欧洲企业社会责任协会(CSR EUROPE)
联系人(Contact Us):
Nathalie Suvee 电话(Tel):+32 2 541 1610 nathalie.suvee@csreurope.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
欧洲企业社会责任协会与实验室领导人、国家合作伙伴将合作组织一次欧洲工具箱路演2009-2010。此次路演旨在传播由实验室开发的这些管理工具和指南,用知识和信息进一步装备欧洲的公司,使它们获得实验室的专业支持以应对各种问题。欧洲企业社会责任协会将不断更新有关此次路演信息的网页,介绍在欧洲各国组织的这些国家层面的活动。目前,已确定于3月23日在布鲁塞尔,3月14日在布达佩斯,5月19日在马德里,以及5月19日在卢森堡举行活动。欲了解更多有关欧洲工具箱路演的信息,请联系Bea Berruga,邮箱是bb@csreurope.org或Colleen Fletcher,邮箱是cf@csreurope.org。
3月5日,安赛乐米塔尔集团管理董事会成员Michel Wurth主持了在布鲁塞尔举行的第6次欧洲钢铁技术平台(ESTEP)指导委员会会议。会议着重讨论了一个新的钢铁业倡议,包括在建设节能和智能制造领域的解决方案,以促进社会的可持续发展。
The European Toolbox Road Show Starts
CSR Europe, in cooperation with Laboratory leaders and national partners, will be organizing a European Toolbox Road Show 2009-2010. The Road Show aims to disseminate the management tools and guides developed by the Laboratories and further equip companies across Europe with knowledge, information, support and expertise on the various issues covered through the Laboratories. CSR Europe will continuously update its Road Show web page to feature national sessions taking place across Europe. Currently, national sessions have been set for 23 March in Brussels, 14 March in Budapest, 19 May in Madrid, and 19 May in Luxembourg. For more information on the European Toolbox Road Show, please contact Bea Berruga at bb@csreurope.org or Colleen Fletcher at cf@csreurope.org.
Panasonic Unveils First‘Eco IdeasFactory in Europe
Panasonic is announcing that, by March 2010, the Panasonic AVC Networks Czech TV factory will become Panasonics first ‘eco ideas Factory in Europe. The ‘eco ideas strategy focuses on three key areas: producing top-performing energy efficient products (Products); reducing CO2 emissions at all manufacturing sites (Manufacturing); and encouraging the spread of environmental activities among people, such as employees and consumers (Everybody, Everywhere).
BASF Podcast: Chemistry Makes Wind Energy More Economical
BASF has published a podcast on how chemistry improves the cost effectiveness of environmentally and climate friendly wind energy. In fact, modern wind turbines would hardly be conceivable without innovative solutions in chemistry.
Procter & Gamble and World Vision Equip Zimbabweans in Fight Against Cholera
A new World Vision project supported by the Procter & Gamble Children's Safe Drinking Water Program is underway, providing Zimbabweans with the tools and training necessary to protect themselves, their families and their communities.
20 Years Volkswagen Community Trust
The Volkswagen Community Trust has just celebrated its 20th birthday in the Volkswagen plant in Uitenhage, South Africa. In the past 20 years the Community Trust has donated a total amount of around four million euros for social development projects.
L'Oréal and UNESCO Celebrate 10th For Women in Science Fellowship Programme
On 4 March, L'Oréal and UNESCO celebrated the tenth anniversary of their international For Women in Science fellowship programme. Every year since 2000, as part of the L'Oréal-UNESCO For Women in Science programme, 15 International Fellowships are allocated to young women researchers in the Life Sciences, at the doctoral or post-doctoral level, providing important support at what may be a critical period of their scientific careers.
HP Unveils Conclusions and Next Steps of Project to Tackle Electronic Waste in Africa
HP, together with the Global Digital Solidarity Fund and the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Testing and Research unveiled the first results of a pilot project to tackle the problem of electronic waste (e-waste) in Africa. The information and experience gathered in this project, which also included contributions from local organisations and NGOs, will support the launch of the second phase of the project, which aims at engaging corporate and government partners.
New Steel Initiatives for a Sustainable Society
On March 5, ArcelorMittal Group Management Board member Michel Wurth chaired the 6th meeting of the Steering Committee of the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP) in Brussels. The meeting focused on new steel initiatives for a sustainable society, including programmes in the fields of energy-efficient building and intelligent manufacturing.
