
2009-09-24 08:45
双语时代 2009年3期


上期主题:My Favorite Dish


北京外国语大学 黄晓玉

My favorite food - dumplings

The celebration of New Year would not be complete without delicious dishes. With the improvement of living standard in recent years, Spring Festival dishes have been enormously diversified. But my favorite dish still remains to be the most traditinal Chinese dish - dumplings. Tasty, nutrient and healthy, dumplings are not so easy to make. Basically four steps are involved in the process.

First, prepare the fillings. Choose your favorite meat and vegetables as the main ingradient. Chop them into tiny pieces and put them into a bowl. Add seasonings as salt, soy sauce, pepper, sesame oil, chopped green onion or ginger to get your favorate flavor. Then stir all the ingradients to make sure they are evenly mixed.

Second, make the wrappers. This step is the most complicated one. First measure certain amount of wheat flour and put it into a big bowl. Pour water little by little while stirring it strenuously until it gets sticky enough. Then scatter some dry flour on it and let it rest for about 20 minutes. After that, knead the dough and roll it into sausage-like piece. Chop it into small pieces and press each piece with your palm and then you get a wrapper.

Third, fold the wrappers to make dumplings. Put a spoonful of fillings in the center of the wrapper, fold it into ship-like and press the edges. Make sure you press them hard enough to make it free from leakage.

The last step is the easiest - boil it in water.

Finally you get your delicous dumplings. But the taste doesn't lie only in the gradients of the fillings or the wrappers, but also in the heartfelt talking and intimate atmosphere during the process of making the dumplings. That's also why it remains to be my favorite dish for Spring Festival.

外编点评:非常棒的一篇文章!文章条理清晰,很接近英语母语者写的此类的文章,只是偶尔有一些拼写和复数错误,例如ingradient应该是ingredient、sausage-like piece应该是sausage-like pieces。对这篇文章我唯一的疑惑是最后一段中有些用词不太准确,例如gradient一词用词不当,该词的意思是斜度、坡度。此外,最后一句话应该写成“that's why it's still my favorite dish”或者“that's why it remains my favorite dish”。

郑州 Yuehui

Streamed noodle

Materials needed: wet noodles (sold in noodle shop), round pepper, mushroom, celery, aniseeds, Sichuan pepper, ginger, green onion.

First, put noodles in a pot to stream for the first time. About fifteen minutes later, turn off the gas, fetch a mass of noodles, put it in a very large bowl which contains the mixture of water and soy-oil in order to dye the mass and make it soft, and then stir it into an empty pot, step by step, deal with the rest in the same way. When all noodles are ready, we can pour some peanut-oil and stir the noodles thoroughly. Second, steam the noodles for another fifteen minutes.

Meanwhile we begin to make dish. At a start, we put some chopped green onion and ginger in hot oil to fry, and then put in the meat which has been cut into small cube, add a few drops of soy-oil, two spoons of sugar and several kinds of flavorings such as aniseed and Sichuan pepper, in the end, some water is needed. When the water begin to boil, turn down the gas but keep it boiling for about half an hour. Now, you can put some your favorite vegetables in to cook together. I, for example, prefer a lot of pieces of mushrooms, round peppers and celeries.

Now that the noodles and the dish are ready, the last step is put them together, stir them in a good way. Till now, the meal can be served.

外编点评:一篇不错的小文章,但是通篇使用主语“we”使文章读起来有点奇怪,并且与文中多运用祈使语气不符,例如应该说成“Let's start to make the dish”而不是“we begin to make dish”。此外,应该使用定冠词来指代特定的材料,例如应该是“put the noodles”。而像“step by step, deal with the rest in the same way”此类的句子应该单独成句而不应该用逗号连接起来。另外还遗漏了一些小词,例如应该是“is to put them together”。最后,“till now”的意思是“迄今为止”,例如“Till now, I had never seen a swan(迄今为止我还没见过天鹅)”,文中用“now”更恰当。


My Favorite Chinese dish - Fish in Broth with Pickled Leaf Mustard

I am a big fan of fish. We can find a big range of fish cooking method in China and all around the world. I would like to share one of them here - fish in broth with picket leaf mustard. This is my favorite one and also it is quite popular in China.

Ingredients: 1000 g Fish fillets from river or lake, 300 g Pickled leaf mustard.

Marinade:1/2 table spoon Jiafan rice wine, 1 Egg white, 2 table spoon Cornstarch, 1 tea spoon Salt

Condiments: Cooking oil, 1 chunk Ginger root, 6-8 clove Garlic, 1 table spoon Sichuan peppercorns, 1500 ml Water, 1 table spoon Jiafan rice wine, 1 tea spoon Salt, 1/2 tea spoon Pepper powder, 20 g Pickled pepperoni, 1 table spoon Red chilli oil, Chicken bouillon, 1 handful chopped Scallio.

Cooking Method:

Step One: Clean the fish fillets and pat them dry with a kitchen towel. Slice each fish fillet into 3 pieces. Mix in marinade and set aside for about 30 minutes. Cut garlic and ginger into slices. Chop the pickled pepperoni.

Step Two: Heat up a skillet with some oil and stir in ginger, garlic and peppercorns until fragrant. Add in pickled leaf mustard to stir 1 minute. Pour in water and bring to a boil. Drizzle in rice wine, salt and pepper. Cook 8-10 minutes further. Carefully drop in fish fillets and cook for 3-4 minutes.

Step Three: Heat up a small pan with some oil. Stir in pickled pepperoni and red chilli oil. Pour over the fish and cook for 1-2 minutes. Season it with chicken bouillon and transfer to a serving bowl. Sprinkle chopped scallion over.

Ok, everything is done! Hope you enjoy the dish!

外编点评:这篇文章在烹饪技术上可以说完美无瑕,再稍微简略一些会更好。作者可以加入更多的描写,此外不需要大写每种配料(Cornstarch、Salt、Ginger root)。一般来说在此类文章中使用“sauce(调味酱)”而非“marinade(腌泡)”,marinade是动词,例如“then marinade in the vinegar for twenty minutes(然后在醋中腌泡20分钟)”。此外还遗漏了一些复数,例如,应该是“fish cooking methods”。


本期主题:Fashion through My Eyes






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