Parkour: Walk the Unusual Way
"Parkour" comes from the French word, "parcours", meaning "impediment1) course". It's a physical activity with the aim of moving from one point to another as efficiently and quickly as possible, using principally the abilities of the human body. Basically, you just start running and adapt to your environment as you go without slowing down. If an obstacle is in your way, you find a way around it—through jumping, climbing, or other movements. It is amazing to watch because it requires martial arts2)—like reflexes and mental zen3) with your environment.
It is meant to help one overcome obstacles, which can be anything in the surrounding environment—from branches and rocks to rails and concrete walls—and can be practiced in both rural and urban areas. Parkour has appeared in various television advertisements and films. For example, many people have become familiar with Parkour movement from the famous action movie District 13.
Excellent Parkour Sequence in District 13
District 13 is the English-language release title of the 2004 French action film, Banlieue 13, directed by Pierre Morel4) and produced by Luc Besson5). The film is notable for its depiction of Parkour in a number of stunt6) sequences that were completed without the use of wires or computer generated effects. David Belle, a co-founder of Parkour, appears in the film as one of the main characters.
The story takes place in 2010 in a futuristic7) France. The government has built a wall around the ghetto8)—called District 13—to keep the drug dealers, gangs and crime lords from getting out. Inside, crime runs rampant9) but Leito (acted by David Belle) is one of the good guys who fights to improve his neighborhood and keep his sister Lola safe.
When the movie begins, Leito has just stolen several bags of heroin from the ghetto's most feared crime lord, Taha. He quickly washes the drugs down his bathtub drain just as Taha's minions10) arrive to beat the crap out of11) him and take back their dope12). But Leito's a slippery guy, schooled in Parkour, and thus begins one of the most impressive foot chases. Leito is absolutely breathtaking to watch as he jumps across rooftops, down flights of stairs, and dives through windows and small spaces without breaking his stride13). He makes it seem effortless as he gracefully avoids any obstacles in his way.
The film caught the public's imagination with its excellent Parkour sequence, and starred Parkour legend, David Belle, the founder of Parkour.
David Belle: Seek Freedom and Action
David Belle was born and raised in Seine-Maritime, France. His grandfather, father and brother have been highly skilled rescuers in the French military fire service.
His father Raymond Belle had a key role in the Parisian firefighters' first ever helicopter-borne operation. His many rescues, medals and exploits14) gave him a reputation of being an exceptional pompier15) and inspired the next young generation, especially his son David Belle.
Born in a firefighter's family, David was influenced by stories of heroism. At age 17, David left the school to seek his love of freedom, and action, and to develop his strength and dexterity16) to be useful in life.
It was David's love for martial arts films, especially the work of Bruce Lee17)—and the scenarios18) he imagined, often themed around rescue, escape and pursuit—that inspired him in the early stages of Parkour, and remains a source of inspiration for others.
Though David initially developed Parkour with friends, his exceptional athletic ability propelled him onward as the discipline's leader, eventually putting him into the spotlight where he remains today, though reluctantly. Other contributors to the development of Parkour include Sebastien Foucan, Kazuma and Stephane Vigroux.
Over the years, as dedicated traceurs19) improved their skills, their moves grew. From the Parisian suburbs, parkour became a widely practiced activity outside France.
《十三街区》是2004年由皮埃尔·莫瑞尔导演、吕克·贝松制片的法国动作电影《Banlieue 13》的英文版片名。该影片因其所呈现的惊人跑酷片段而闻名,这些镜头是在未使用钢丝或电脑特效的情况下完成的。跑酷运动的奠基者之一戴维·贝勒出演了该片的其中一位主角。
1. impediment
[Im5pedImEnt] n. 障碍物
2. martial arts: 武术(如柔道、空手道)
3. mental zen: 禅宗的定力
4. Pierre Morel: 皮埃尔·莫瑞尔,法国导演
5. Luc Besson: 吕克·贝松(1959~),法国著名导演,兼任制片、编剧、演员、剪辑等。他的电影作品节奏快捷、风格奢华,极具商业价值。
6. stunt [stQnt] n. 惊人表演,绝技
7. futuristic [7fju:tFE5rIstIk] adj. 未来的
8. ghetto [5^etEu] n. 限制区,分离区
9. rampant [5rAmpEnt] adj. 猖獗的,蔓生的
10. minion [5mInjEn] n. 奴才
11. the crap out of: 彻底地,痛快地
12. dope [dEup] n. 毒品
13. stride [straId] n. 步幅
14. exploit [5eksplCIt] n. 英勇的行为
Parkour Moves and Training
For many traceurs, Parkour is a gateway to freedom from social constraints as they "free their minds" from society's messages of how public spaces and their body are to be used. Ez, the director of Urban Freeflow, an international Parkour organization based in Surrey, England, says, "I like to view it as a discipline that provides absolute freedom, and something that, through lots of practice, can put you in a position of being able to move in a way that is animal like, fluid, explosive and graceful. But I also like to use it as a means to keep fit, to build upper body strength and to keep my mind sharp." Parkour is as moldable as a traceur's creativity and physical capabilities allow. With that said, the number of possible movements is endless, but here are the basics:
Cat Leap
This move consists of running and leaping from a take-off point. Before leaping, the traceur spots where his hands will grab hold of the wall. He launches from the take-off point at a 45-degree angle. As he approaches, he moves his body into landing position that appears as if he's almost sitting in mid air. With legs bent to absorb shock, the traceur makes impact and grabs hold of the ledge while his feet grip the wall. From there, the traceur bends his knees for the power to push up and climb over the ledge.
