
2010-02-09 16:29:35
中南大学学报(自然科学版) 2010年6期




一株 DBP 高效降解菌的筛选及其降解特性·······················金德才,梁任星,王洋洋,代沁芸,张瑞永,吴学玲(8)




孔径可调介孔 La-Co-Ce-O 系复合氧化物的制备·············································周向阳,廖姿敏,李劼(34)




用 BP 神经网络提高锂离子电池化成系统采样精度·······································吴免利,李劼,肖昕,邹忠(55)

溶液雾化氧化法制备超细 Co3O4粒子及其性能表征································郭学益,郭秋松,冯庆明,田庆华(60)

改进的固相法制备电解质锂盐 LiBOB 及其纯度测定··························张丽娟,孙菁,李法强,任齐都,王连亮(67)





旋锻对 Mo-Ti-Zr合金性能及显微组织的影响································罗明,范景莲,成会朝,田家敏,卢明园(97)



不同载荷下 C/C 复合材料往返式滑动摩擦行为······································葛毅成,易茂中,涂欣达,彭可(114)



不同应力下 7B04 铝合金的疲劳断口···································蹇海根,姜锋,文康,黄宏锋,韦莉莉,蒋龙(132)

氧气流量对 TiOx薄膜结构和光学特性的影响········································周继承,荣林艳,赵保星,李莉(138)


BN 表面镀镍对 Ni-Cr/BN 减摩密封材料烧结性能的影响······························韦小凤,王日初,彭超群,冯艳(150)

采用热丝化学气相沉积法制备 SiCN 薄膜的研究·····························赵武,屈亚东,张志勇,贠江妮,樊玎玎(156)

荧光标记的叶酸修饰壳聚糖纳米载体研制···················金鑫,张阳德,王吉伟,张丽华,杨璞, 张旭,胡玉,于丽(161)










基于 VC 和 Vega Prime联合开发的巡航导弹仿真系统研究···········································彭亮,黄心汉(219)





























隐藏嗜酸菌DX1-1和氧化亚铁硫杆菌CMS的紫外诱变育种及浸矿研究·····杨宇,张帅, 徐爱玲, 邹俐宏, 历丽, 邱冠周(393)


捕收剂 CSU31 对黄铜矿和黄铁矿浮选的选择性作用·······························孙小俊,顾帼华,李建华,胡岳华(406)



高分子聚胺 PED 的合成及废水硫酸根的吸附性能····························张理源,柴立元,王海鹰,刘晴,谭鑫波(422)

Li-Fe-Si-H2O 体系的热力学分析·················································张有新,曹才放,刘旭恒,赵中伟(428)







Al-7.8Zn-1.6Mg-1.8Cu 合金铸锭及其均匀化的微结构研究·····························熊创贤,万里,邓运来,张新明(465)



Mg-Gd-Y-Zr合金在 773 和 823 K 热处理时的氧化行为························邓运来,杨柳,郭天才,李文瑛,张新明(483)




形变时效工艺对低铍 Cu-Ni-Be 合金力学性能和电导率的影响············刘楚明,刘娜,曾祥亮,陈志永,李慧中,徐雷(508)

高能球磨制备 Y-Al-Mg-Si-O-N 氧氮微晶玻璃·····································唐武彪,罗志伟,朱立刚,卢安贤(514)

含板状 WC 晶粒 WC-10%Co 硬质合金的组织和性能··············································李志林,朱丽慧(521)

添加载银纳米 TiO2对硅橡胶抗菌性能及生物相容性的影响··························陈良建,黄冬梅,张思慧,袁剑鸣(526)


面向复杂产品的分布式协同设计系统··························于加晴,查建中,陆一平,徐文胜,李楠,M. Sobolewski(539)






MIMO−OFDM 系统的同步算法··························································杨春萍,王键,李道本(578)


高精度音频多位 sigma-delta 调制器设计····························石立春,杨银堂,李迪,吴笑峰,丁瑞雪,梁宏军(592)

基于 DFA 复合式 Agent模型的设计与实现········································卢薇薇,蔡自兴,文志强,陈爱斌(600)


变增益 PI速度控制器在间接磁场定向控制系统中的应用······················李建军,桂卫华,张超,何亚屏,盛洁波(615)



三元素集合中的自封闭加法与 2n系列伪随机信号编码···················································何继善(632)


基于 Fourier变换的瑞雷面波分离提取及实例分析··········································张大洲,熊章强,秦臻(643)




基于 Bishop 条分法的边坡可靠度应用研究················································彭振斌,李俊,彭文祥(668)


岩石的非定常 Burgers 模型······························································熊良宵,杨林德,张尧(679)






BP 神经网络在地基土压缩指数预测中的应用·····································蒋建平,章杨松,阎长虹,高广运(722)





采用 R410A 的变频房间空调器的理论与实验研究···························曹小林,喻首贤,李雄林,王伟,廖胜明(759)

CSP 辊底式均热炉钢坯氧化烧损的数值模拟··································欧俭平,赵迪,张兴华,吴青娇,王芳(764)



超声辐照降解 MC-RR 动力学的影响因素··································欧桦瑟,高乃云,隋铭皓,黎雷,姚娟娟(784)

CAST 分段进水深度脱氮性能及在线控制·······························马娟,彭永臻,王淑莹,王丽,刘洋,马宁平(793)








Na2CO3和 CaF2强化赤泥铁氧化物还原研究·································黄柱成,蔡凌波,张元波,杨永斌,姜涛(838)



Pitzer理论在 CaSO4-Ca(OH)2-H2O 系硫酸根平衡浓度计算中的应用···················彭小玉,王云燕,柴立元,舒余德(859)


电沉积 Cr/ZrO2复合镀层的结构和摩擦性能···············舒绪刚,何湘柱,黄慧民,李大光,谢绍俊,雷华山,赵国鹏(871)

酪氨酸-钐(Ⅲ)配合物与鲱鱼精 DNA 的作用方式·······························赵娜,王兴明,张艳,胡亚敏,丁立生(876)

超声强化纳米 KF/γ-Al2O3催化酯交换制备生物柴油··················任庆功,阎杰,黄冠华,丘泰球,杨日福,范晓丹(883)


CVD 金刚石膜反应器内气相化学的理论研究进展··························安希忠,李长兴,刘国权,沈峰满,李友清(896)

轧制温度和道次变形量对铝阳极 Al-Mg-Sn-Bi-Ga-In 性能的影响·········梁叔全,官迪凯,毛志伟,张勇,潘安强,唐艳(906)

表面改性 Si3N4粉末在水相体系中的分散性能········································银锐明, 范景莲,刘勋,单成(912)



热镀锌用 Zn-(0~6.0%)Al-4.0%Sb 合金的凝固组织····································彭曙,卢锦堂,车淳山,王新华(930)

汽车用 5182 铝合金的温拉深成形性能·······························王孟君,周威,任杰,李彩文,黄电源,李光耀(936)




电液位置伺服系统的规则自校正模糊 PID 控制器··································邵俊鹏,王仲文,李建英,韩桂华(960)

基于 PFC-(PID-H∞) 300 MN 模锻水压机动梁速度跟踪控制········································黄长征,谭建平(966)


超低速压铸慢压射速度下ADC12铝合金的显微组织和性能··························纪莲清,郭长江,熊守美, Masayuki Murakami, Yoshihide Matsumoto, Shingo Ikeda, 刘坤(977)



基于改进 FCM 和形态学的浮选泡沫形态特征提取········································周开军,王一军,许灿辉(994)






高精度Σ-ΔADC 中的数字抽取滤波器设计··································吴笑峰,刘红侠,李迪,胡仕刚,石立春(1037)

基于 AR 模型的无线衰落信道仿真···························································周晓兰,王随平(1042)














PS 材料加固遗址土试验研究···········································和法国,谌文武,赵海英,孙满利,张景科(1132)





负载下 CFRP 与钢板复合加固钢筋混凝土梁抗弯试验及设计理论·································熊学玉,范新海(1165)











n 型多孔硅的制备及其光致发光性能·······························宋晓岚,喻振兴,程蕾,吴长荣,张泰隆,邓大宝(1229)


三维电极电化学反应器降解有机废水中的 EDTA·······················柴立元,尤翔宇,舒余德,杨杰,王云燕,赵娜(1240)



铝电解金属陶瓷惰性阳极气体及电解质流场仿真··································张红亮,王志刚,李 劼,赖延清(1256)




Al2O3负载催化空气氧化 3-氧代-α-紫罗兰酮合成 1-羟基-4-氧代-α-紫罗兰酮·············唐瑞仁,李菲,张瑞荣,周亚平(1281)


光 Fenton 反应催化剂 Ce-Fe/Al2O3的等离子体制备及其性能表征··············张亚平,韦朝海,姜涛,林郑忠,吴超飞(1292)

Zn-Cu-Mg-Al-RE 锌合金的显微组织与切削性能·····························林高用,曾菊花,郑小燕,杨伟,邹艳明(1297)

Dy 和 Y 对 ZK60 镁合金铸态组织和力学性能的影响·················刘楚明,彭小仙,李慧中,陈志永,朱秀荣,王荣(1303)








不同淬火工艺对 7075 铝合金厚板残余应力的影响···········································龚海,吴运新,廖凯(1354)



基于 GA-BP 神经网络的深海集矿机避障系统····································李鹏英,冯雅丽,张文明,杨春晖(1374)








基于 SVM 和混沌 PSO 的除钴过程工艺指标预测····························朱红求,阳春华,桂卫华,李勇刚,钱坚(1424)


基于本体的 G3M 语义增强策略····················································左琼,曹忠升,王元珍,周强(1435)


基于延时预测的 TCP 实时视频传输方法··················································熊永华,吴敏,贾维嘉(1449)


非高斯噪声下的车载 GPS 信号定位算法·······················································陈宇波,宋迎春(1462)


一种基于电平位移电路的低电压全摆幅 CMOS 运放······································潘学文,周继承,郑旭强(1473)

基于层次分析模糊分类器的油气输送管道 TPD 信号诊断·································赵新宇,赵延明,赵新民(1478)


基于 Daubechies 小波和证据理论的声目标识别························································孙德刚(1491)

基于地下深部工程岩体特性的 RMR 系统修正·································刘业科,曹平,衣永亮,张向阳,陈锐(1497)

高性能 CFRP 筋混凝土柱的抗震性能···········································龚永智,张继文,蒋丽忠,涂永明(1506)






Winkler地基上 Timoshenko 深梁的有限元分析···········································夏桂云,李传习,曾庆元(1549)


基于 CSAMT 法的地基基础评价············································程辉,李帝铨,底青云,付长民,王若(1561)

基于支持向量机的预应力 T 梁压浆质量无损检测··········································张东风,柳建新,谢维(1569)









NF-RO 组合膜处理大豆乳清废水·······························································缪畅,邱运仁(1623)






利用 Minitab 优化耐高温淀粉酶发酵培养条件···································赵伟,陈晨,刘倩,冯婷婷,周洪波(1652)


溶液浓度对前驱体 FePO4·xH2O 及 LiFePO4性能的影响···························彭春丽,沈超,张宝,张佳峰,李倩(1668)


