Johann Hari
It has always seemed depressing to me that the people who claim to sympathise with the working classes have such contempt for their culinary habits. I saw a demo outside a McDonald's this summer that seemed to be based entirely on the fact that the food is "disgusting". Enough with the aesthetic arguments against junk food: plenty of people enjoy it, and to dismiss them all as thick or vulgar is offensive.
If people want to abuse their own bodies, they should be free to do so. Smoking, drinking, over-eating, under-exercising? It's your own business - provided you are aware of the risks and you have genuine choices. It's the job of the government to make sure you understand what you're doing to yourself, and to make sure alternatives are available if you want to stop.
At first, the idea of the government warning you about the risks involved in a poor diet sounds patronising. Everybody knows non-stop kebabs are bad for you? But how many of us know that even a healthy sounding breakfast cereal can be as full of sugars and salts and fats as a quarter-pounder with cheese? How many of us know that fruit juices can often be more sugary and bad for you than a can of Coke? Tons of research shows that people often assume their diet is far more healthy than it actually is. That's what happens in a raw, unhindered market: unclear and even deceptive labelling.
This becomes clear when you look at specific examples from the real world. Class is the flabby elephant in the room in this discussion. All the research indicates that poor people are disproportionately fat, and it's not because they are somehow congenitally lazy or greedy. The reality is that many poor people are trapped in what sociologists call "food deserts". Since very few poor people have cars and most of them have kids who can't be dragged on 10-mile bus journeys with piles of shopping bags, they are dependent on the nearest food retailers. In disadvantaged areas, the nearest food store is usually a corner shop with no fresh food. The rise of out-of-town supermarkets has made these nutrition-free zones even larger and decent food even harder to get to.
I've seen this where many of my relatives live. If you can't afford a taxi back from the supermarket miles away, it's literally impossible to do any decent shopping; there just isn't any fresh food on sale within travelling distance, so you settle for stacks of frozen and tinned food from the local corner-shop. It's like being trapped in a sea of lard. You go and live there and try to stay thin.
This is the old story of what happens when markets are not properly regulated: they screw the poor. How is that a meaningful form of libertarianism? In this instance, markets deny the choice of healthy food to the very people who need it most.