Shaping together the Responsible Enterprise 2020 – General Assembly on 10-11 June
On 10-11 June, CSR Europes annual General Assembly in Brussels brought together more than 100 participants from CSR Europes member companies, national partners and stakeholder organisations to reflect on the future of responsible business.
LOréal celebrates 100 years and reaffirms commitment to corporate responsibility
In conjunction with the celebration of its centenary, LOréal has announced the roll-out of 100 citizen projects designed to assist and support the most vulnerable communities on a local level through concrete initiatives. The 100 projects, initiated and supported by the groups affiliates around the world, are based on the three central axes of the groups corporate philanthropy activities: education, encouraging self-esteem, and the promotion of scientific research.
Alcatel-Lucent employees volunteer for mentally disabled in Korea
As part of Alcatel-Lucents global month-long “International Days of Caring” (IDOC) event, Alcatel-Lucent employees, retirees, friends and family members worldwide participate in community service projects. For example in Korea, fifty Alcatel- Lucent employees, volunteered for a daycare programme with a non-profit organisation dedicated to helping mentally disabled children and adults from parentless families or single-parent families.
ArcelorMittal approves development projects in Liberia
The Dedicated Funds Committee for the management of the ArcelorMittal County Social Development Fund has approved the first development projects for Nimba, Grand Bassa and Bong Counties in Liberia. The projects include the rehabilitation of roads, schools and hospitals.
Volkswagen starts construction of eco-friendly plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Governor of Tennessee, responsible for production on the Volkswagen board of-directors, celebrated the construction start of a new eco-friendly plant in Chattanooga, Tennessee (US) in May 2009. Besides creating job opportunities for approximately 2000 new employees, Volkswagen takes responsibility for social and environmental aspects. The plant includes energysaving ventilation systems and for every tree cut to build the new plant, a seedling is set out. Furthermore,
Volkswagen actively engages with the local community, supporting local schools, universities and institutes for further vocational training with the social project “Partners in Education”,
which provides 5.3 million US-Dollars funding over the next 5 years.
Latest News from the EU
New EU Parliament braced for next round of climate laws
The newly-elected European Parliament faces a busy climate policy agenda, as Europe attempts to claw its way out of the recession by developing greener policies and convincing the world to agree on an ambitious climate deal, EurActiv reports.
EU 20% renewable energy target can deliver 2.8 million jobs, report says
Reaching the 20 percent renewable energy source target in 2020 is expected to deliver approximately 2.8 million jobs in the renewable energy sector and generate about 1.1 percent of European GDP, Environmental Leader reports. A new European Commission study on the impact of renewable energy policy on economic growth and employment in the European Union (Employ-RES) indicate that biomass, wind and hydro technologies are currently the most important for job opportunities. According to the study, in 2005, the renewable energy sector employed 1.4 million people among the member states.
Swedish EU presidency to focus on economic crisis and climate change
As Sweden prepares to assume the EUs rotating presidency on 1 July, business, civil society and human rights groups alike are lobbying Stockholm to find a way out of the financial, economic and climate crises by promoting structural reform and ambitious policies, EurActiv reports.
EU ministers ‘deeply concerned by biodiversity loss
EU environment ministers on 25 June called for better evaluation of EU policies to
protect biodiversity, EurActiv reports. The ministers asked for ‘ecosystem services to be integrated into EU policies in order to measure the drivers of biodiversity loss.
根据碳排放披露项目的最新报告《电力行业CDP报告2009》,尽管电力行业贡献了全球温室气体排放量的25%(是所有工业部门中排放最大的),然而只有16%的电力企业对其减少温室气体排放设定了目标并进行相应信息披露。此报告还针对110家电力公司对气候变化给企业带来的风险和机会进行了调查和分析,得出的结论是,目前电力企业并没有就低碳经济下其应进行的排放限制做好准备。报告下载网址:www.cdproject.net/reports.asp 。
This Week's Top Headlines
Recession is excuse for companies to ignore community conscience
Businesses, both big and small, are showing their true colours by pulling out of ethical programmes to save money. Richard Northedge reports. Going green is fast becoming a corporate luxury now cash-flows are being squeezed. Whether businesses are cutting staff, pay or cancelling dividends, companies are finding it tough to justify financing good causes, whether it is on alternative energy, environmental projects, aid abroad or charities at home or even community programmes. By far the most dramatic shift in policy is that by BP, the oil giant, which caused ripples recently by reducing its commitment to investing in renewable energy.
Death of the Principle of Voluntarism?
Much of the corporate sustainability and responsibility agenda has been propelled since the 90s by the idea that voluntary action on the part of corporations is more effective than regulation. It has been a celebration of market dynamism over moribund regulation, the latter of which would provide only for the lowest common denominator. At any rate, liberalization of markets outpaced our ability to develop an effective governance model to tackle issues such as climate change in a joined up way so many were happy to go along with an approach that at least delivered incremental improvements.
Big Business Responds
On a positive note, the folks at GreenBiz.com recently hosted their second annual State of Green Business Panel Discussion where leading corporations discussed how they are responding to water use issues. For example, Coca-Cola recently announced water neutral goals. They are pledging by 2010 to return to the environment all water used in their manufacturing clean enough for fish and farms. Companies like GE and IBM are also announcing reduction goals for freshwater.
Chemical Industry Agrees to Increase Safety Efforts
Following a conference hosted by the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (part of the United Nations Environment Program), chemical producers and governments agreed to increase efforts on chemical safety. The conference focused on five emerging issues facing the sector: nanotechnology; chemicals in products for everyday use; electronic waste; lead in paint; and extremely toxic perfluorinated chemicals, which are used to make surfaces heat- and corrosion-resistant.
Oil Industry Charged with Rights Abuses
Royal Dutch Shell plc will appear before a New York federal court facing charges of crimes against humanity in connection with the execution 14 years ago of the Nigerian author and activist Ken Saro-Wiwa by Nigerias former military regime. The allegations state that Shell sought the aid of the former Nigerian regime in silencing Saro-Wiwa—a vocal critic of oil production in the Niger Delta—in addition to paying soldiers to carry out human rights abuses.
Report Corner
Inclusive Business Models Key to Development
According to the Harvard Kennedy School and the International Finance Corporations “Developing Inclusive Business Models,” companies can help alleviate poverty through profitable, responsible, and inclusive business activities and investments. This report examines how Coca-Colas Manual Distribution Center model—which is being implemented in 25 countries worldwide—solves a core business need for the company as well as positively contributes to the Millennium Development Goals. Download the full report here: www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/publications/other_10_MDC_report.pdf.
Electric Utilities Lagging in Emissions Disclosure
According to the Carbon Disclosure Projects newest report “CDP Electric Utilities Report 2009,” only 16 percent of electric utilities are setting and disclosing absolute greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets, despite the fact that the sector accounts for 25 percent of global emissions—the largest of all industry sectors. This report analyzes a survey of 110 electric utilities on the risks and opportunities that climate change presents to business. It concludes that utilities are not prepared to deal with reduction limits that will be required of them in a low-carbon economy. The full report is available at www.cdproject.net/reports.asp.