Cu-Ni-Pb-Zn-Cl-H2O 体系的热力学分析··································赵中伟,石玉臣,陈爱良,霍广生,李洪桂(1680)




球形 LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2表面非均匀成核法包覆 Al2O3的研究··················杨志,李新海,王志兴,彭文杰,郭华军(1703)



片状 α-Fe2O3的制备及其生长机理·························································袁晰,叶红齐,刘辉(1718)



细晶 Mo-40%Cu 合金的烧结性能·················································田家敏,范景莲,陈玉柏,刘涛(1736)

炭纤维表面生长纳米碳管对 CVI热解炭结构的影响··········································陈洁,熊翔,王占峰(1743)

热轧 AZ31 镁合金板材高温塑性变形行为·····································余琨,蔡志勇,王晓艳,史褆,黎文献(1749)


基于 BP 网络的 Al-Cu-Mg-Sc-Zr合金均匀化电导率预测································邓英,尹志民,侯延辉,王华(1761)


ZK60 镁合金高温流变本构模型···································覃银江,潘清林,何运斌,李文斌,刘晓艳,范曦(1774)

强变形诱导析出相回溶后的 Al-Cu 合金再时效行为····························张孜昭,许晓嫦,胡楠,屈啸,陈振湘(1782)


BiCoO3对 BNT–BKT 陶瓷压电性能与退极化温度的影响···························周昌荣,刘心宇,江民红,袁昌来(1796)



基于 DEFORM-3D 的 7050 铝合金动态再结晶元胞自动机模拟·······························易幼平,刘超,黄始全(1814)







基于 ARMA-TS-GARCH 有限混合模型的交通数据分析·······················王维强,牛振东,曹玉娟,赵育民,赵堃(1860)

一种基于神经网络算法的非线性 PID 控制器···················································李桂梅,曾喆昭(1865)

一种结构化 Web 文档的联合聚类算法··················································邓冬梅,龙际珍,尹湘舟(1871)










基于 Markov 模型的铝土矿露天采空区生态重建的环境预测评价························刘霁,陈建宏,李云,周智勇(1931)







基于 CFD 模拟的格构塔平均风荷载分析···············································谢华平,何敏娟,马人乐(1980)

基于 DEM 的分布式斜坡稳定性模型在黄土沟壑区浅层滑坡中的应用·························康超,谌文武,张帆宇(1987)


冲击损伤对 PDC 侧压强度的影响··················································陈枫,徐根,徐国平,马春德(1998)




基于 BLADED 软件的大型风力机叶片气动分析····································周鹏展,曾竟成,肖加余,杨军(2022)


CuMn-ZSM-5 在 NH3选择催化还原 NO 反应中的催化活性······················黄修国,李彩亭,路培,李群,丁艳敏(2034)








锂离子电池和双电层电容器用 LiODFB-TEABF4复合盐电解液的研究·······刘萍,李凡群,李劼,卢海,张治安,赖延清(2079)






高温烧制时间对 Pt/YSZ 电极性能的影响·····························王光伟,李和平,徐丽萍,张磊,张艳清,窦静(2115)

悬浮液粉体质量浓度对 C-AlPO4高温抗氧化涂层结构和性能的影响·················杨文冬,黄剑锋,曹丽云,夏昌奎(2122)

高温真空脱气处理对微细 B4C 粉末特性的影响·····································杨晓亮,刘志坚,周萍,闫立奇(2127)


微观组织和 pH 对 Mg-Gd-Y-Zr镁合金酸雨腐蚀的影响·················张新明,易建龙,邓运来,刘杰,唐昌平,李理(2138)

NO 在多壁碳纳米管修饰电极的电氧化行为······················································李丽,史克英(2143)

NiFe2O4/Cu 金属陶瓷与金属的磷酸盐黏接特性··································张雷,陈孜,李志友,周科朝,李超(2149)



复合稀土 La 和 Sc 掺杂氧化锌压敏瓷的显微组织和电性能···········徐东 ,程晓农,赵国平,袁宏明,樊曰娥,施利毅(2167)

PDC 钻头出露量和线速度对复合片磨损规律的影响·······························张绍和,谢晓红,方海江,李智峰(2173)

金刚石制品用 FeCoCu 胎体的烧结与力学性能研究························谢志刚,刘心宇,秦海青, 王进保,蒋剑锋(2178)

基于 SVM 与多振动信息融合的齿轮故障诊断····································蒋玲莉,刘义伦,李学军,陈安华(2184)


基于向量 Lyapunov 函数方法的顾前顾后型车辆跟随控制··························任殿波,张京明,崔胜民,张继业(2195)


基于 ANSYS 的铝合金厚板淬火过程热力耦合数值分析··········································袁望姣,吴运新(2207)


基于 BP 网络的注塑成型模具硬态高速铣削力研究··············································王凌云,黄红辉(2218)

基于 CPU 仿真器的汇编语言学习系统设计与实现····································盛羽,余进,陈松乔,王建新(2224)

不同基函数对 RBF-ARX 模型的影响·····························································甘敏,彭辉(2231)

基于身份认证的 Ad Hoc 密钥协商方案························································施荣华,樊翔宇(2236)

对基于 SNM 数据清洗算法的优化···············································张建中,方正,熊拥军,袁小一(2240)





基于 PWM 的低温度依赖基准电压电路设计·······································吴铁峰,张鹤鸣,胡辉勇,李敏(2269)


状态 PI调节器在 D-STATCOM 双闭环控制中的应用········································唐杰,邓志勇,杨志红(2282)















负载对 CFRP 及 CFRP 与钢板复合加固 R.C 梁抗弯性能的影响····································熊学玉,范新海(2393)

基于多尺度 MSR 法的边坡体系可靠度分析······································谢桂华,张家生,刘荣桂,李继祥(2400)



长沙市郊区环境大气中颗粒物 PM10的质量浓度及其变化特性··························王琪,邓启红,唐猛,刘蔚巍(2419)








Journal of Central South University

(Science and Technology)

General Contents (2010)


Behavior of arsenic in arsenic-bearing iron concentrate pellets by preoxidizing-weak reduction roasting process·······················JIANG Tao, HUANG Yan-fang, ZHANG Yuan-bo, HAN Gui-hong, LI Guang-hui, GUO Yu-feng(1)

Isolation and characterization of a highly efficient DBP-degrading bacterium·····················JIN De-cai, LIANG Ren-xing, WANG Yang-yang, DAI Qin-yun, ZHANG Rui-yong, WU Xue-ling(8)

Bioleaching of chalcopyrite by moderately thermophilic mixed microorganisms in stirred tank bioreactor and community succession analysis···········ZHOU Hong-bo, XIE Ying-jian, ZHANG Ru-bing, ZENG Wei-min, LUO Hai-lang, WANG Yu-guang(15)

Leaching kinetics of cobalt from roasting-dissolving residue of spent catalyst with sulfuric acid······································FENG Qi-ming, SHAO Yan-hai, OU Le-ming, ZHANG Guo-fan, LU Yi-ping(21)

Decoppering of copper-complexing wastewater from printed circuit boards·········································CHAI Li-yuan, YOU Xiang-yu, SHU Yu-de, YANG Jie, WANG Yun-yan(27)

Preparation of mesoporous La-Co-Ce-O compound with adjustable pore size·········ZHOU Xiang-yang, LIAO Zi-min, LI Jie(34)

Leaching zinc oxide ore in alkaline solution·····················ZHAO Zhong-wei, JIA Xi-jun, CHEN Ai-liang, LONG Shuang, HUO Guang-sheng, LI Hong-gui(39)

Chlorination-leaching of lead anode slime with high antimony and low silver contents at controlled potential········································································CHEN Jin-zhong, YANG Tian-zhu(44)

Petroleum coke based activated carbon prepared from chemical activation and chemical-physical activation·······································SUN Xiao-feng,WANG Xin-yu, LAI Yan-qing, ZHANG Zhi-an, XIA Yang(50)

Improvement of sampling precision in Li-ion battery formation system by using BP neural network································································WU Mian-li, LI Jie, XIAO Xin, ZOU Zhong(55)

Preparation and characterization of ultrafine Co3O4particles by solution spray-oxidation method···············································GUO Xue-yi, GUO Qiu-song, FENG Qing-ming, TIAN Qing-hua(60)

Preparation by improved solid-state method and purity determination of LiBOB·········································ZHANG Li-juan, SUN Jing, LI Fa-qiang, REN Qi-du, WANG Lian-liang(67)

Structure of CaSn(OH)6and its application in Ni/Zn battery··········································YANG Zhan-hong, WANG Sheng-wei, LIAO Jian-ping, HU Jun, YI Shi(73)

Effects of new flocculants on settlement of Bayer red mud·························XU Fang, HU Hui-ping, CHEN Qi-yuan(77)

Effect of substitution in dodecyl- cationic collectors on flotation of aluminosilicates································································XIA Liu-yin, ZHONG Hong, LIU Guang-yi(83)

Synthesis and properties of high solid contents polyurethane-acrylate hybrid emulsions································································LI Shao-mao, QU Jin-qing, CHEN Huan-qin(90)

Influence of rotary forging on mechanical properties and microstructure of Mo-Ti-Zr alloy·····································LUO Ming, FAN Jing-lian, CHENG Hui-chao, TIAN Jia-min, LU Ming-yuan(97)

Preparation and structure on heteropoly acids-TiO2colloid-polyvinylpyrrolidone composites·······························································LI Heng-feng, BIAN Hong, ZHANG Yu-qin(103)

Sintering expansion behavior and expansion mechanism of Cu-Ni-Al powder alloy····························································FENG Ying, LI Yi-min, HE Hao, ZENG Zhao-yi(108)

To-fro sliding tribological behavior of C/C composite under different loads·························································GE Yi-cheng, YI Mao-zhong, TU Xin-da, PENG Ke(114)

Transitional dynamics of deformation induced phase transformation at ZrC/austenitic interface····································TANG Ming-hua, LIU Zhi-yi, HU Shuang-kai, JIN Xiao-ming, LI Jian-zhong(120)

Effect of Nd and Dy on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast ZK10 magnesium alloy·········LIU Chu-ming, LI Bing-feng, LIU Hong-ting, LI Hui-zhong, CHEN Zhi-yong, WANG Rong, WANG Meng-jun(125)

Fatigue fracture of 7B04 aluminum alloy under different stresses····························JIAN Hai-gen, JIANG Feng, WEN Kang, HUANG Hong-feng, WEI Li-li, JIANG Long(132)

Influence of oxygen flow on structure and optical properties of TiOxfilms·····················································ZHOU Ji-cheng, RONG Lin-yan, ZHAO Bao-xing, LI Li(138)

Effect of copper ions on behavior of nickel electro-crystallization on glassy carbon electrode····························································LIU Yu, TAN Cheng-yu, JIA Zhi-qiang, HU Wei(144)

Effect of BN surface plated nickel on sintering properties of Ni-Cr/BN antifriction sealing material·················································WEI Xiao-feng, WANG Ri-chu, PENG Chao-qun, FENG Yan(150)

