模块十 Unit 3—Unit 4 阶段检测

2009-01-14 08:11康传桂
中学课程辅导·高考版 2009年12期


满分 (100分)

Ⅰ. 根据汉语或首字母提示完成句子。(10分)

1. Mrs Wang is an Aids c_________and frightens away everyone else in the village.

2. Being u_________ , the young plant died soon after it was planted.

3. It is the responsibility of each i_________within the class to make sure they have the correct books.

4. Tom is old and unpopular. F_________ , he has at best only two years of political life ahead of him.

5. The incident took place in a_________controlled by the Chinese military.

6. This article has been criticized for being _________ (冒犯的) to Jackson.

7. It is _________ (估计) that more than one hundred people were killed in the unexpected train accident.

8.If you dont _________ (削弱) the study of English, you will make great progress in it.

9. There isnt any _________ (征兆) that the danger is coming nearer and nearer.

10. Generally speaking, if you graduate from a university, you will gain a degree_________ (证明) .

Ⅱ.选词填空 用下列的短语和单词的正确形式填空 (15分)

at rise, cater to, compensate, designed for, fall behind, have access to, make a great difference, make sense, involved in, no doubt, prejudice, put pressure on, rebel against, quit, stand at a crossroads

1. They_________ about the direction of the companys further development.

2. It seemed that they are still working on how to help some students who _________in their work.

3. Knowing it is illegal; still they are _________people to vote yes.

4. People must stop these rumors; the firms reputation is_________.

5. It doesnt _________to buy that expensive MP4 when these cheaper ones are just as good.

6. I am sorry to see some people take interest in this kind of film that _________the worst side of human nature.

7. Mr. Wang recommended us some course books specially _________advanced English learners.

8. Jacks enthusiasm and intelligence more than_________ for his lack of experience.

9. _________ against black people used to very common in many parts of America.

10. Every student in our school _________the library, enjoying interesting books.

11. If everyone here tries to give something, then that_________.

12. Although I have drunk for many years, I have still decides _________it.

13. Some teenagers in our country often _________their parents to show their courage.

14. There is_________ that the 2008 Olympic Games will be successful.

15. I never imagine that I might be_________ such a trying matter. Now I really dont know how to get rid of it.

Ⅲ.单项选择 (15分)

1. Its quite obvious that the aging population in China will cause _________heavy pressure on_________ whole society in near future.

A. a; aB. a; the

C. the; aD. the; /

2. The Minister of Japan stresses that the quality of goods _________the quantity of production, is the key to improving the nations economy.

A. other thanB. rather than

C. more thanD. less than

3. Why dont you bring _________to his attention that you are too busy to go skating with him?

A. itB. whatC. thatD. this

4. I dont want to_________ the case, because it has nothing to do with me.

A. be related from

B. be joined to

C. be involved in

D. be associated to

5. Failure happens when you give up. To go on till you succeed is _________it takes to do anything well.

A. thatB. whenC. whatD. whether

6. It is said that in Africa, over a third of the population are believed to have no _________to the health care and advanced education.

A. controlB. accessC. opportunityD. accent

7. The twins are different_________ they have a different taste for music.

A. from thatB. in that

C. because ofD. except

8.—Education _________white settlers only in Australia in the past.

—The natives couldnt go to school.

A. intended for

B. was intended for

C. intended to

D. was intended to

9. Life is tough in the city. In order to lose their_________, some people drink alcohol.

A. temper

B. mood

C. consciousness

D. pressures

10. A long-term study _________by the medical school shows that babies of smoking mothers will be less healthy than those of nonsmoking mothers.

A. performedB. undergo

C. managedD. conducted

11.—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?

—The key _________the problem is to meet the demand _________by the customers.

A. to solving; making

B. to solving; made

C. to solve; making

D. to solve; make

12. He was so careless that he left the work half _________and went to the cinema.

A. to finishB. finished

C. finishingD. be finished

13. People slowly begin _________that there _________serious problems on our earth and if they dont solve them, man will no longer be able to live on the planet.

A. to realise; exist

B. to realize; exists

C. realizing; exist

D. realizing; exists

14.—Was his father very strict with him when he was at school?

—Yes. He had never praised him _________he became one of the top students in his grade.

A. afterB. unlessC. untilD. when

15. I tried to explain the problem to Mary, but she was so angry that she _________listen.

A. couldntB. shouldnt

C. wouldntD. might not

Ⅳ. 完形填空 (20分)

This is what I know about my mother, and what has been told to me by the people who knew her. When she was young, she had a very loving heart and really cared about the1of others. She liked to help poor people and animals. This was one of her main2as a child. She3cared about the Law of Karma and was very careful about even her small deeds.

While still very young, 13 or 14 years old, she took4in Tibet from5teachers and started the ngondro preliminary practice. She continued to do ngondro even while staying in Sikkim and when she came to Nepal. If we count them all, she6the 500,000 aspects of ngondro practice thirteen times. In addition7that, she engaged in many sadhanas and8many mantras. In short, my father told me he never saw her9a single day; she was always doing some kind of practice.

My mother was very10to take teachings from my father, Tulku Urgyen, and especially from His Holiness, the 16th Karmapa. From the Second Jamgon Kongtrul,11Palden Khyentse Oser, she received many different kinds of teachings,12transmissions, and initiations and, in13 , mind teachings. At that time, she14complete confidence in her practice and since then has had no doubts about her understanding of buddha nature, so her trust, devotion, and compassion was always increasing.