Latest News from the EU
EU Parliament Paves Way for Wider Eco-Design Product List
The European Parliament's environment committee backed European Commission proposals to extend the scope of the Eco-design Directive and the Ecolabel, but rejected proposals to include food products in the plans, EurActiv reports. The committee voted on 17 January on a report to cover all products with an impact on energy use, such as windows, insulation materials and water-using devices, in the EU's Eco-design Directive. The committee also requested the Commission to come up with a proposal by 2012, extending the scope to "non-energy-related products" with "significant potential for reducing their environmental impacts throughout their whole life-cycle".
联系人(Contact Us):
黄宜玲 电话(Tel):+86 20 38910690yhuang@bsr.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
This Week's Top Headlines
EU, U.S. Push for Stricter Government Oversight of Financial System
The European Union and the United States have moved to enact tighter government control over financial markets. In preparation for the April Group of 20 summit in London, European leaders proposed a plan to create a comprehensive regulatory framework covering financial markets, products, and participants, including hedge funds. In the United States, the Obama administration announced plans to scrutinize the financial conditions of the 20 biggest U.S. banks to determine their resiliency to worsening conditions. Contrary to rumors that these “stress tests” would result in the nationalization of some banks, the U.S. government said it would “ensure that banks have the capital and liquidity they need … to restore economic growth,” and that any investment would take the form of preferred shares that would be converted to common shares and sold as financial conditions improve.
Global Leaders Tackle Mercury
More than 140 nations have agreed to negotiate a legally binding treaty to phase out the use of mercury—a toxin that hampers brain development and causes liver damage, memory loss, and vision impairment when humans are exposed. The agreement—made at a UN meeting of environmental ministers—followed the announcement that the United States has reversed its stance on mercury emissions and now favors a legal ban. Based on that change, China, India, and other nations have agreed to endorse a mandatory treaty as well.
Food Scandals Prompt Tighter Control
In response to a series of global food scandals—including the recent U.S. salmonella outbreak in peanuts and Chinas melamine-tainted milk episode—the worlds largest food producers are tightening control of their manufacturing operations. “Food safety has become a political agenda,” chief of food quality in the Food and Agriculture Organizations food and nutrition division. The U.S. Congress proposed creating a Food Safety Administration, equivalent to the European Food Safety Authority. While there are currently no global food safety standards, companies such as Nestlé have implemented ISO standards.
Wealthy Countries Coming Up Short on
Climate Commitments
An analysis by the Guardian found that while rich nations have pledged nearly US$18 billion in the last seven years to help developing countries adapt to climate change, they have dispersed less than US$0.9 billion. The analysis also revealed that Africa—the poorest continent—has received less than 12 percent of climate fund money spent in the last 4 years; it can take countries three years to access the money; and money pledged for climate change comes from official aid budgets, leaving less for health, education, and poverty alleviation. So far, no money has been deposited in the two World Bank climate investment funds, and most of the US$760 million distributed through the UNs Global Environment Facility has gone to China, India, and Brazil, leaving less than US$100 million for the 49 poorest countries.
Report Corner
Decarbonizing Your Supply Chain
The World Economic Forums “Supply Chain Decarbonization” explores the opportunities for carbon emissions reduction across supply chains. The report offers a comprehensive analysis of the size of carbon emissions across product life cycles, examines potential trends in future demand for supply chain services, and offers specific recommendations to help logistics and transportation providers effectively reduce the carbon emissions in their supply chains, in collaboration with shippers, and by engaging with policy-makers. Access the full report here: www.weforum.org/pdf/ip/SupplyChainDecarbonization.pdf.
Better Factories Cambodia and Better Work Vietnam Buyers' Forum
March 26-27, 2009 Hong Kong
Join us for an interactive, two-day Buyers Forum meeting where you will have the opportunity to receive an update on current Better Work program activities in Cambodia and Vietnam, hear about the expansion of Better Work to a new set of countries, and provide input on proposed pilot work that will include adding environmental components to the program. A key focus of this meeting will be on the link between Better Work programs and industry competitiveness.
Buyers Forum meetings are open to companies currently participating in Better Work and those who are interested or considering participation. There is no fee to attend.