Silicon carbon nitride thin film produced by hot-filament chemical vapor deposition·····································ZHAO Wu, QU Ya-dong, ZHANG Zhi-yong, YUN Jiang-ni, FAN Ding-ding(156)

Preparation and characterization of fluorimetric folate-coupled chitosan nano-carrier·············JIN Xin, ZHANG Yang-de, WANG Ji-wei, ZHANG Li-hua, YANG Pu, ZHANG Xu, HU Yu, YU Li(161)

Numerical simulation of flow and temperature field in side-blown aluminum annealing furnace····················································LI Jian-ping, WANG Bo-chang, LIU Tao, MAO Da-heng(166)

Influence factors of mechanics parameters in rolling spiral tooth parts with cross wedge rolling······························································YAN Hua-jun, LIU Jin-ping, HU Zheng-huan(172)

Analysis of measuring residual stress depth profiling in aluminum alloy thick plate using integral method·····································································LIAO Kai, WU Yun-xin, GONG Hai(179)

A method for improving alignment precision of chip and substrate·········································HAN Lei, ZHANG Li-na, WANG Fu-liang, LI Jun-hui, ZHANG Ya-nan(184)

Coupling fault diagnosis for gas compressor based on fluctuation entropy model···············································CUI Hou-xi, ZHANG Lai-bin, DUAN Li-xiang, LAN Xin-yang(190)

Complex surface automatic measurement for ultrasonic inspection···········································LI Xiong-bing, YANG Yue, HU Hong-wei, NI Pei-jun, YANG Cheng(194)

A secure hierarchical key management scheme in mobile ad hoc networks·····················SHI Rong-hua, YUAN Qian(201)

Intelligent fault diagnosis and reconstruction of dual anti-skid braking system in aircraft·················································LIAO Li-qing, DUAN Ling-fei, XIONG Xiang, WANG Song(207)

Blending optimization model considering multiple production indices and satisfactory solution algorithm··········································KONG Ling-shuang, YANG Chun-hua, WANG Ya-lin, GUI Wei-hua(213)

Simulation system of cruise missile using VC and Vega Prime···························PENG Liang, HUANG Xin-han(219)

Exoskeleton suit’s force control method based on inner position loop···················································YANG Zhi-yong, GUI Li-hua, YANG Xiu-xia, GU Wen-jin(225)

Anisotropic diffusion smoothing of mixed noise·······················MA Jie, YAN Jia-bin, LIU Gui-zhong, LIU Jian-xin(231)

Generating test cases of cluster-level based on classes dependencies reduction·················GONG Hong-fang, LI Jun-yi(238)

Influence of chemical action of water-soil on soil shear strength······WANG Jun, CAO Ping, ZHAO Yan-lin, CHAI Hong-bao(245)

Assessment of classification for rock mass blastability based on entropy coefficient of attribute recognition model·····································XUE Jian-guang, ZHOU Jian, SHI Xiu-zhi, WANG Huai-yong, HU Hai-yan(251)

Sequence stratigraphy of Carboniferous at Bachu area, Tarim Basin·······································GUO Jian-hua, SUN Sang-dun, XU Jie, GUO Yuan-cao, ZHANG Lin-ting(257)

Mechanism of mud job and rotary drilling technology in sand and gravel············································LIU Mu-feng, PENG Zhen-bin, WANG Jian-jun, PENG Wen-xiang(265)

Three-component measurement in transient electromagnetic method········XI Zhen-zhu, LIU Jian, LONG Xia, HOU Hai-tao(272)

Sequence architecture styles of Cenozoic continental rift basins in East China················WANG Hua, LIAO Yuan-tao, LU Yong-chao, REN Jian-ye, WANG Jia-hao, YAN De-tian, LIU Yan-bo(277)

3D modeling of stress distribution at mineral grain boundaries at high temperature and high hydrostatic pressure·················································CHEN Yu-xiang, DU Jian-guo, LIU Hong, ZHANG Jian-ping(286)

Relationship between highly reactive iron and palaeo-productivity in marine sediment····························································YAN De-tian, WANG Jian-guo, ZHANG Li-qin(293)

Limit analysis of earth pressure on shallow tunnel using nonlinear failure criterion··········YANG Xiao-li, WANG Zuo-wei(299)

Deterioration behaviors of sulfate crystallization attack on cement-based material·················································MA Kun-lin, XIE You-jun, LONG Guang-cheng, ZHU Dai-li(303)

Mechanism of backfilling rocks to squeeze out ooze and simulated by particle flow code·················································ZHANG Ming-ming, XU Wei-ya, XIA Yu-bin, ZHOU Xian-qi(310)

Dynamical modeling and internal resonance of cable-stayed arch structure·····························································LÜ Jian-gen, ZHAO Yue-yu, WANG Rong-hui(316)

Safety criterion method of rock blasting vibration damnification based on multivariant discriminant analysis model··························································LING Tong-hua, LIAO Yan-cheng, ZHANG Sheng(322)

Relationship between soil structural parameters and strength and its application in slope stability analysis························································CHEN Chang-lu, SHAO Sheng-jun, DENG Guo-hua(328)

Analytical solution and experimental study on ultimate bearing capacity of tensile type anchor cable··············································································GAO De-jun, XU Wei-ya(335)

Stress−strain relation of core concrete of aixally-loaded steel tubular columns filled with steel-reinforced concrete·······································································XIAO A-lin, HE Yi-bin, GUO Jian(341)

Dynamic characteristics of green reinforced gabion walls subjected to horizontal seismic loading····································································LI Yun, YANG Guo-lin, LIN Yu-liang(347)

A fractal model on vapor diffusion in frost·····················CAI Liang, HOU Pu-xiu, YU Wei-ping, ZHANG Xiao-song(353)

Hourly cooling load analysis and prediction in a district cooling system······························································JIANG Xiao-qiang, LONG Wei-ding, LI Min(357)

Influence of indoor partition on air distribution of ceiling-mounted cassette type indoor unit····················································LIAN Zhi-wei, QI Da-hai, LIU Wei-wei, SONG Jin-liang(364)

Short-term forecasting optimization algorithm for wind speed from wind farms based on wavelet analysis method and rolling time series method··························································LIU Hui, TIAN Hong-qi, LI Yan-fei(370)

Aerodynamic performance of passenger train on different height of bridge of Qinghai-Tibet railway line under strong cross wind·······································································GAO Guang-jun, MIAO Xiu-juan(376)

Adsorption isotherm of phosphine onto CoCl2-modified activated carbon fiber····································YU Qiong-fen, YI Hong-hong, TANG Xiao-long, NING Ping, YANG Li-ping(381)

Physical and chemical properties of semi-sintering flue gas desulfurization ash········································GUO Bin, BIAN Jing-feng, REN Ai-ling, LIU Ren-ping, ZHANG Zheng(387)


UV-induced mutagenesis and bioleaching ofAcidiphilium cryptumandAcidithiobacillus ferrooxidans····································YANG Yu, ZHANG Shuai, XU Ai-ling, ZOU Li-hong, LI Li, QIU Guan-zhou(393)

Isolation and identification of a desizing enzyme producing strain and its enzyme characteristics································ZHAO Wei, CHEN Chen, JIN De-cai, PENG Juan-hua, LIU Qian, ZHOU Hong-bo(400)

Influences of collector CSU31 on chalcopyrite and pyrite flotation·····SUN Xiao-jun, GU Guo-hua, LI Jian-hua, HU Yue-hua(406)

Flotation of diaspore with a series of dodecyl tertiary amines················CAO Xue-feng, LIU Chang-miao, HU Yue-hua(411)

Removal performance of arsenic by carbon nanotube adsorbents loaded with ionic liquid············································PENG Chang-hong, CHENG Xiao-su, CAO Jin-yan, CHEN Dai-jun(416)

Synthesis of polyamine macromolecule PED and its adsorption in sulfate wastewater······································ZHANG Li-yuan, CHAI Li-yuan, WANG Hai-ying, LIU Qing, TAN Xin-bo(422)

Thermodynamic analysis of Li-Fe-Si-H2O system········ZHANG You-xin, CAO Cai-fang, LIU Xu-heng, ZHAO Zhong-wei(428)

Removal of sulfate from industry wastewater by double salt method···································WANG Hai-ying, PENG Xiao-yu, WANG Yun-yan, CHAI Li-yuan, SHU Yu-de(434)

Comparison analysis of common volatile constituents in herbal pairradix saposhnikoviae-rhizoma seu radix notopterygiiand its single herbs·····································CHEN Shuai-hua, YU Lian-fang, LI Xiao-ru, LIANG Yi-zeng(440)

Process of dehydration of nitrilotriacetic acid············TANG Xin-cun, CHEN Jing-bo, JIA Dian-zeng, LUO Zhuo, LI Lian-xing, ZENG Zhi-wen, XIAO Yuan-hua(446)

Performance of LaCrO3perovskite as sulfur tolerance anode catalyst··········TAN Wen-yi, MIAO Ming-sheng, ZHONG Qin(450)

Microstructure and mechanical properties of hot-forged powder metallurgy Fe-based alloys····················································LIU Dong-hua, LIU Yong, ZHAO Da-peng, LIU Zu-ming(455)

Nanocrystallization and soft magnetic properties of amorphous Fe86Zr7B6Cu1ribbons annealed by hot isothermal pressing·················TAI Zhong-zhi, LIU Wen-sheng, TANG Jian-cheng, MA Yun-zhu, ZHOU Ke-chao, HUANG Bai-yun(460)

Investigation of microstructures in as-cast and homogenized Al-7.8Zn-1.6Mg-1.8Cu aluminum alloy············································XIONG Chuang-xian, WAN Li, DENG Yun-lai, ZHANG Xin-ming(465)

Antiseizure performance of carbon nanotubes/Pb-Sn composite coatings···········HU Zheng-xi, JIE Xiao-hua, LU Guo-hui(472)

Dispersion stability of nano-tungsten disulfide particulates·····················SHI Chen, MAO Da-heng, MAO Xiang-hui(476)

Oxidization of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy during heat treatment process at 773 and 823 K·····································DENG Yun-lai, YANG Liu, GUO Tian-cai, LI Wen-ying, ZHANG Xin-ming(483)

Effects of argon pressure on carbon spheres by ferrocene catalyzed CaC2-CHCl3system···································YIN Cai-liu, HUANG Qi-zhong, WANG Xiu-fei, WEN Guo-fu, LIU Bao-rong,MENG Jie-li, PAN Shen-ming, HUANG Xue-ning(489)

Influence of alloying elements on electrochemical behavior and microstructure of Al anode materials····················WANG Nai-guang, WANG Ri-chu, PENG Chao-qun, FENG Yan, ZHANG Chun, ZHANG Jia-pei(495)

Variation rule of dynamic pressure in mold flux channel during non-sinusoidal oscillation process·············································WANG Hong-ming, SONG Bang-min, LI Gui-rong, ZHAO Yu-tao(501)

Effects of deformation aging on mechanical properties and electricity conductivity of Cu-Ni-Be alloy·····························LIU Chu-ming, LIU Na, ZENG Xiang-liang, CHEN Zhi-yong, LI Hui-zhong, XU Lei(508)

