent ly t ransforms the easy organization within a limited budget, and tries to keep the inherent qual ities. The new mechanical systems are placed on the roof.

Phase 1 is established as pavilions within existing atrium. They include science laboratories, library and a main “square”. The main entrance, as a resul t of the addition, is moved to the west side of the building.The architecture is developed as a new vocabulary of sof t and organic forms, sof tening dense spatial relationships between new and old areas. At the same time these new areas contain special programs f ramed by the rectilinear structure of the old. Daylight fil ls the rooms f rom nar row sl its f rom f loor to cei l ing combined with circular roof lights.

Phase 2 is a separate pavi lion for the smal lest children. It houses 10 classrooms in addition to offices.The common areas get daylight from the at rium. Sizes of rooms are f lexible, and can be changed according to number of children on each level.

Phase 3, under planning, wi l l house new areas for drama, music and physical education. Parts of the areas wil l be open at night.

Mater ials

Organical ly shaped wal ls are clad with special ly mil led wooden paneling in convex and concave shape,treated with clear tar. Inside, the wooden wal ls are whitewashed. Phase 2 has a facade covered with fiber cement boards in 10 different colors. Outside materials are also used on the inside of outside wal ls.

With reference to the qual i t ies of the old st ructure, the new bui ldings are organized around three new atria suited for play and recreation for the di f ferent groups of children. The existing atrium is establ ished as the quiet garden with white gravel,benches and greenery sui ted for quiet play and conversations. Two large existing oaks are preserved.The atrium in phase two has a rubber f loor suited for play for the smal lest chi ldren. The open school yard towards the west is planned for bal l play. □

7 庭院/Courtyard

项目时间/Project Date: 2006-2009

业主/Client: Oslo International School

设计团队/Design Team: Einar Jarmund, H。 ak on

Vigsnaes, Alessandra Kosberg

景观建筑师/Landscape Architect: Grindaker AS

结构顾问/St ructural Consultants: AS Frederiksen

设备顾问/Mechanical Consultants: Ingén ia AS /Ing.

Per Rasmussen AS /Heiberg& Tveter AS

消防顾问/Fire Consul tants: NEAS Brannconsul t AS

声学顾问/Acoustics Consultants: Norconsul t AS

承建商/Cont ractor: Oslo Byggentrepre nr AS

面积/Size: 3 900m(2新建/new st ructure), 3 300m2(翻新/refurbishment)

摄影/Photography: Ivan Brodey

8 平面/Floor plan

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