Landing from a jump, when the traceur is traveling forward, he lands and bends his knees to absorb the impact. As he does this, he uses the forward momentum20) to go into a roll over his shoulder to transfer the shock of the landing. He places his hands on one side of his head to ensure minimal impact between his shoulder and the ground and, in the meantime, protects his head. The momentum of the jump enables him to land, roll and continue moving so that he is back on his feet and in a running position. He does all of this in one fluid movement.
The traceur balances on the edge of a wall, rail or roof, and spots his landing point. After sizing up the distance, he leans toward his landing point while bending the knees. As he jumps, his arms go up and he straightens his body. As the traceurapproaches the landing point, he brings his legs forward to make contact while his descending arms provide necessary counterbalance. Upon landing, he bends his knees to slow down and makes a precise jump from point to point.
Traceurs use this move to propel themselves over a wall when running toward it. The traceur jumps with a good amount of space between him and the wall, and stretches toward it, planting his hands. By this time, he has made his legs parallel21) to the ground. As his legs catch up with the rest of his body, he uses his arms to catapult22) him forward. Before landing, the traceur makes sure his posture is correct and spots where he'll finish the move with either a roll (if executing from height) or will carry on running (if the move is executed at a low level).
This move allows traceurs to launch over a wall without compromising speed. As the traceur approaches the wall, he lays one hand down and leans sideways as he jumps. His hand briefly touches the wall to keep himself stable. He completes the jump and continues running without any break in momentum.
A Note on Safety
Parkour is a highly demanding activity that requires the entire body to be in good health and well-conditioned. Trying any of the Parkour moves without prior training, conditioning and proper instruction can result in serious injury. 跑酷是一项高难度运动,需要练习者身体健康、状态良好。如果未经事先训练、热身和适当指导,就贸然尝试跑酷动作,可能导致严重受伤。
15. pompier [5pCmpIE(r)] n. 救火员,消防员
16. dexterity [7deks5terItI] n. 灵巧,机敏
17. Bruce Lee: 李小龙(1940~1973),伟大的武术技击家,世界武功片电影表演家,截拳道的创始人。
18. scenario [sI5nB:rIEu] n. 某一特定情节
19. traceur: 由法语英译而来,意思是“障碍物训练者”,也就是Parkour的练习者。
20. momentum
[mEu5mentEm] n. 冲力
While parkour celebrates the individual's journey toward freedom and overcoming fear, it still remains largely an activity practiced in community.
Parkour Crews & Community
The Parkour community not only provides safety but is instrumental in a traceur's growth. Parkour crews hit the city together and participate in what they call "jams" or "sessions", which consist of different drills or games like follow the leader, where each traceur does the same move as the one before. Community learning is vital to Parkour because it provides an appropriate context for the ability of non-professional traceur. This takes away the pressure to Perform movements outside of one's abilities and minimizes the possibility of injury.
As it stands, Parkour is still too new to have any literature printed in book form. Most information is hosted online by Parkour organizations and crews around the world.
跑酷团体不仅有益于提高安全性,而且也有助于练习者的成长。跑酷团队在城市中聚会,参加各种他们称为“jams” 或 “sessions”的活动,包括不同的训练或游戏,如跟在领头的练习者后做相同的动作等。对跑酷而言,群体共同学习至关重要,因为这能让非专业练习者更好地了解自己的能力。这消除了练习者做超出自己能力范围的动作的压力,从而使受伤的可能性降到最低。
As Parkour gains media exposure through advertising, films and television, commercialization is inevitable. Only time will tell what the future holds for it, but one thing's for sure: Parkour will always be what you make of it.