Lady Gaga,一位特殊的歌手

2010-01-18 02:18:04苏州工艺美术学院邓海霞供稿
中学生英语 2010年27期

苏州工艺美术学院 邓海霞 供稿

英文名(English Name):Lady Gaga


出生地(Place of Birth):扬克斯(Yonkers)

出生日期(Date of Birth):1986年3月28日 (March 28,1986)

职业(Occupation):歌手/作曲家 (Singer/Composer)

毕业院校(Graduating):纽约大学 (From New York Univeristy)

代表作(Magnum Opus):Paparazzi,Beautiful Dirty Rich


Lady Gaga is an American recording artist(录音师).She began herperforming(表演)in the rock music(摇滚乐)in New York.

Lady Gaga是一名美国录音师。她在美国纽约开始了她的摇滚音乐的表演之路。

During this period, she worked as a composer for fellow artists and drew the attention of Akon,whorecognized(认同)her vocal talent(声音天赋),and also asked her to sign to his own label.


Every day,when someone came to thestudio(录音间),instead of saying hello,they would start singRadio Ga Ga.That was herentrance song(入门曲).In fact,Lady Gaga was very charming.

每天,当有人走进录音间时,人们不是互相问好,而是直接唱起了“Radio Ga Ga”这首歌。这首歌就是Lady Gaga的入门曲。事实上,她非常迷人。

When Lady Gaga was still a very little girl,she would sing the songs of Michael Jackson and Cyndi Lauper to a little recorder,or wouldcircle(转圈)in her father’shug(怀抱)to the music of Rolling Stone and Beatles.This active girl would dance happily beside the table in theadvanced(高级的)restaurant and play with a breadstick(棒)as her toy.When a newbaby-sitter(保姆)came to her home,she would be very happy to dress her new birthday clothes to welcome the babysitter.

当Lady Gaga还是个小女孩时,她会对着她那小小的录音机唱着Michael Jackson和Cyndi Lauper的歌,或是在Rolling Stone跟Beatles音乐的配衬下,在爸爸的怀抱里转着圈圈。这个好动的小孩还会在高级餐厅桌边开心地跳舞,用面包棒当作指挥棒玩耍。当家里来了新保姆时,纯真的她还会开心地穿上生日新衣来迎接。

“When entering theentertainment circle(演艺圈),my goal is to bring new pop music to the world in an interesting way.I will play theaudience’s(观众)feelings through very cool pop songs.It seems that one thing looks like a scoop of suger,but it proves to bebitter medicine(苦口的良药).”Her first album,not only includes all thelyrics(歌词)and songs,even themusical instruments(乐器)are recorded by herself.

“进入演艺圈,我的目标是要以一种有趣的方式,为这个世界带来全新的流行音乐。”她这样说。她的首张个人专辑The Fame,不但包办全部词曲,就连所有的音乐配器也几乎都是她自己演奏录制的。“而且我超想要用一首很酷的流行歌来玩弄一下听众的感情,就像是一匙看起来明明像糖的东西,事实上是苦口的良药。”

It is said that Gaga could play the piano at the age of four.Her family is very rich and she is verytalented(有天赋的)and clever.She could learn how to play the piano only by using her ears when she was four.She wrote a lyrical(抒情的)song when she was 13.She sang in public when she was 14.And she was admitted(录取)by theMusic Department(音乐系)of New York Univsersity when she was 17.(Only 20 students have such chance.)

据说,Gaga 4岁便会弹奏钢琴。除了优越的家庭条件,Lady Gaga本人也表现出了先天的过人资质。4岁时,她就能靠双耳聆听便学会钢琴弹奏;13岁写下第一首抒情创作歌曲;14岁在公开场合拿起麦克风演唱;17岁被纽约大学音乐系提前录取(这种特殊名额全世界只有20个);

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