Preparation of Y-Al-Mg-Si-O-N oxynitride glass-ceramics by high-energy ball milling···················································TANG Wu-biao, LUO Zhi-wei, ZHU Li-gang, LU An-xian(514)

Microstructure and properties of WC-10%Co cemented carbides with plate-like WC grains···········LI Zhi-lin, ZHU Li-hui(521)

Effect of addition of Ag-embedded nano-TiO2on antibacterial activity and biocompatibility of silicone rubber·································CHEN Liang-jian, HUANG Dong-mei, ZHANG Si-hui, YUAN Jian-ming(526)

Dynamic modeling and simulation of mast link frame system of rotary drilling rig······························································KANG Hui-mei, HE Qing-hua, ZHU Jian-xin(532)

Distributed collaborative design system for complex product·······························YU Jia-qing, CHA Jian-zhong, LU Yi-ping, XU Wen-sheng, LI Nan, M. Sobolewski(539)

Overlap-free automatic datum dimensioning approach in die and mould drawing based on cutting and packing strategy·····································LU Yuan-zhi, YANG Jian-xin, WEN Gui-lin, ZHOU Bing, ZHONG Zhi-hua(546)

Multidisciplinary optimization design on new type rotating ball valve with double direction metal sealing····································E Jia-qiang, LI Zhi-peng, YUAN Ding, TENG Da, LEI Ji-ping, GONG Jin-ke(553)

An algorithm for identifying protein complexes based on maximal clique extension························································LI Min, WANG Jian-xin, LIU Bin-bin, CHEN Jian-er(560)

Modeling and simulation analysis of proton exchange membrane fuel cell························HE Jian-jun, SUN Chao(566)

Cooperative co-evolutionary collaboration algorithm based on sub-domain fitness evaluation in multi-agent system······························································ZHANG Xiao-yong, PENG Jun, LI Zhe-qin(572)

Synchronization algorithm for MIMO−OFDM system························YANG Chun-ping, WANG Jian, LI Dao-ben(578)

Fault line selection for single-phase-to-earth faults based on zero sequence transient current and grey relation analysis·········································································LIANG Rui, WANG Chong-lin(585)

Design of high-resolution audio multibit sigma-delta modulator····························SHI Li-chun, YANG Yin-tang, LI Di, WU Xiao-feng, DING Rui-xue, LIANG Hong-jun(592)

Design and implementation of complex Agent model using DFA····LU Wei-wei, CAI Zi-xing, WEN Zhi-qiang, CHEN Ai-bin(600)

An improved best-worst ant system based on heuristic evolutionary algorithm············································LI Kang-shun, XU Fu-mei, ZHANG Wen-sheng, TANG Ming-duan(609)

A variable gain PI controller used for speed control of induction motor IDFOC system·········································LI Jian-jun, GUI Wei-hua, ZHANG Chao, HE Ya-ping, SHENG Jie-bo(615)

Mixed-particle swarm optimization for two-level distribution network model····················································ZHOU Xian-cheng, ZHAO Zhi-xue, HE Cai-hong, XU Ge(623)

Initial codebook of vector quantization designed by component mean orthogonal segmentation······································································DENG Hong-gui, GUO Sheng-wei(628)

Closed addition in a three-element set and 2nsequence pseudo-random signal coding··························HE Ji-shan(632)

Relationship between electromagnetic field and magnetic field’s symmetric excited by rectangular loop·······················LI Jian-hui, LIU Shu-cai, ZHU Zi-qiang, LU Guang-yin, ZHAO Xiao-bo, ZHAO Shuang-qiu(638)

Separation and extraction of Rayleigh wave based on Fourier transform and case analysis·························································ZHANG Da-zhou, XIONG Zhang-qiang, QIN Zhen(643)

Subcritical crack growth of rock during water-rock interaction············································CAO Ping, YANG Hui, JIANG Xue-liang, CHEN Yu, MA Chun-de(649)

Physical parameter identification of time-varying structure based on discrete wavelet transform······························································WANG Chao, REN Wei-xin, HUANG Tian-li(655)

Synthetic judgment on two-stage fuzzy of stability of mine gob area·································WU Qi-hong, PENG Zhen-bin, CHEN Ke-ping, PENG Wen-xiang, CHEN Le-qiu(661)

Application analysis of slope reliability based on Bishop analytical method········PENG Zhen-bin, LI Jun, PENG Wen-xiang(668)

Mud selection test of drill-pouring pile in complex rock·············································WANG Jian-jun, PENG Zhen-bin, LIU Mu-feng, PENG Wen-xiang(673)

Non-stationary Burgers model for rock································XIONG Liang-xiao, YANG Lin-de, ZHANG Yao(679)

Deformation characteristics of rock under constant amplitude cyclic loading···················································XIAO Jian-qing, DING De-xin, XU Gen, JIANG Fu-liang(685)

Sequence pattern controlled by structural evolution of Jiannan buried-hill in Huanghua depression·······················HUANG Chuan-yan, WANG Hua, ZHOU Li-hong, LIAO Yuan-tao, REN Pei-gang, CHEN Si(692)

Shale gas reservoir distribution geological law, characteristics and suggestions············NIE Hai-kuan, ZHANG Jin-chuan(700)

Influence of in-situ stress on stability of underground openings in hard rock·················································LIU Li-peng, YAO Lei-hua, WANG Cheng-hu, HE Peng-peng(709)

Hydrocarbon enrichment rules of depression period layer in Changling region of southern Songliao Basin···························SHEN Wu-xian, FAN Tai-liang, WANG Hong-yu, GONG Xue, HOU Wei, WANG Jin-cai(715)

Application of BP neural network in prediction of compression index of soil·····································JIANG Jian-ping, ZHANG Yang-song, YAN Chang-hong, GAO Guang-yun(722)

Synergism study of mining and goaf treatment in cataclastic ore section··············································CHEN Qing-fa, ZHOU Ke-ping, HU Jian-hua, ZHANG Shi-chao(728)

Fractal feature of fracture system in Tahe Oil Field and its relation to hydrocarbon migration and accumulation····································································JIANG Shan, LIU Guo-yong, YUN Lu(736)

Calculation and analysis of infiltration rate of asphalt pavement based on percolation theory·················································DAN Han-cheng, LI Liang, YANG Xiao-li, ZHAO Lian-heng(742)

Diagenesis and porosity evolution of Permian reservoir in Wu-Xia Area, Junggar Basin····················································NIU Hai-qing, CHEN Shi-yue, ZHANG Peng, YAN Ji-hua(749)

Theoretic and experimental study on domestic air-conditioner with R410A as refrigerant····································CAO Xiao-lin, YU Shou-xian, LI Xiong-lin, WANG Wei, LIAO Sheng-ming(759)

Numerical simulation on loss of iron scale in roller hearth soaking furnace of CSP line·······································OU Jian-ping, ZHAO Di, ZHANG Xing-hua, WU Qing-jiao, WANG Fang(764)

Dynamic response analysis of low vibration track subjected to high-speed train·······HE Dan, XIANG Jun, ZENG Qing-yuan(770)

Force of through steel-concrete composite bridge in multi-crossbeam floor system·········CHEN Jia, YE Mei-xin, ZHOU De(775)

Influence factors in kinetics during degradation of MC-RR by ultrasonic irradiation process·············································OU Hua-se, GAO Nai-yun, SUI Ming-hao, LI Lei, YAO Juan-juan(784)

Performance of advanced nitrogen removal with on-line control using step-feed CAST technology·······························MA Juan, PENG Yong-zhen, WANG Shu-ying, WANG Li, LIU Yang, MA Nin-ping(793)

Dynamic test and optimization of flow field in bag filter·································FU Hai-ming, ZHAO You-jun(799)


Effects ofAcidithiobacillus ferrooxidanson surface properties of chalcopyrite and bioleaching·····························GU Guo-hua, CHEN Ming-lian, SU Li-jun, LI Jian-hua, HU Yue-hua, QIU Guan-zhou(807)

Activated flotation of pyrite once depressed by lime····················SUN Wei, ZHANG Ying, QIN Wu-lin, HU Yue-hua(813)

Preparation and channel structure of Al-Cr-pillared montmorillonite···················································LIU Xiao-wen, ZHONG Gang, LIU Zhuang, MAO Xiao-xi(819)

Dynamic theory of air-injection feeding·····XU Bin, WANG Jie-chao, JIANG Tao, CHANG Liang-liang, LI Qian, HOU Tong(825)

Model of entropy effect of zoology and environment compositive influence in process of methanol from coal············································································FU Xue-zheng, HU Yue-hua(831)

Reduction of iron oxides of red mud reinforced by Na2CO3and CaF2·······························HUANG Zhu-cheng, CAI Ling-bo, ZHANG Yuan-bo, YANG Yong-bin, JIANG Tao(838)

Study of bauxite flotation desilication by using flotation column·····································ZHOU Chang-chun, LIU Jiong-tian, HUANG Gen, YAN Bo, REN Xin-chun(845)

Desulfuration of high sulfur bauxite by oxidation roasting····················HU Xiao-lian, CHEN Wen-mi, XIE Qiao-ling(852)

Application of Pitzer theory to calculation of sulfate equilibrium concentration in CaSO4-Ca(OH)2-H2O system·················································PENG Xiao-yu, WANG Yun-yan, CHAI Li-yuan, SHU Yu-de(859)

Pretreatment of copper anode slime for concentrating gold and silver···································ZHENG Ya-jie, WANG Bei, SHI Jian-yuan, SUN Zhao-ming, LIU Zhao-cheng(865)

Structure and friction behavior of electrodeposited Cr/ZrO2nano-composite coatings········SHU Xu-gang, HE Xiang-zhu, HUANG Hui-min, LI Da-guang, XIE Shao-jun, LEI Hua-shan, ZHAO Guo-peng(871)

Binding mode between Tyr-Sm(Ⅲ) complex and herring sperm DNA·······································ZHAO Na, WANG Xing-ming, ZHANG Yan, HU Ya-min, DING Li-sheng(876)

Nano KF/γ-Al2O3catalyzed transesterification of soybean oil for biodiesel production by using ultrasonic irradiation··························REN Qing-gong, YAN Jie, HUANG Guan-hua, QIU Tai-qiu, YANG Ri-fu, FAN Xiao-dan(883)

An enzyme-linked fluoroimmunosensing system forBrucellamelitensisantibody detection based on a novel substrate 4-hydroxycinnamic alcohol for HRP··········ZHAN Xue-hui, ZHOU Sui-an, GONG Fu-chun, LI Fei, CAO Fen, LI Xia(890)

Theoretical study progress of gas phase chemistry in CVD diamond film reactor·····································AN Xi-zhong, LI Chang-xing, LIU Guo-quan, SHEN Feng-man, LI You-qing(896)

Effect of rolling temperature and pass deformation on Al anode Al-Mg-Sn-Bi-Ga-In performances······················LIANG Shu-quan, GUAN Di-kai, MAO Zhi-wei, ZHANG Yong, PANG An-qiang, TANG Yan(906)

