(1.中国医科大学 附属第一医院内分泌科,沈阳 110001;2.辽阳市中心医院 内分泌科,辽宁 辽阳 111000)
(1.中国医科大学 附属第一医院内分泌科,沈阳 110001;2.辽阳市中心医院 内分泌科,辽宁 辽阳 111000)
目的 研究比较急性型1型糖尿病患者的胰岛功能及自身抗体等临床特征有无性别差异。方法 利用SPSS软件分析2002-2007年我院收治的193例该病患者资料。结果 患者男女比例为1.6∶1,在入院年龄、空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白(HBA1c)和血胰岛自身抗体阳性率及并发神经病变等方面无性别差异。但与男性相比,女性发病更早、入院时病程更长、空腹C肽水平更低、发生过酮症酸中毒者比例更高;14岁(青春期)前起病者上述指标无性别差异,14岁以后发病者女性较男性的病程更长、空腹C肽水平更低;14岁后发病的男性空腹C肽水平明显高于14岁前起病者,而14岁后发病女性的胰岛自身抗体总阳性率及周围神经病变患病率明显高于14岁前起病者。结论 青春期以后急性起病的1型糖尿病患者在某些临床特征上可能存在性别差异,性激素可能是其重要影响因素之一。
自身免疫性1型糖尿病(type 1diabetes mellitus,T1DM)是一种由T细胞介导的自身免疫反应导致胰岛β细胞破坏、胰岛素绝对缺乏的糖尿病,分为急性型及缓发型,前者最常见。已发现90%新诊断的T1DM患者血清中存在胰岛自身抗体,主要包括胰岛细胞胞质抗体(islet cell autoantibodies,ICA)、胰岛素自身抗体(insulin autoantibodies,IAA)、谷氨酸脱羧酶(glutamic acid decarboxylase,GAD)抗体和胰岛抗原 2(islet antigen-2,IA-2)抗体。急性型 T1DM患者起病急,“三多一少”症状明显,当胰岛素严重缺乏或病情进展较快时,可出现糖尿病酮症酸中毒(diabetic ketoacidosis,DKA)。尽管绝大多数自身免疫病都是女性高发,大量对T1DM发病率的研究却未发现其有性别差异[1,2],甚至还有研究显示男性发病率显著高于女性[3~5]。因此,为了进一步探讨T1DM发生、发展的性别特点,本研究系统回顾分析了急性型T1DM患者在起病年龄、胰岛功能、并发症及血糖控制等方面是否存在性别差异。
将所收集到的临床资料中糖化血红蛋白(hemoglobin A1c,HbA1c)利用高压液相离子交换层析法测定(Variant II,Bio-Rad)。ICA、IAA、GAD和IA-2自身抗体利用酶联免疫吸附试验方法(Dia-Sorin S.P.A;Saluggia,Italy)测定,将血清 GAD、ICA、IAA和IA2检测结果中任何一种抗体阳性均记为胰岛自身抗体阳性而得到胰岛自身抗体的总阳性率。静脉血浆葡萄糖(己糖激酶法)及甘油三脂(triglycerides,Tg)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇酯(low-density lipoprotein,LDL)等生化指标均为7600全自动生化分析仪(Hitachi,日本)检测结果。尿常规为UF-100全自动尿沉渣分析仪(Sysmex,日本)测定结果。尿微量白蛋白利用免疫透射比浊法进行测定。血浆胰岛素、C肽水平利用ADVIACentaur CP全自动化学发光免疫分析仪(Siemens,德国)进行检测。
2002-2007 年间我院收治的急性型自身免疫性T1DM患者中,每年男女构成比分别为2.2∶1、2.9∶1、1.7∶1、1.5∶1、1∶1、1∶1.4。各年之间 T1DM患者的性别构成比无显著不同,总的男女构成比为1.6∶1。
对急性起病的自身免疫性T1DM全部患者进行分析,发现在糖尿病家族史、入院时年龄、空腹血糖、HBA1c和并发糖尿病肾病、视网膜病、周围神经病变以及血清胰岛自身抗体(ICA、GAD、IAA、IA2)检测阳性率方面无明显性别差异。但女性患者的腰围明显低于男性,发病年龄显著早于男性,病程也明显更长,空腹C肽水平更低,发生过DKA者的比例更高。进一步对其中病程在6个月以内的男女患者进行分析,女性患者的体质指数(body mass index,BMI)和腰围明显低于男性,发病年龄明显更早,发生过DKA者的比例更高,空腹C肽水平也更低。
