
2009-09-24 08:51
双语时代 2009年8期

Riddles: What am I?


1) You will never find me with anything else; the dead eat and dream of me, but if the living eat me they will die.

2) What can run but never walks,

Has a mouth but never talks,

Has a head but never weeps,

Has a bed but never sleeps?

3) No legs have I to dance,

No lungs have I to breath,

No mouth have I to whisper and roar,

Yet I do all of these.

4) I can go both quickly and slowly,

Though rarely at a speed people like,

I am needed by everyone but people dont truly value me until I am gone.

Jokes: Have a laugh.


1) 'Am I the first man you have ever loved?' he said.

'Of course,' she answered 'Why do men always ask the same question?'

2) When I was young I didn't like going to weddings.

My grandmother would tell me, 'You're next.'

However, she stopped doing that after I started saying the same thing to her at funerals.

3) In the first year of marriage the man speaks and the woman listens,

In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens,

In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.

4) A teenage girl was talking on the phone for half an hour and then hung up. Her father, looking amazed said,' wow! That was a real quick conversation for you. You normally talk for hours. What happened?' His daughter replies, 'wrong number.'

Brain Teasers: Figure out the solution to how this was possible.


1) A woman shoots her husband. She then holds him under water for over five minutes. Still not satisfied she hangs him. Yet just a short while later the happy couple goes out to dinner.

2) There was a man who killed his mother and was born before his father, but everyone who knew him considered him perfectly normal.

3) It was late evening on a cloudy night and David and Sherry were reading their books in the living room when the power and lights suddenly died. David decided to go to bed, while Sherry decided to carry on reading. She had no problems reading the last chapter and yet she didn't have any device to create artificial light.

4) A man tells his three sons that he will leave all his money to the one who can fill his empty living room completely by spending just a couple of coins. The first son buys some sticks but fails to fill the room. The second buys some straws but a few gaps still remained. The third son succeeded and spent the least money.

Puzzle: Sudoku


Fill each empty box of the grid with a number so that every row, every column and every 3x3 box contains one ocurrence of each number from 1 to 9. There is no need to guess just use logic, and there is only one right answer. Good luck!


Crossword Puzzle


Find the 23 hidden words and don't forget to look diagonally! All words are 3 to 10 letters long and some words will share a letter.


Words: Are you sure?


There are five words in each section, but ONE of them is NOT a real word recognised by a respected English dictionary. Can you spot which one? If you get it wrong don't worry, grab a dictionary and find out what some of these crazy, rarely used words mean!


1. a) Dormer b) Marcor c) Firmly d) Warder e) Unfelt

2. a) Sylph b) Thirds c) Harper d) Samael e) Venire

3. a) Titbit b) Drosky c) Seroon d) Morra e) Cingle

4. a) Rimer b) Works c) Soirie d) Plinth e) Shears

5. a) Entgtg b) Sloyd c) Furor d) Bolero e) Shaker

6. a) Owner b) Featly c) Clack d) Fangs e) Entete

Answers 答案


1) Nothing

2) River

3) Fire

4) Time

Brain Teasers

1) The wife is a photographer. She shot a picture, and then developed it before hanging it to dry.

2) His mother died giving birth to him in the presence of his father.

3) Sherry was blind and was reading using Braille.

4) He bought a candle and one match, set it in the middle of the floor, waited for night and filled the room with light.

Crossword Puzzle

Answers: ( Heart, Ring, China, England, Dream, Earth, Pit, Tiger, Pandas, Bicycle, Enterprise, Cat, Archery, Master, Meat, Prison, Trip, Queen, Charm, Ant, Death, Hot, Help)


1) Unfelt

2) Samael

3) Morra

4) Soirie

5) Entgtg

6) Entete