Dispersion of surface-modified of Si3N4powder in water phase········YIN Rui-ming, FAN Jing-lian, LIU Xun, SHAN Cheng(912)

Effects of independent radial pressure loading paths on cup thickness distribution········································LIU Xiao-jing, CONG Yan-li, LI Feng, XU Yong-chao, YUAN Shi-jian(917)

Continuous cooling transformation of undercooling austenite for low-carbon microalloyed pipeline steel·············································LI Hong-ying, LIN Wu, BIN Jie, WEI Dong-dong, ZENG Cui-ting(923)

Solidification microstructure of Zn-(0−6.0%)Al-4%Sb alloys used for hot-dip galvanizing···················································PENG Shu, LU Jin-tang, CHE Chun-shan, WANG Xin-hua(930)

Forming properties of 5182 aluminum alloy for automotive body sheet during warm deep drawing processes···························WANG Meng-jun, ZHOU Wei, REN Jie, LI Cai-wen, HUANG Dian-yuan, LI Guang-yao(936)

Hot deformation behavior for a kind of low carbon micro-alloy pipeline steel······································LIN Wu, LI Hong-ying, ZENG Cui-ting, BIN Jie, WEI Dong-dong(940)

Rapid evaluating method of machinability based on variable-speed testing principle···················································LIU Yao, JIANG Bing-yan, SHEN Rui-xia, PENG Hua-jian(948)

Ocean cobalt crusts mining vehicle tiny terrain direction sonar based on circular ultrasonic array·············································································WANG Qiang, E Jia-qiang(953)

Rule self-tuning fuzzy-PID controller of electro-hydraulic position servo system··············································SHAO Jun-peng, WANG Zhong-wen, LI Jian-ying, HAN Gui-hua(960)

Speed tracking control of moving beam for 300 MN die forging hydraulic press based on PFC-(PID-H∞)····································································HUANG Chang-zheng, TAN Jian-ping(966)

Mapping between phases and signals in drilling process based on transient features of signals·····················································ZHOU You-hang, ZHANG Jian-xun, TANG Wen-zhuang(971)

Microstructure and mechanical properties of ADC12 aluminum alloy under super slow speed die castings with low shot speed··JI Lian-qing, GUO Chang-jiang, XIONG Shou-mei, Masayuki Murakami, Yoshihide Matsumoto, Shingo Ikeda, LIU Kun(977)

A soft-sensing model on vibration cutting force based on least squares support vector machine and its application······································································ZHANG Hai-ying, LIAO Jian-yong(982)

Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process assessment model of invest venture for new type rotating ball valve with double direction metal sealing······················································WANG Zhi-qiang, LEI Ji-ping, E Jia-qiang(988)

Froth morphological feature extraction based on improved FCM and mathematic morphology segmentation·······························································ZHOU Kai-jun, WANG Yi-jun, XU Can-hui(994)

Method of gas flow distribution extension evaluation in a bell-less blast furnace and its application······················································WU Min, NIE Qiu-ping, XU Yong-hua, CAO Wei-hua(1001)

Video retrieval based on video clip····················································HU Zhen-xing, XIA Li-min(1009)

An improvedip−iqdetection approach of positive fundamental active and reactive current based onp−qtransformation·····································HU Zhi-kun, HU Meng-yang, GUI Wei-hua, YANG Chun-hua, HE Zhi-min(1015)

An optimal design of low-pass filter in detection harmonic and reactive currents·································································WANG Shao-jie, LUO An, SUN Xian-da(1022)

Traffic video based multiple moving targets tracking·························GAO Tao, LIU Zheng-guang, ZHANG Jun(1028)

Design of digital decimation filter for high resolution Σ-ΔADC·············································WU Xiao-feng, LIU Hong-xia, LI Di, HU Shi-gang, SHI Li-chun(1037)

Simulation of wireless fading channels based on AR models··························ZHOU Xiao-lan, WANG Sui-ping(1042)

Optimal robustH∞guaranteed cost control for activated sludge sewage treatment system································································XU Hua, XUE Heng-xin, WANG Shi-tong(1046)

Auto-adapted weak target recognition robust algorithm based on sample weighting matrix········································································CHEN Bing-quan, LIU Hong-li(1052)

Network link delay inference in multiple-source topology··························XU Xin, HE Jing-sha, SHI Heng-hua(1058)

Wide field electromagnetic sounding methods························································HE Ji-shan(1065)

Size effect experimental study of strength and deformation in different height-to-diameter ratio soft rocks···································CHEN Yu, HUANG Yong-heng, CAO Ping, YI Yong-liang, LI Na, LI Li-juan(1073)

Geometry image method of crosshole apparent resistivity········SHEN Ping, QIANG Jian-ke, LI Yong-jun, RUAN Bai-yao(1079)

Stability analysis for tunnel rock mass based on nonlinear element safety factor·······YU Yan, LIU Qun-yi, FENG De-shan(1085)

Rock failure pressure of shallow tunnel subjected to horizontal seismic and unsymmetrical loads·····························································YANG Xiao-li, HUANG Bo, WANG Zuo-wei(1090)

Granule fractal properties of earth-rock aggregate and relationship between its gravel content and strength··························································SHU Zhi-le, LIU Xin-rong, LIU Bao-xian, LI Yue(1096)

Shear resistance of an existing reinforced concrete frame····························QIAN Jiang, LEI Tuo, LIU Kai-yan(1102)

Drilling technology of bored-pile in alternating layer of hard and soft rock···········································LIU Mu-feng, PENG Zhen-bin, WANG Jian-jun, PENG Wen-xiang(1109)

Dynamic response of an infinite beam overlying a saturated poroelastic soil under harmonic moving loads·····················································LI Jian-hua, XU Bin, LIU You-ping, ZHAO Jiang-qing(1116)

High-resolution sequence stratigraphy for alluvial fan on lower Karamay formation in 8th zone of northwestern Junggar Basin··················································LI Guo-yong, XU Huai-min, LU Yan-qiu, WANG Zhen-lin(1124)

Experimental research of PS reinforcing earthen architecture···································HE Fa-guo, CHEN Wen-wu, ZHAO Hai-ying, SUN Man-li, ZHANG Jing-ke(1132)

Reliability analysis of rock slope based on uncertainty of joint geometric parameters····························································XU Xiang-hua, QU Guang-xiu, FANG Li-gang(1139)

Features of the first system mechanical behavior of through steel truss semi-composite bridge·······························································ZHANG Min, YE Mei-xin, HAN Yan-qun(1146)

Influences of support on mechanical property of rock in water-containing tunnel······························································HOU Yan-juan, ZHANG Ding-li, GUO Fu-li(1152)

Calculation method for ground bearing capacity of pile-supported reinforced cushion embankment···········································································ZENG Ge, ZHOU Zhi-gang(1158)

Flexural behavior and design theories of CFRP-steel plates composite strengthened reinforced concrete beams at different preloaded levels····························································XIONG Xue-yu, FAN Xin-hai(1165)

Analysis of rebar rust cover cracking in reinforced concrete with cylindrical cavity expansion theory·····································································TANG Men-xiong, CHEN Xiao-bin(1172)

Dynamic earth pressure effect analysis on pre-stressed anchor pile plate wall under traffic load··················································TAN Xian-liang, DENG Zong-wei, LI Zhi-yong, TANG Jia(1178)

Numerical calculation of structure of flat-plate regenerator in thermoacoustic engine···············································LIU Yi-cai, ZHANG Ming-yan, HUANG Qian, XIN Tian-long(1186)

Exergy analysis of oxygen bottom blown furnace in SKS lead smelting system·································JIANG Ai-hua, YANG Shuang-huan, MEI Chi, SHI Zhang-ming, ZHU Xiao-jun(1190)

Experimental study on convective drying characteristics of high strength briquettes······································PENG Hao-yi, ZHOU Jie-min, PENG Gen, XIE Dong-jiang, LIU Yan-jun(1196)

Non-equidistance grey forecast on residual life prediction of superheater in boiler·························································LIU Yu-mei, JIANG Shou-sheng, YUAN Wen-hua(1202)

Experimental research on aerodynamics of double container car passing through tunnel·································································GUO Yu-hua, CHEN Zhi-ya, ZHOU Dan(1207)

Analysis on spatial vibration response of train-track system in cross-wind··········HE Dan, XIANG Jun, ZENG Qing-yuan(1212)

Removal of haloacetic acids in drinking water: A review·····················WANG Kun-ping, CAO Yuan, XU Qian-qian, LIU Miao-miao, GUO Jin-song, JIANG Shao-jie(1217)


Bioleaching of pyrite byL. ferriphilum·······GU Guo-hua, SUN Xiao-jun, LI Jian-hua, SU Li-jun, LIU Yu-lin, ZHAO Kai-le(1223)

Preparation of n-PS and its photoluminescence properties··················SONG Xiao-lan, YU Zhen-xing, CHENG Lei, WU Chang-rong, ZHANG Tai-long, DENG Da-bao(1229)

Chalcopyrite bioleaching by moderate thermophilic bacteria and surface passivation··········································YAO Guo-cheng, WEN Jian-kang, GAO Huan-zhi, WANG Dian-zuo(1234)

Electrochemical degradation of organic wastewater containing EDTA with three-dimensional electrode reactor·····························CHAI Li-yuan, YOU Xiang-yu, SHU Yu-de, YANG Jie, WANG Yun-yan, ZHAO Na(1240)

Alkali leaching of refractory high silica zinc oxide ore by mechanical activation······ZHAO Zhong-wei, LONG Shuang, CHEN Ai-liang, HUO Guang-sheng, JIA Xi-jun, LI Hong-gui, YAN Hai-quan(1246)

Remove of arsenic, antimony and bismuth from crude crystal copper sulfate·························································CHEN Sheng-li, GUO Xue-yi, LIANG Yong-xuan(1251)

Simulation on flow field of anode gas and electrolyte in aluminum electrolysis with cermet inert anodes·················································ZHANG Hong-liang, WANG Zhi-gang, LI Jie, LAI Yan-qing(1256)

Leaching process of nickel from leaching residue of metalliferous black shales···········································ZHANG Gang, ZHAO Zhong-wei, HUO Guang-sheng, LI Hong-gui(1263)

Technics for vanadium pentoxide extraction from black shale in pressure field································LI Min-ting, WEI Chang, LI Cun-xiong, DENG Zhi-gan, LI Xing-bin, FAN Gang(1268)

Electrochemical recovery of capacity loss for lithium secondary battery···················································LUO Zhuo, TANG Xin-cun, LI Lian-xing, CHEN Jing-bo(1276)

Catalytic synthesis of 1-hydroxy-4-oxo-α-ionone from 3-oxo-α-ionone with air supported by alumina···················································TANG Rui-ren, LI Fei, ZHANG Rui-rong, ZHOU Ya-ping(1281)

Effect of novel bamboo-based activated carbons on adsorption properties of prohibited drug malachite green in aquatic system························································TAN Yan-zhi, WANG Xiu-fang, ZHONG Guo-ying(1287)

Preparation and characterization of Ce-Fe/Al2O3catalyst by plasma in photo-Fenton reaction··································ZHANG Ya-ping, WEI Chao-hai, JIANG Tao, LIN Zheng-zhong, WU Chao-fei(1292)