表1急性起病的T1DM患者临床特点的性别差异(±s)Ta b.1Ge n d e r d i f f e r e n c e s i n c l i n i c a l f e a t u r e s o f T1DMp a t i e n t s w i t h a c u t e o n s e t(±s)All Subjects Duration≤6months Male Female Male Female n 118 75 82 39Age of admission(y) 27.6±12.5 24.8±13.9 26.1±12.4 19.3±11.02)Onset age(y) 25.6±12.2 20.7±11.32) 26.1±12.4 19.2±11.12)Duration(m) 25.4±57.1 48.8±75.91) 1.43±1.40 1.46±1.40Family history(%) 11.0 10.7 12.2 5.1BMI(kg/m2)20.6±3.919.9±3.420.7±3.918.4±3.32)WC(cm) 77.2±12.7 72.4±10.11) 76.1±13.0 67.5±10.32)FBG(mmol/L) 15.7±7.3 15.9±6.6 16.2±7.4 15.6±6.6Fasting Cpeptide(pmol/L) 268.2±190.0 196.6±120.52) 275.4±174.1 215.7±130.41)HBA1(%) 11.4±2.6 11.3±3.0 12.1±2.4 11.9±3.2Ab positive(%) 73.3 78.1 72.9 72.2Morbidity(%)DKA 40.7 56.01) 34.1 59.01)Nephropathy 5.9 9.5 3.7 2.6Retinopathy 2.5 6.7 0.0 2.6Neuropathy 16.1 16.0 11.0 10.3Clinical features 1)P<0.05,2)P<0.01vs male T1DMpatients.WC,waist circumference;FBG,fasting blood glucose;Ab,pancreatic islet autoantibody,which was considered as positive if serum GAD,ICA,IAAor IA2was found positive.
表2对6个月内和14岁以后起病者临床特点的性别差异比较(±s)Ta b.2Ge n d e r d i f f e r e n c e s i n c l i n i c a l f e a t u r e s o f t h e p a t i e n t s w i t h d r u a t i o n≤6mo n t h s a n d o n s e t a g e mo r e t h a n 14y e a r s(±s)Subjects with onset after 14years of age Duration≤6months Male Female Male Female n 98 52 69 21Age of admission(y) 30.7±11.3 31.3±12.9 29.2±10.9 26.8±9.9Onset age(y) 28.6±10.5 25.4±10.2 29.2±10.9 26.8±10.0Duration(m) 19.9±47.2 56.8±82.02) 1.51±1.50 1.82±1.74Family history(%) 11.3 15.2 13.9 8.3BMI(kg/m2)20.9±3.920.2±3.321.2±3.818.7±3.22)WC(cm) 78.3±12.3 74.3±9.3 77.8±12.3 70.7±9.32)FBG(mmol/L) 15.8±7.7 15.7±6.8 16.4±7.8 15.3±7.3Fasting Cpeptide(pmol/L) 295.5±198.0 201.2±111.12) 295.6±178.3 213.9±129.72)HBA1c(%) 11.5±2.6 10.6±3.1 12.0±2.5 11.4±3.5Ab positive(%) 71.4 94.7 71.7 83.3Mobidity(%)DKA 38.1 50.0 31.9 66.71)Nephropathy 6.2 11.1 4.2 4.3Retinopathy 3.1 10.9 0.0 4.2Neuropathy 14.4 23.9 11.1 16.7Clinical features 1)P<0.05,2)P<0.01vs male T1DMpatients.WC,waist circumference;FBG,fasting blood glucose;Ab,pancreatic islet autoantibody,which was considered as positive if serum GAD,ICA,IAAor IA2was found positive.
