1. AUDI奥迪
The four rings that make up the Audi logo represent the four companies that were part of the Auto-Union Consortium in 1932. They were DKW, Horch, Wanderer and Audi. From the 1930s, the Auto-Union Consortium was able to provide all modes to the German automotive industry, from motorcycles to luxury cars.
2. BENZ奔驰
The Mercedes-Benz logo is one of the most famous brands in the world. The Benz logo is a three-pointed star that represents its domination of the land, the sea, and the air. The famous three-pointed star was designed by Gottlieb Daimler to show the ability of his motors for land, air and sea-usage. It was first seen on a Daimler in 1909, and was combined with the Benz laurel wreath in 1926 to signify the union of the two firms. Mercedes means happiness, which symbolizes that the car can bring happiness to Mercedes owners. Mercedes-Benz is the world's oldest automobile manufacturer.
The simple logo icon contains the letters V and W: 'volks' means 'people' and 'wagen' means 'car', which means car used by people, VW also consist of Three Vs, standing for Triple Victory.
The Toyota logo was created in October 1989, and contains three circles which represent the heart of the customer, the heart of the product and the heart of technological progress and limitless opportunities of the future. In Japanese, Toyota signifies abundance, and means rice. In some Asian cultures, rice represents wealth.
5. FORD福特
The Ford logo uses the English word 'Ford', blue white. Since the founder Henry Ford, liked animals, the designers of the Ford logo painted the English word 'Ford' like a small rabbit.
6. BMW宝马
The blue and white in the middle of BMW's logo signifies the blue sky, white clouds and a rotating propeller. This symbolizes both BMW's long history and leadership in the aerospace industry in the past and also the company's present goals and objectives: to soar higher and faster than the competition, meeting their customers' greatest desires with exquisitely designed technology, bringing the latest concepts to life, reflecting the vigorous changes in technology and design and of course being the proud emblem leading the ever-changing company into the future.
7. ROLLS - ROYCE劳斯莱斯
The Rolls Royce logo consisting of the two Rs or the double R clearly stands for Rolls and Royce, the two founders of this car manufacturing company. There is nothing special about the design of the logo, but the brand name is so strong that the logo looks special. Although not used with the Rolls Royce logo, 'The Spirit of Ecstasy' or 'The Flying Lady' is also an important element of Rolls Royce. It was designed by Charles Sykes as to embellish Rolls Royce cars. The mascot was commissioned by Claude Johnson to 'counteract a craze among motorists for fixing golliwogs, toy policemen and other unseemly objects to their cars.' The Rolls Royce logo and 'The Spirit of Ecstasy' had adorned the radiators of Rolls Royce motor cars since 1911. The Rolls Royce logo has been a huge success, and is instantly recognizable.
The prancing stallion used by Ferrari was originally the symbol of an Italian air force World War I ace, Count Francesco Baracca, who painted it on the side of his plane for good luck. The horse symbolized the squadron he belonged to – the Cavalry regiment. Count Baracca's mother, Countess Paolina, convinced Enzo Ferrari to use the symbol in 1923 on his racing cars to bring him good luck. The yellow background represents Ferrari's birthplace, Modena.
法拉利车的标志是一匹跃起的马。在第一次世界大战中意大利有一位表现非常出色的飞行员Count Francesco Baraccaba,他把马喷绘在飞机上,期望能带来好运气。这匹马象征着他所效力的空军中队。在法拉利最初的赛车比赛获胜后,该飞行员的母亲Countess Paolina说服Enzo Ferrari在他的赛车上印上这匹带来好运气的跃马。而标志底色为公司所在地摩德纳的金丝雀的颜色。
The Lamborghini logo stands for the founders zodiac sign – Taurus, the bull. Ferruccio Lamborghini's love of bullfights is displayed in the logo and Lamborghini models get their names from famous bulls. Lamborghini is now a subsidiary of German car manufacturer Audi AG, which is in turn a subsidiary of Volkswagen.
Bentley produced the first four-cylinder car, produced in 1919 with the same symbol - a pair of wings that form the first letter 'B' of Bentley. That first car has long ceased production, but the winged 'B' word badge is still the symbol of Bentley, which symbolizes a flying eagle.
11. ASTON MARTIN阿斯顿•马丁
The symbol of Aston Martin car is a pair of wings, emblazoned with the words Aston and Martin, suggesting that the company will soar above its competitors.
Lincoln is the second brand of the Ford Motor Company. Mounted at the middle of the front of the cars is a long cross-shaped star, a symbol of dignity and decency. A rectangle containing a shining star shows that President Lincoln is the shining star who saved the Union and puts an end to slavery. It also symbolizes the brilliance of the Lincoln Sedan. The Henry Lincoln Motor Company was founded by a Mr. Leland in 1907, and was purchased by Ford Motor Company in 1922. Lincoln was the first brand named after a president, and ever since FDR has been the automobile of choice for the President himself.
13. JAGUAR捷豹
The Jaguar logo is a Jaguar leaping across the company name. The leaping Jaguar represents the speed, power and quickness of the car. The Jaguar emblem is also placed on the front of the car.
14. CADILLAC凯迪拉克
Anthony Clemens Cadillac, the founder of modern Detroit, was a benevolent and kindly philanthropist. To honor him, GM chose 'Cadillac' as the name of its brand. The logo is marked by a crown and shield: the crown and the seven pearls in the shield symbolize the nobility of the royal blood of the Cadillac family, and also shows the nobleness, luxury, style, and grace of the Cadillac car.
15. PORSCHE保时捷
The Porsche logo used the Stuttgart city emblem. The middle of the logo is a horse, symbolizing the valuable stallions bred in Stuttgart, while marked in the upper left and lower right corner is a pattern of staghorns which means that Stuttgart is a good place for hunting. At the top right and bottom left are yellow stripes on behalf of the ripe wheat, symbolizing a bumper grain harvest, black stripes for fertile land, and red, which symbolizes people's wisdom and love of nature. All these formed a beautiful pastoral landscape, which symbolize the glorious past and bright future of Porsche.