Microstructure and machinability of Zn-Cu-Mg-Al-RE zinc alloy··································LIN Gao-yong, ZENG Ju-hua, ZHENG Xiao-yan, YANG Wei, ZOU Yan-ming(1297)

Effect of Dy and Y on microstructure and mechanical properties of as-cast ZK60 magnesium alloy····················LIU Chu-ming, PENG Xiao-xian, LI Hui-zhong, CHEN Zhi-yong, ZHU Xiu-rong, WANG Rong(1303)

Micro-Raman stress of polycrystalline diamond compact··············XU Guo-ping, YIN Zhi-min, CHEN Qi-wu, XU Gen(1310)

Influence of annealing on pitting uniformity of aluminum foil for high voltage electrolytic capacitor····················CHEN Ming-an, XIAO Yuan-hong, ZHANG Xin-ming, LIN Lin, LU Jing-hua, ZHOU Ren-liang(1315)

Preparation and characterization of PPY/PDLLA porous conductive material··········XU Hai-xing, YAN Yu-hua, LI Shi-pu(1321)

Synthesis and characterization of cellulose humidity control materials·························································LI Xin, FENG Wei-hong, LU Qi-ming, XIA Qi-bin(1327)

Transient calculation of temperature field and stress field for high-speed electric multiple units brake disc·······················································XIA Yi-min, XUE Jing, YAO Ping-ping, JI Zhi-yong(1334)

Optimization and application of roll contour configuration of long shifting stroke hot tempering mill·······XU Huan-bin, ZHANG Jie, CAO Jian-guo, LIU Hui-cong, ZHOU Yi-zhong, WANG An-su, ZHU Xin-yu, LI Jun(1340)

Design and characteristic analysis of single-phase pulsating flow hydraulic system···············································DING Wen-si, WU Hui-yan, CHEN Li-na, XIONG Yong-gang(1348)

Influence of different quenching techniques on residual stress of 7075 aluminum alloy thick-plate····································································GONG Hai, WU Yun-xin, LIAO Kai(1354)

Constraints equations establishment for calculation model of double-block ballastless track in high speed railway································QING Qi-xiang, HU Ping, WANG Yong-he, YIN Han-feng, ZHANG Chun-shun(1360)

Experimental study of polymer ultrasonic plastification······································HU Jian-liang, JIANG Bing-yan, LI Jun, LIN Ming-run, WANG Ren-quan(1369)

System of obstacle avoidance used in deep-seabed vehicle based on BP neural network and genetic algorithm·············································LI Peng-ying, FENG Ya-li, ZHANG Wen-ming, YANG Chun-hui(1374)

Fault diagnosis on cooling system of ship diesel engine based on Bayes network classifier························································ZENG Yi-hui, E Jia-qiang, ZHU Hao, GONG Jin-ke(1379)

Fault diagnosis of construction machinery hydraulic system based on multi-network model·······HE Xiang-yu, HE Qing-hua(1385)

A novel engine identification model based on support vector machine and analysis of precision-influencing factors···········································CHEN Ran, SUN Dong-ye, QIN Da-tong, LUO Yong, HU Feng-bin(1391)

Modeling of universal characteristics and optimization of operating conditions of concrete pump truck based on neural network·········································································HE Shang-hong, YANG Yun-zi(1398)

Mode simulation of base of a large-type vertical motor············FU Cai-ming, MAO Wen-gui, LI Jian-hua, ZHOU Zhi-jin(1405)

A validity test method of measurement data about liquefied petroleum gas flux in copper refining process································E Jia-qiang, LI Juan, DENG Yuan-wang, PENG Yu, LI Guang-ming, JIA Guo-hai(1410)

Control of mill vibration for unsteady lubrication based on metal-forming processes·····························································WANG Qiao-yi, HUANG Hai-jun, LI Zhi-hua(1418)

Prediction of technical index for cobalt removal process based on SVM and chaotic PSO·····································ZHU Hong-qiu, YANG Chun-hua, GUI Wei-hua, LI Yong-gang, QIAN Jian(1424)

A low-power portable ionospheric oblique backscattering sounding radar design·····················································SHI Shu-zhu, ZHAO Zheng-yu, HUANG Shuo, LI Ting(1429)

An ontology-based strategy to enhance G3M semantics············································ZUO Qiong, CAO Zhong-sheng, WANG Yuan-zhen, ZHOU Qiang(1435)

Multi-mobile robots communication system for mobile robot of central south-Ⅱ····················································REN Xiao-ping, CAI Zi-xing, ZOU Lei, KUANG Lin-ai(1442)

A real-time video transmission method over TCP based on delay prediction·········XIONG Yong-hua, WU Min, JIA Wei-jia(1449)

First-principle calculation for electronic structure and elastic properties of γ-B28···································································MA Song-shan, XU Hui, XIA Qing-lin(1457)

A Bayes filter algorithm with non-Gaussian noises based on location of vehicular GPS······CHEN Yu-bo, SONG Ying-chun(1462)

Digital watermarking of vector maps based on structure features············································SUN Jian-guo, MEN Chao-guang, CAO Liu-juan, LI Cheng-ming(1467)

A level-shifting circuit based on low-voltage rail-to-rail CMOS op-amp························································PAN Xue-wen, ZHOU Ji-cheng, ZHENG Xu-qiang(1473)

Diagnosis on TPD signals from oil and gas transmission pipeline based on analytic hierarchy process fuzzy classifier·························································ZHAO Xin-yu, ZHAO Yan-ming, ZHAO Xin-min(1478)

An immune classification algorithm for breast cancer diagnosis················································DENG Ze-lin, TAN Guan-zheng, YE Ji-xiang, FAN Bi-shuang(1485)

Acoustic targets fusion identification based on Daubechies wavelet transform and D-S evidential theory·······SUN De-gang(1491)

Aseismic behavior of concrete columns reinforced with CFRP···········································GONG Yong-zhi, ZHANG Ji-wen, JIANG Li-zhong, TU Yong-ming(1506)

Seismic behavior of BFRP-reinforced pre-damaged concrete beam-column joints···············································ZHOU Yun-yu, YU Jiang-tao, LU Zhou-dao, ZHANG Ke-chun(1514)

Analysis of fuzzy reliability for gravity retaining wall structure······XIAO Zun-qun, LIU Bao-chen, QIAO Shi-fan, YANG Xiao-li, LIU Yu-fei, YANG Xian, HE Li-biao, LI Xiao-lin(1522)

Influence of goaf on slope stability·····························CHAI Hong-bao, CAO Ping, CHAI Guo-wu, LIN Hang(1528)

Splitting failure criterion and numerical simulation for underground surrounding rock masses·································································GUO Qun, LI Jiang-teng, ZHAO Yan-lin(1535)

Composite viscoelasto-plastic rheological model for hard rock············XIONG Liang-xiao, YANG Lin-de, ZHANG Yao(1540)

Finite element formulation of Timoshenko beam on Winkler elastic foundation·····························································XIA Gui-yun, LI Chuan-xi, ZENG Qing-yuan(1549)

Magnetotelluric data processing and simulation based on higher-order statistics·················································CAI Jian-hua, HU Wei-wen, REN Zheng-yong, LEI Li-yun(1556)

Foundation evaluation based on CSAMT method·······CHENG Hui, LI Di-quan, DI Qing-yun, FU Chang-min, WANG Ruo(1561)

Nondestructive testing for grouting quality in prestressed concrete T-beam based on SVM······························································ZHANG Dong-feng, LIU Jian-xin, XIE Wei(1569)

New method for blasting hazards evaluation based on wavelet analysis of blasting vibration signals······························································LIU Dun-wen, SU Chuang, GONG Yun-gao(1574)

Experimental research on drying shrinkage of autoclaved fly ash brick in service stage·····················································LIANG Jian-guo, CHENG Shao-hui, PENG Mao-feng(1578)

Analyses of reinforced concrete columns by performance-based design method·········WAN Hai-tao, HAN Xiao-lei, JI Jing(1584)

Spatial seismic response analysis of long-span steel truss arch bridge······················CHEN Dai-hai, GUO Wen-hua(1590)

Flood forecast method for middle & small bridges based on rainfall-water level functions of representative riverbed sections························································LI Zheng, WEN Yu-song, LUO Yi, ZHAO Zun-tao(1597)

Simulation on flow of carbon dioxide in capillary tubes in a transcritical refrigeration cycle··············································CAO Xiao-lin, CHEN Hui, FENG Ming-kun, LIAO Sheng-ming(1604)

Electric and thermal simulation for short circuit busbar of aluminum reduction cells·························································ZHOU Nai-jun, ZHANG Jia-qi, ZHOU Shan-hong(1609)

Two-lane roundabout traffic flow characteristics based on cellular automaton·················································SHI Feng, ZHOU Wen-liang, LIU Fen-fang, DENG Lian-bo(1616)

Treatment of soybean whey wastewater by NF and RO membrane··························MIAO Chang, QIU Yun-ren(1623)

Influence of guaiacol and compounded carbon sources on enzymes ofPhanerochaete chrysosporium······FENG Chong-ling, ZENG Guang-ming, HUANG Dan-lian, HU Shuang, SU Feng-feng, ZHAO Mei-hua, LAI Cui(1628)

Heavy metal pollution in dust of Chang-Zhu-Tan city region················LONG Yong-zhen, ZOU Hai-yan, DAI Ta-gen(1633)


Solid-state reduction behavior of Panzhihua ilmenite···············GUO Yu-feng, YOU Gao, JIANG Tao, QIU Guan-zhou(1639)

Application of Ca, Mg-additives in oxidized pellets························GAN Min, FAN Xiao-hui, CHEN Xu-ling, YUAN Li-shun, JIANG Tao, ZHAO Zhong-hua(1645)

Optimization of medium for thermostable α-amylase fermentation using Minitab········································ZHAO Wei, CHEN Chen, LIU Qian, FENG Ting-ting, ZHOU Hong-bo(1652)

Pellets sintering process of chromite concentrate and mechanism of consolidation··············································ZHU De-qing, XIONG Shou-an, ZHANG Hong-liang, PAN Jian(1658)

Effect of solution concentration on FePO4·2H2O precursor and performance of LiFePO4·········································PENG Chun-li, SHEN Chao, ZHANG Bao, ZHANG Jia-feng, LI Qian(1668)

Diversity of culturable microorganisms from erosive bamboo slips of Kingdom Wu················································CHAI Li-yuan, CHEN Yue-hui, HUANG Yan, YANG Zhi-hui(1674)

Thermodynamic analysis of Cu-Ni-Pb-Zn-Cl-H2O system·······························ZHAO Zhong-wei, SHI Yu-chen, CHEN Ai-liang, HUO Guang-sheng, LI Hong-gui(1680)

Determination of polysaccharide content in extracellular polymers of leaching bacteria··········································FU Yao, YANG Hong-ying, FANG You-jing, ZHANG Chang-zheng(1686)

Enhancement of nickel extraction from laterite in hydrochloride acid through activated roasting················LI Jin-hui, LI Xin-hai, HU Qi-yang, WANG Zhi-xing, ZHOU You-yuan, ZHENG Jun-chao, WU Ling(1691)

