
2010-03-21 08:29

潘 娜

(杭州外国语学校,浙江杭州 310023)


潘 娜

(杭州外国语学校,浙江杭州 310023)




在课堂教学实践中,教师可以根据学生的实际情况,设计许多形式与意义不同指向的教学活动.下面笔者以课文“The Record-holder”为例来说明教师如何设计多样的融合语言形式和意义的情景与活动,进而引导学生从单纯掌握语言知识发展到运用语言知识完成社会生活任务.

1 在注重语言形式时关注语言意义

1.1 单词和短语的引出及其操练


该课文的教学中要完成的具体任务是学习语言知识.课文有八个新单词和短语,笔者仅例举其中两个.教学中,教师先通过1)和2)两句话引出短语evade doing something和put somebody to shame.此时,教师仅考虑语言形式,没有信息差(information gap),因而学生更关注的是语言形式.接着教师又设计了各种学生熟悉的情景,让他们真正掌握语言意义.

1)He ______ answering the question by talking about something else. (evaded)

Teacher: How do you evade answering my questions?

Student 1: I sometimes evade answering your questions by burying my head in my hands.

Student 2: I evade answering questions by avoiding your eye contact.

Teacher: Do people like to talk about those sensitive topics?

Student 1: Most people evade talking about others’ privacy.

Teacher: Can you describe a responsible citizen?

Student 1: A responsible citizen never evades paying taxes.

Student 2: A responsible citizen never evades his or her responsibilities.

2)Joe Sanders wins “The Nicest Garden Competition” each year. His garden ______ the others’______. (put to shame)

Teacher: At the end of the singing competition during the Art Festival in our school, a professional singer sang us a song. How will you compare her performance to the competitors’?

Student: Her performance put the competitors’ to shame.

Teacher: The visiting teacher sitting at the back of our classroom just now gave me his name card. This outstanding teacher is the vice principal in Nanchang Foreign Language School.

Student: This teacher puts Ms. Pan to shame.


1.2 句型和优美句子的模仿和操练

语言形式(form)是有限的,而语言意义(meaning)却是无限的,人们可用有限的语言形式创造出无限的句子和语篇来表情达意.在课文中,有一些句型和优美的句子值得学生学习模仿和使用.例如句型Children who play truant from school are unimaginative. A quiet day’s fishing, or eight hours in a cinema seeing the same film over and over again, is usually as far as they get. (…, or …is usually as far as … get.) 可以被学生利用来回答以下问题:How do you like the food in our school cafeteria? Are your grandparents retired? Do you think they enjoy their life? 他们的回答如下:

Food in our school cafeteria is really awful. Pork steak cooked in strange sources, chicken mixed with red pepper or fried green vegetables is usually as far as we get every day.

Life for retirement is no fun. Endless house chores or eight hours playing Mahjong with friends is usually as far as they get.

再如下面的句子中被赋予新的意义的是句型:“something didn’t … as somebody hoped it would, but …”.

1)The “Revealer” didn’t help the search party find any lost treasure as they hoped it would, but an empty tin trunk.

2)The speech didn’t amuse his daughter as he hoped it would, but made her unhappy.


3)The bull didn’t pay attention to the matador as he hoped it would, but turned its attention to the drunk.

2 在掌握语言意义时注重语言形式

2.1 理解文本意义,关注语言形式



人类在交际中本能的追求意义,而忽视语言形式.例如在学生复述课文“The Record-holder”时,一位学生的复述内容如下:It was a beautiful day. I found sitting in the classroombored and suffered(boring and suffering), so Idecide(decided) to play truant. I hitchhiked to Dover and in the evening I went into a boat to sleep. The next morning I was surprised to find the boat had traveled to Calais. From there, I again hitchhiked to Parisby(in) a lorry.Instead took me(Instead of taking me) to the centre of Paris, the lorry driver left me just outside the city. I stopped another car which took me to Perpignan on the French-Spanish border. That was the end of my trip. There I was picked up by a policeman and sent back to school by the local authorities. I traveled 1, 600 miles during the whole trip, which put other children who play truant to shame. I really enjoyed my trip.



2.2 跳出文本意义,灵活运用语言形式

在语言教学中,教师既要学生关注语言的意义,又希望学生学到语言的形式.如何在话题设计中将对意义的关注和语言形式的关注有效地组合在一起,是教师需要关注的问题.这就要求教师精心设计话题;尽量把话题转变为学生语言形式习得的机会.笔者认为话题设计必须考虑两个主要问题:1)是否可以让学生充分运用已学语言形式;2)是否能刺激学生表达真实性语言意义.例如:在学生基本理解了课文“The Record-holder”的语言形式和意义后,教师可以设计这样深入的话题或任务:Can you tell us a story which can also be entitled the “Record-holder”? While telling the story, you are required to use at least three words and expressions we’ve just learned. 同时教师给出以下出自本课文的八个单词和短语,供学生任意选用三个以上:unimaginative, evade doing something, put to shame, in the meantime, dream of, set up a record, as far as, record-holder.教师设计这样的话题是要学生充分考虑意义成分,同时又有意识地借要求学生运用课文中的单词和短语来引导学生注重语言形式.

3 结 语





[1] 张正东. 论双语教学[J]. 基础教育外语教学研究, 2002, (7): 13-15.

[2] Ellis R. The Study of Second Language Acquisition [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1994: 3.

[3] Skehan P. A Cognitive Approach to Language Learning [M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1998: 49.

[4] 教育部. 全日制义务教育普通高中英语课程标准: 实验稿[M]. 北京: 人民教育出版社, 2003.

Integration of Language Forms and Language Meanings in English Teaching

(Hangzhou Foreign Language School, Hangzhou, China 310023)

Teaching of language forms and teaching of language meanings, which are relatively independent but complement each other, are two aspects in the practice of classroom English teaching. So in the practice of English teaching, teachers should pay attention to language meanings in the teaching of language forms and pay attention to language forms in the teaching of language meanings.

English Teaching; Language Form; Language Meaning; Integration




10.3875/j.issn. 1674-3563.2010.02.012 本文的PDF文件可以从xuebao.wzu.edu.cn获得



潘娜(1969- ),女,浙江岱山人,高级讲师,学士,研究方向:语言学及应用语言学

The Book Review of Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis
The Connection Between “Wolf Child” Story and “Poverty of Stimulus” Argument
发现“形式” 践行“形式”