众所周知,绝大多数的自身免疫病均是女性高发。而且大量研究已证实雌激素具有免疫调节作用:较高浓度的雌二醇(estradiol,E2)可诱导胸腺萎缩,增强丝裂原和抗原刺激的免疫球蛋白和IFN-γ产生而减少 IL-6分泌[6,7]。IFN-γ 可促进 Th1型自身免疫反应[6,8],而后者也是1型自身免疫性糖尿病的主要致病机制[9]。特别是Bao等[9]研究发现E2能通过增强IL-12诱导的CD4+T细胞分泌IFN-γ,而促进自身免疫性T1DM经典动物模型-NOD鼠雌性的发病。还有学者[10]发现NOD雄鼠的性腺被切除后其发病率明显增高,提出雄激素对自身免疫性T1DM的保护作用。上述研究提示性激素很可能影响1型糖尿病的发生、发展。但是多数对普通人群中男性与女性在T1DM发病率上的比较研究均未显示性别差异[1,2];也有研究显示在 T1DM发病率较高的欧洲人中男性发病率显著高于女性(3∶2),而在其发病率较低的非欧洲人中女性发病率显著高于男性[3~5],此现象的原因尚不清楚。最近Le May等[11]在链脲佐菌素诱导1型糖尿病动物模型联合雌激素受体基因敲除技术进行的研究中发现,雌激素可能还具有保护胰岛细胞、减少凋亡及维持胰岛素分泌的作用。提示不同于其他自身免疫病,在T1DM的发生过程中雌激素可能具有双重作用,一方面加重自身免疫反应而促进其发病,另一方面由于减少胰岛β细胞凋亡而延缓该病显性表达。只有当胰岛β细胞持续损伤达到一定程度(通常残存不足10%)时,胰岛素分泌绝对不足,才发生临床糖尿病。雌激素的双重调节作用可能是导致T1DM发病缺乏性别差异的一个重要原因。
表3急性起病的T1DM患者按性别和起病年龄分层后临床特点的比较分析(±s)Ta b.3An a l y s i s o f c l i n i c a l f e a t u r e s o f a c u t e T1DMp a t i e n t s s t r a t i f i e d b y s e x a n d a g e a t o n s e t(±s)Male Female<14years ≥14years <14years ≥14years n 20 98 23 52Age of admission(y) 12.8±6.7 30.7±11.32) 14.8±7.3 31.3±12.92)Duration(m) 44.5±83.8 19.9±47.2 37.7±65.6 56.8±82.0Family history(%) 10.0 11.3 4.3 15.2BMI(kg/m2) 18.9±3.7 20.9±3.9 19.7±3.9 20.2±3.3WC(cm) 69.5±12.6 78.3±12.31) 69.0±10.3 74.3±9.3FBG(mmol/L) 15.3±5.5 15.8±7.7 15.4±6.6 15.7±6.8Fasting Cpeptide(pmol/L) 154.7±90.0 295.5±198.02) 163.7±100.0 201.2±111.1HBA1c(%) 11.4±2.3 11.5±2.6 12.2±2.5 10.6±3.1Ab positive(%) 83.3 71.4 55.6 94.71)Morbidity(%)DKA 50.0 38.1 65.2 50.0Nephropathy 0.0 6.2 4.3 11.1Retinopathy 0.0 3.1 0.0 10.9Neuropathy 20.0 14.4 4.3 23.91)Clinical features 1)P<0.05,2)P<0.01vs those with onset before age 14(puberty).WC,waist circumference;FBG,fasting blood glucose;Ab,pancreatic islet autoantibody,which was considered as positive if serum GAD,ICA,IAAor IA2was found positive.
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(编辑 王又冬,英文编辑 郑华川)
Gender Differences in Clinical Features of Acute Type 1Diabetes Mellitus
(1.Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,The First Affiliated Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang 110001,China;2.Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,Liaoyang Center Hospital,Liaoyang 111000,China)
ObjectiveTo analyze whether there are any gender differences in clinical features of acute type 1diabetes mellitus.MethodsClinical data of 193patients with acute type 1diabetes mellitus were collected in our hospital from 2002to 2007,and subjected to statistical analysis by SPSS.ResultsThe ratio of male to female in all the subjects was 1.6:1.There was no significant gender difference in such clinical aspects as age,fasting blood glucose level,HbA1c concentration,positive percentage of serum autoantibodies against pancreatic islet or morbidity of diabetic neuropathy.In contrast to the males,the onset age was significantly younger,the diabetic duration longer,fasting serum Cpeptide level lower and the incidence of ketotic acidosis higher in female patients.The patients with onset age less than 14years(puberty)did not show any significant gender differences in the above-mentioned clinical aspects.Among those with onset age more than 14years,the females had significantly longer duration and lower fasting serum Cpeptide level than males.The male patients with onset age more than 14years had significantly higher fasting serum Cpeptide level than those less than 14,whereas it was the same for total positive percentages of pancreatic islet autoantibodies and morbidity of diabetic neuropathy in females.ConclusionGender differences may exist in some clinical features of type 1diabetic patients with acute onset after puberty,which may partially result from the effects of sex hormones.
type 1diabetes mellitus;gender difference;ketotic acidosis;Cpeptide;pancreatic islet autoantibody