Study on leaching process of sintered powder in extracting alumina from fly ash·························SUN Pei-mei, TONG Jun-wu, XU Hong-yan, ZHAO Zhe, XUE Bing, ZHANG Jiao-yang(1698)

Surface coating of spherical LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2with Al2O3using heterogeneous nucleation process·······································YANG Zhi, LI Xin-hai, WANG Zhi-xing, PENG Wen-jie, GUO Hua-jun(1703)

Mechanism of crystal growth modifier in bayer seeded precipitation process of sodium aluminate solution·····························································LIU Zhan-wei, CHEN Wen-mi, LI Wang-xing(1709)

Synthesis of octyl glucoside by microwave assistant and ionic liquid catalyst················JIANG Wen-hui, WEN He-lin(1714)

Preparation of flaky α-Fe2O3and its growth mechanism······························YUAN Xi, YE Hong-qi, LIU Hui(1718)

Synthesis and characterization of a novel graft copolymer poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-chlorotrifluoroethylene)-gpoly(6-((4-cyano-4-biphenyl)oxy) hexyl methacrylate) ······························LI Heng-feng, HAO Ze-ming,TAN Kai-yuan, QIN Mu-lan(1724)

Effect of step-solution on microstructure and local corrosion properties of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloy······························CHEN Kang-hua, CHAO Hong, FANG Hua-chan, XIAO Dai-hong, CHEN Song-yi(1730)

Sintering characteristics of fine grained Mo-40Cu alloy··············TIAN Jia-min, FAN Jing-lian, CHEN Yu-bo, LIU Tao(1736)

Effect of carbon nanotubes growth on carbon fibers on microstructure of pyrolytic carbon matrices of C/C composites·····························································CHEN Jie, XIONG Xiang, WANG Zhan-feng(1743)

Hot plastic deformation of hot-rolled AZ31 Mg alloy plane·············································YU Kun, CAI Zhi-yong, WANG Xiao-yan, SHI Ti, LI Wen-xian(1749)

Preparation of high purity boric acid and its influencing factors··················································GONG Dian-ting, LI Feng-hua, FAN Zhan-guo, JIANG Tao(1756)

Predicting electrical conductivity for homogenization of Al-Cu-Mg-Sc-Zr alloy based on BP neural network·····················································DENG Ying, YIN Zhi-min, HOU Yan-hui, WANG Hua(1761)

Dependence of surface feature of aluminium alloy on growth process of microarc oxidation coating··················································YANG Wei, JIANG Bai-ling, SHI Hui-ying, XIAN Lin-yun(1767)

Constitutive modeling for elevated temperature flow behavior of ZK60 magnesium alloy··································QIN Yin-jiang, PAN Qing-lin, HE Yun-bin, LI Wen-bin, LIU Xiao-yan, FAN Xi(1774)

Re-ageing behavior of Al-Cu alloy after re-dissolution of precipitated phases caused by severe plastic deformation······································ZHANG Zi-zhao, XU Xiao-chang, HU Nan, QU Xiao, CHEN Zhen-xiang(1782)

Sintering and piezoelectric properties of K0.5Na0.5NbO3-LiSbO3-BiMnO3lead-free ceramics······························································CHENG Jun, JIANG Min-hong, LIU Xin-yu(1791)

Effect of BiCoO3on piezoelectric properties and depolarization temperature of BNT–BKT piezoelectric ceramics·········································ZHOU Chang-rong, LIU Xin-yu, JIANG Min-hong, YUAN Chang-lai(1796)

In-situ shearing strength and penetration resistance testing of soft seabed sediments in western mining area···································WU Hong-yun, CHEN Xin-ming, GAO Yu-qing, HE Jiang-san, LIU Shao-jun(1801)

Nonlinear dynamical characteristics of face gear transmission system······························································JIN Guang-hu, ZHU Ru-peng, BAO He-yun(1807)

Simulation of dynamic recrystallization for 7050 aluminium alloy on platform of DEFORM-3D using cellular automaton················································YI You-ping, LIU Chao, HUANG Shi-quan(1814)

Correlation analysis of building shape factors and cooling loads only with influence of out disturbance·····························································YUAN Xiang, LONG Wei-ding, ZHANG Jie(1821)

Finite element simulation of temperature fields of gypsum wallboard in heat pump drying process··········································ZHU Gui-hua, GAO Xu-guang, LI Kang, HU Jun-ping, HE Jiang-san(1828)

A fast hierarchical algorithm for detecting overlapping community structure in complex networks··········································PENG Jia-yang, YANG Lu-ming, WANG Jian-xin, LI Min, CAI Juan(1834)

Theoretical calculation of K-shell production cross sections of Ca, Ti, Cu, Ge, Mo and Ag atoms by electron impact·························YI You-gen, GE Shu-ming, HE Biao, JIANG Shao-en, TANG Yong-jian, ZHENG Zhi-jian(1841)

Guiding structure of scientific information ontology·························WANG Han-xi, ZHOU Zu-de, HU Shu-hua(1845)

Three-dimension magnetotellurics modeling by adaptive edge finite-element using unstructured meshes·········································LIU Chang-sheng, TANG Jing-tian, REN Zheng-yong, FENG De-shan(1855)

Analysis of traffic data based on ARMA-TS-GARCH finite mixture model··································WANG Wei-qiang, NIU Zhen-dong, CAO Yu-juan, ZHAO Yu-min, ZHAO Kun(1860)

A nonlinear PID controller based on neural network algorithm·····························LI Gui-mei, ZENG Zhe-zhao(1865)

A co-clustering algorithm based on structured Web document························································DENG Dong-mei, LONG Ji-zhen, YIN Xiang-zhou(1871)

Magnetotellurics fast forward based on preconditioning conjugate gradient···················································ZHANG Ji-feng, TANG Jing-tian, WANG Ye, XIAO Xiao(1877)

Yielding approach index analysis for stability of joint rock mass based on nonlinear criterion······································································SHU Gu-sheng, PENG Wen-xiang(1883)

Distant migration and accumulation of oil and gas in western arc-like zone of Taibei Sag in Turpan-Hami Basin········································LIU Jiang-tao, HUANG Zhi-long, TU Xiao-xian, SANG Ting-yi, LI Jie(1887)

Effects of CaCO3on hydration performance of C3S················XIAO Jia, GOU Cheng-fu, JIN Yong-gang, XING Hao(1894)

Elasto-plastic deformation derivation and numerical simulation of pore geo-material by non-linear law··················································HUANG Lin-chong, XU Jin, ZHOU Cui-ying, CHENG Ye(1900)

Test and numerical simulation for stratified rock mass under uniaxial compression···············································HE Zhong-ming, PENG Zhen-bin, CAO Ping, ZHOU Lian-jun(1906)

Analysis and research on swelling and strain softening of rock in Jinchuan mining district········································ZHANG Wen, CAO Ping, ZHANG Xiang-yang, LI Li-juan, LIU Ye-ke(1913)

Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process assessment model of safety production for small and medium coal mines and its application··············································WANG Shuang-ying, WU Chao, ZUO Hong-Yan(1918)

Action spectrum of temperature in natural climate environment and prediction of temperature response in concrete························································JIANG Jian-hua, YUAN Ying-shu, ZHANG Xi-mei(1923)

Environmental prediction assessment on ecological reconstruction of opencast bauxite goaf by Markov process model························································LIU Ji, CHEN Jian-hong, LI Yun, ZHOU Zhi-yong(1931)

Instable deformation characteristics of sloping subgrade in permafrost region for Qinghai-Tibet railway·············································SU Qian, ZHONG Biao, WANG Xun, HUANG Jun-jie, BAI Hao(1938)

Calculation model on double linings of water diversion shield tunnel················YANG Zhao, PAN Xiao-ming, YU Jun(1945)

Study on slaking deformation of rockfill materials by triaxial test···············PENG Kai, ZHU Jun-gao, WANG Guan-qi(1953)

Bearing capacity analysis of lightweight aggregate concrete filled steel tube columns under eccentric compression··················································FU Zhong-qiu, JI Bo-hai, SUN Yuan-yuan, HU Zheng-qing(1961)

Optimization of mining methods based on combination of principal component analysis and neural networks··············································CHEN Jian-hong, LIU Lang, ZHOU Zhi-yong, YONG Xue-yan(1967)

Unified calculation method of uniaxial mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete·····························································DING Fa-xing, YING Xiao-yong, YU Zhi-wu(1973)

Analyse of mean wind load of lattice tower based on CFD simulation·············XIE Hua-ping, HE Min-juan, MA Ren-le(1980)

Application of distributed hillslope stability model based on DEM to stability of shallow landslide of the loess gully area····················································KANG Chao, CHEN Wen-wu, ZHANG Fan-yu(1987)

Routine and calculation of load transfer in monolithic deck with multi-transversal beams·······························································HAN Yan-qun, SHI Zhao-feng, YE Mei-xin(1993)

Influences of shock damage on edgewise compressive strength of PDC·························································CHEN Feng, XU Gen, XU Guo-ping, MA Chun-de(1998)

Stochastic medium predicting model of ground movement tunneling based on non-uniform convergence mode·······················································································WU Zhen-zhi(2005)

Calculation model of ice melt on wires with ice accretion··················GU Xiao-song, WANG Han-qing, LIU He-yun(2011)

Numerical simulation of airflow and concentration fields in air-conditioning vehicle passenger compartment······································································XIANG Li-ping, WANG Han-qing(2017)

Aerodynamic analysis of a large-scale wind turbine blade based on BLADED software··············································ZHOU Peng-zhan, ZENG Jing-cheng, XIAO Jia-yu, YANG Jun(2022)

Effect of railway environment on aerodynamic performance of train on embankment·························································MIAO Xiu-juan, TIAN Hong-qi, GAO Guang-jun(2028)

NO catalytic activity of selective catalytic reduction with ammonia (NH3) by CuMn-ZSM-5 catalysts···············································HUANG Xiu-guo, LI Cai-ting, LU Pei, LI Qun, DING Yan-min(2034)

Kinetics of concentrated phosphate removal by calcite·············································ZHONG Shan, WANG Li-ao, LIU Yuan-yuan, DONG Jing-meng(2039)

Numerical simulation on influence factors of NOxemissions for pulverized coal boiler·····························································XIA Xiao-xia, WANG Zhi-qi, XU Shun-sheng(2046)


Metallurgical properties of ferrous burdens in blast furnace······································ZHAO Gai-ge, FAN Xiao-hui, CHEN Xu-ling, YUAN Li-shun, GAN Min(2053)

Thermal action of Zr/Al-pillared montmorillonite··············LIU Xiao-wen, LIU Zhuang, ZHONG Gang, MAO Xiao-xi(2060)

Mineralogical characteristics and comprehensive utilization of converter steel slag························LI Guang-hui, WU Bin, ZHANG Yuan-bo, ZHANG Ke-cheng, CHEN Li-yong, JIANG Tao(2065)

