
2009-09-24 08:51
双语时代 2009年8期


胖人一般都好吃,管住自己的嘴是减肥大业最难的一环。有的减肥方法,靠不吃饭、不吃肉来减肥,或许能短期显效,却难以坚持。对好吃的人来说,吃不好都没有幸福感,更何况挨饿?如何既满足口腹之欲,又不会因过食而暴肥,这就要靠调整食物结构,多吃杂粮蔬果。当然,最重要的还是运动。瑜伽、游泳、慢跑……对于没有运动习惯的人来说,起初或者比较艰难,但坚持一段时间,成了习惯,不运动反而不舒服了。运动不仅有助于保持身体机能的健康,还能让人心情愉悦、平和舒畅,那是真正的身心俱泰。 (源自网上整理)

杨斯毅 新西兰奥克兰大学

Obese people tend to eat like a horse, so to restrain their mouths from eating too much is the most difficult part of losing weight. Ways like crash diet to cut weight down can be hard to practise on a continuous basis, so they may only seem effective in the short run. To people who enjoy eating, boring taste of food will reduce their sense of happiness, let alone not eating enough then. Apparently, solving the question of how to satisfy their stomach while not boosting weight relies on adjusting food intake, for example, they need to have more coarse cereals, fruits and vegetables. Of course, the most important way to keep fit is doing exercises like Yoga, swimming, jogging, etc. It can be really tough for those who haven't formed a habit of exercising to take the first move, but once it's developed into a habit, after some time keeping it up will become natural and even necessary to them. Not only will doing exercises help keep our body healthy, we will also feel good and see a real enhancement in our mental and spiritual health.

外编点评:总的来说,译得不错。但仍然有几个小错误。“对某某人来说”,应该用“For”而不是“To”,“boring taste”在这儿表示特指,前面应该加“the”,“the most important way”太过于直译,换成“the best way”会显得更地道一点。“necessary”在文中不能够表达出“反而不舒服”的感觉,用“desirable”会更合适。

夏龙娇 山东

Generally, fat people are inclined to eat. Restraining oneself from eating is the hardest step in weight reduction. Some don't eat meat or anything to lose their weight. Possibly, it plays its role in short – terms, however, this effect cannot last long. For fressers, they will lack the sense of happiness if they don't eat well, not to mention go hungry! How can they satisfy their appetite without putting on weight in the end? It lies with food restructuring, namely more minor cereals, vegetables and fruits take – in. Of course, the most important thing is to take exercise, such as Yoga, swimming, jogging, etc. For those who don't have the habit of taking exercise, it's a tough period at the beginning. But after they last for a period, the habit will be formed. They will feel uncomfortable without exercise. It not only is good for keeping fitness, but also makes people feel good, calm and comfortable, which is a sound condition, both physically and mentally indeed.

外编点评:首先要指出来的是标点符号的错误“short – terms”和“take – in”应该改成“short-term, take-in”。“Possibly, it plays its role in short – terms, however, this effect cannot last long”这句话虽然表达没有错误,但是不够地道,应该翻译成“in short term, this might help, however, in the long term, the effect could be lost”。“fressers”是一个比较生僻的词语,比较特别,换成“food lovers”或者“people who enjoy eating”都不错。“But after they last for a period, the habit will be formed”这句话应该换一个表达方式,即“But if you keep exercising, you will quickly form the habit”。“without exercise”应该前置。“It not only is”应该是“It's not only good for keeping fit”。