Direct and deep treatment of manganese-containing wastewater by biologics complexing-hydrolyzation·······················································PEI Fei, WANG Yun-yan, CHAI Li-yuan, SHU Yu-de(2072)

LiODFB-TEABF4composite electrolyte for Li-ion battery and double-layer capacitor·········································LIU Ping, LI Fan-qun, LI Jie, LU Hai, ZHANG Zhi-an, LAI Yan-qing(2079)

Effect of mechanical activation on leaching kinetics of pyrrhotite··············ZHANG You-xin, HE Li-hua, LIU Xu-heng(2085)

Anode composition with capacitance and (de)lithiation for lithium ion battery········································FANG Jie, WANG Zhi-xing, LI Xin-hai, GUO Hua-jun, PENG Wen-jie(2091)

Thermodynamics and chloridizing roasting conditions of laterite through ammonium chloride································FU Fang-ming, HU Qi-yang, LI Xin-hai, WANG Zhi-xing, LI Jin-hui, LI Ling-jun(2096)

Comprehensive treatment of COPR and tannery sludge by roasting process at low temperature···················LI Xiao-bin, QI Tian-gui, ZHOU Qiu-sheng, LI Bin, PENG Zhi-hong, LIU Gui-hua, XU Wen-bin(2103)

A novel technology for tellurium recovery from copper sulphate mother solution containing tellurium by catalyze reduction method·······································································ZHENG Ya-jie, SUN Zhao-ming(2109)

Effects of sintering time on characteristics of Pt/YSZ electrode··························WANG Guang-wei, LI He-ping, XU Li-ping, ZHANG Lei, ZHANG Yan-qing, DOU Jing(2115)

Effects of suspension powder content on structure and properties of cristobalite aluminum phosphate high temperature oxidation protective coatings····························YANG Wen-dong, HUANG Jian-feng, CAO Li-yun, XIA Chang-kui(2122)

Effect of high temperature vacuum degassing manage on speciality of minuteness B4C powder···················································YANG Xiao-liang, LIU Zhi-jian, ZHOU Ping, YAN Li-qi(2127)

Microstructure and properties of new type of high strength and ductility Al-Mg-Si alloy····················ZHANG Guo-peng, YANG Fu-liang, MA Zheng, DANG Xiao-li, XIONG Lao-bao, YIN De-yan(2132)

Influence of microstructure and pH on corrosion behavior of Mg-Gd-Y-Zr magnesium alloy plate in acid rain······························ZHANG Xin-ming, YI Jian-long, DENG Yun-lai, LIU Jie, TANG Chang-ping, LI Li(2138)

NO electrooxidation at multi-walled carbon nanotubes modified electrodes··························LI Li, SHI Ke-ying(2143)

Phosphate bonding characteristic of NiFe2O4/Cu cermet and metal················································ZHANG Lei, CHEN Zi, LI Zhi-you, ZHOU Ke-chao, LI Chao(2149)

Analysis of suppression mechanism of arsenopyrite by glycerol sodium xanthogenate using group electronegativity theory··························································XIONG Dao-ling, LI Jin-hui, ZHONG Hong-hui(2156)

Surface structure and performance of electrolytic copper foils··········HUANG You-ming, WANG Ping, HUANG Yong-fa(2162)

Microstructure and electrical properties of lanthanum and scandium doped ZnO-Bi2O3-based varistor ceramics·······················XU Dong, CHENG Xiao-nong, ZHAO Guo-ping, YUAN Hong-ming, FAN Yue-e, SHI Li-yi(2167)

PDC abrasion rule affected by height of protrusion and linear velocity··············································ZHANG Shao-he, XIE Xiao-hong, FANG Hai-jiang, LI Zhi-feng(2173)

Sintering and mechanical properties of FeCoCu fetal body applied for diamond tools····································XIE Zhi-gang, LIU Xin-yu, QIN Hai-qing, WANG Jin-bao, JIANG Jian-feng(2178)

Gear fault diagnosis based on SVM and multi-sensor information fusion·····················································JIANG Ling-li, LIU Yi-lun, LI Xue-jun, CHEN An-hua(2184)

Signals acquisition and analysis system for ultrasonic wire bonding process················WANG Fu-liang, LIU Shao-hua(2189)

Vehicle following control using front and back information based on vector Lyapunov function···········································REN Dian-bo, ZHANG Jing-ming, CUI Sheng-min, ZHANG Ji-ye(2195)

Transient thermal-stress coupling of friction pair of hydro-viscous drive device················XIE Fang-wei, HOU You-fu(2201)

Coupled thermal-mechanical simulation on quenching of aluminum alloy thick-plate based on ANSYS········································································YUAN Wang-jiao, WU Yun-xin(2207)

Simulation and analysis of effect of cutting machining on residual stress distribution in thick aluminum alloy plate··································································YAN Peng-fei, WU Yun-xin, LIAO Kai(2213)

Milling force of plastic mold parts in high speed hard milling based on BP neural network···································································WANG Ling-yun, HUANG Hong-hui(2218)

Design and implementation of assembly language learning system based on CPU simulator·····················································SHENG Yu, YU Jin, CHEN Song-qiao, WANG Jian-xin(2224)

Effect of different basis functions on RBF-ARX model·······································GAN Min, PENG Hui(2231)

Session key agreement scheme for Ad Hoc network based on identity authentication··········SHI Rong-hua, FAN Xiang-yu(2236)

Optimization algorithm for cleaning data based on SNM········································ZHANG Jian-zhong, FANG Zheng, XIONG Yong-jun, YUAN Xiao-yi(2240)

A novel passive lossless high power factor rectifier based on one cycle control··········ZHANG Hou-sheng, ZHAO Yan-lei(2246)

Efficiency optimization of permanent magnet synchronous motor for rail vehicles based on intelligent integrated control·················································SHENG Yi-fa, YU Shou-yi, GUI Wei-hua, HONG Zhen-nan(2252)

Synthesis of emotional speech based on emotional pitch template························CHEN Ming-yi, DANG Pei-xia(2258)

An improved e-commerce anti-counterfeiting technique based on RFID·····ZENG Wen-fei, WU Yan-peng, ZHANG Ying-jie(2264)

Design of low temperature dependence voltage reference circuit for PWM·····················································WU Tie-feng, ZHANG He-ming, HU Hui-yong, LI Min(2269)

Loudspeakers’ response to low-frequency tone burst signals········································ZHANG Ping-ke(2274)

Double closed loop control for distribution static synchronous compensator based on state PI feedback control·····························································TANG Jie, DENG Zhi-yong, YANG Zhi-hong(2282)

Reservoir characteristics and hydrocarbon accumulation of Xiaohaizi formation carbonate rocks in Bamai Region, Tarim Basin·····················KUANG Li-xiong, GUO Jian-hua, CHEN Yun-ping, ZHU Mei-heng, ZHENG Hao, CAI Xi-yao(2288)

Application of seismic sedimentology high-resolution sequence stratigraphic frameworks: Taking block A of South Turgay Basin,Kazakstan as an example··············MAO Zhi-guo, FAN Tai-liang, LING Zong-fa, SUN Wei, LI Xiao-jiang, BAI Bin,SHEN Wu-xian, JIANG Ren(2296)

Calcium carbonic acid-acid water glass grouting material and comparing test···············XIAO Zun-qun, LIU Bao-chen, QIAO Shi-fan,YANG Xiao-li, LIU Yü-fei, WU Guo-dong, YANG Xian(2305)

Effect of ground limestone on hydration characteristics and pore structure of cement pastes·················································XIAO Jia, JIN Yong-gang, GOU Cheng-fu, WANG Yong-he(2313)

Effect of high temperature curing on hydration degree and micro-morphology of complex binders···············································································LI Xiang, YAN Pei-yu(2321)

Experimental research on mechanical behavior and seismic response reduction of MR damper··································································YANG Meng-gang, CHEN Zheng-qing(2327)

Effects of interface slip, vertical uplift and shear deformation on dynamic behavior of steel-concrete composite continuous beams·············································QI Jing-jing, JIANG Li-zhong, ZHANG Chuan-zeng, YU Zhi-wu(2334)

Design of holes arrangement and grouting pressure for void road panel······················································ZHAO Jian, ZOU Jin-feng, ZENG Sheng, LUO Heng(2344)

Numerical simulation of triaxial shear test of dense and loose granulates under constant suction by discrete element method·········································································JIANG Ming-jing, HU Hai-jun(2350)

Analysis of temperature effects on prestressed concrete box girder bridges·················································ZENG Qing-xiang, HAN Da-jian, MA Hai-tao, TAN Yi-ping(2360)

Deposit 3D modeling based on visible interpretation of drillhole information·················································LUO Zhou-quan, LUO Zhen-yan, LIU Xiao-ming, LI Chang(2367)

Risk assessment on spontaneous combustion of sulfide ore dump in stope based on uncertainty measurement theory···········································································YANG Fu-qiang, WU Chao(2373)

Drift support technology with wet shotcrete method in weak rock mass···········HAN Bin, WANG Xian-lai, WEN You-dao(2381)

Joint-action induced deformation feature of low-cap group piles························CHEN Le-qiu, YANG Heng-shan(2386)

Effect of different preloaded states on flexural behavior of reinforced concrete beams strengthened with CFRP or CFRP-steel combined plates····························································XIONG Xue-yu, FAN Xin-hai(2393)

System reliability analysis of slopes based on multi-scale MSR method·················································XIE Gui-hua, ZHANG Jia-sheng, LIU Rong-gui, LI Ji-xiang(2400)

Pavement performance of asphalt mixture modified by rock asphalt·················LU Zhao-feng, HE Zhao-yi, QIN Min(2407)

Effects of passenger flow on fresh air volume in waiting room at railway station························································LI Li-qing, LIU Xiao-yan, MA Wei-wu, SUN Zheng(2412)

Mass concentration and variations of particulate matters PM10in suburban air of Changsha, China····················································WANG Qi, DENG Qi-hong, TANG Meng, LIU Wei-wei(2419)

Comparison of thermodynamic performance for waste heat power generation system with different low temperature working fluids····································WANG Zhi-qi, ZHOU Nai-jun, LUO Liang, ZHANG Jia-qi, TONG Dao-hui(2424)

Relationship between angle of spouts and flame length in diffusion combustion·······································XU Qiong-hui, WANG Nan, CHEN Hong, QI Xiao-ling, ZHAN Jie-min(2430)

Research progress in railway safety under strong wind condition in China·······························TIAN Hong-qi(2435)

Simulation for energy-absorbing process of railway vehicle in metal-cutting way··············CHANG Ning, LIU Guo-wei(2444)

Biosensors based on microbial fuel cell technology and their application··································JIANG Hai-ming, LI Xiao-ping, LUO Sheng-jun, XU Xiao-hui, GUO Rong-bo(2451)

Removal of organism from source water using magnetic ion exchange resin·········································HAN Zhi-gang, CHEN Wei, LI Lei, ZHOU Qi, XU Hang, LI Wei-bing(2459)

The End of Vol.41 (2010)

RMR system on underground deep engineering rock mass property········································LIU Ye-ke, CAO Ping, YI Yong-liang, ZHANG Xiang-yang, CHEN Rui(1497)