She also took teachings from Sechen Kongtrul and from Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. Often when she would see15teachers, she would offer one thing -tokbul - which means ‘an offering of ones realization. She had very deep16for her teachers, especially the 16th Karmapa. One day she asked him if they could meet so that she could17him tokbul. I was present at the meeting. We shut the door and she talked very openly. She wasnt shy or frightened. She18very directly her different types of meditation experience,19s the experiences of bliss, clarity, and nonthought. I was also witness to her20this offering to Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche. She told me she also offered this to Palden Khyenste Oser and he was very pleased. He was her root guru, the Second Kongtrul, who was also the teacher of the 16th Karmapa.

1. A. careB. healthC. welfareD. wealth

2. A. characterB. quantity

C. amountD. qualities

3. A. especiallyB. specially

C. generallyD. usually

4. A. workingB. teachings

C. doingD. practising

5. A. difficultB. same

C. differentD. similar

6. A. correctedB. completed

C. competedD. ended

7. A. forB. toC. withD. on

8. A. recitedB. read

C. wroteD. guessed

9. A. spendB. use

C. accountD. waste

10. A. luckyB. unlucky

C. happyD. unhappy

11. A. readB. wrote

C. noticedD. named

12. A. oralB. written

C. homeworkD. assignment

13. A. generalB. particular

C. timeD. addition

14. A. arrivedB. gained

C. lostD. defeated

15. A. thoseB. these

C. suchD. so

16. A. thankB. hatred

C. satisfactionD. respect

17. A. buyB offerC. sellD. affect

18. A. toldB. regarded

C. describedD. stated

19. A. for exampleB. such as

C. that isD. namely

20. A. workingB. experiencing

C. makingD. announcing

Ⅴ. 阅读理解 (20分)


JALAN SULTAN: This is where Chan and his friends caught the snatch thief yesterday. Imagine Stevie Chans disbelief after helping to catch a snatch thief only to be told that the policemen were coming late to pick up the suspect as they were changing shifts! By the time a patrol car arrived, 38 minutes had gone by since the 46-year-old tour guide made his first call to the police.

In fact, they were so late that the suspect had already been sent to the Dang Wangi police station by a cabbie.

Chan, naturally, was very disappointed with the lack of urgency shown. Narrating his experience to Malay Mail, Chan said he had dropped his children off at a school near Jalan Sultan at 7.50am yesterday before having breakfast at a coffee shop nearby.

“I heard somebody screaming, pencuri (thief) and dashed out of the shop. I saw a man running with a handbag in his hand and a woman behind him screaming for help,” he said. Chan and several friends immediately gave chase and managed to catch the suspect, believed to be a foreigner.

“I phoned the Dang Wangi police station using its direct line to inform the police that we had a suspect in custody. We waited for 15 minutes but no one came.” Chan said he called Dang Wangi again at 8.10am and was shocked when he was told that police were coming late as they were changing shifts.

5. How many basic categories of criminals?

A. Three.B. Four.

C. Five.D. Six.

6. What has resulted in the evolution of new forms of trans-national crimes known as cyber crimes?

A. The rapid development of computers.

B. The slow development of telecommunication.

C. Many cultural technologies.

D. The rapid development of education.

7. What does cyber crime include?

A. Violence.B. Greed.

C. Fire.D. Accident.


When you are sick, you and your baby will almost always benefit from continuing to breastfeed here are very few illnesses that require a mother to stop nursing. Since most illnesses are caused by viruses, that are most infectious before you even realize you are sick, your baby has already been exposed before you even develop symptoms (such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, rash, runny nose, cough, etc). Continuing to breastfeed will help protect your baby from the infection, because your body produces antibodies to the specific bug that is causing the infection, and you pass them on to the baby in your milk. Often, a breastfeed baby will be the only member of the family who doesnt get sick. If he does get sick, he will usually have a much milder case than the older members of the family.

Illnesses are most often transmitted through skin contact and secretions from the mouth and nose. Be sure to washyour hands often, and try to avoid face-to-face contact (and sneezing directly on the baby.)

Nursing your baby while you are sick makes it easier for you to rest. Tuck him into bed with you to nurse, and then have someone take him away when youre done. I remember being so sick that my older kids would bring the baby in to nurse every couple of hours, and I was so out of it that I didnt even know when she nursed.

Weaning abruptly is never a good idea, especially when you are sick. You put yourself at risk for engorgement and mastitis, as well as the emotional trauma of sudden weaning for both you and the baby.

You do need to make sure that you get plenty of fluids when youre sick, because you dont want to become dehydrated. Often your milk supply will decrease during and immediately after your illness, but your supply will build back up when you feel better.

Here is some general information about OTC (over the counter) drugs and breastfeeding—remember, though, that drug manufacturers often change their active ingredients, so always read the label carefully and/or consult your health care provider before taking any drug when you are nursing.

8. What will you do when you are sick?

A. Weaning abruptly.

B. Not weaning abruptly.

C. Not sleeping enough.

D. Never drinking.

9. What does the underlined word dehydrated mean?

A. lacked water.B. made up for fat.

C. weak.D. stronger.

10. Whats the best title of the passage?

A. General information about OTC.

B. Avoiding face-to-face contact.

C. Weaning abruptly is never a good idea.

D. When a Nursing Mother Gets Sick.

Ⅵ. 任务阅读 (10分)

Drink Driving is one of the main causes of road deaths in South Australia. Each year over a third of drivers and riders killed in road crashes have a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) over the legal limit of 0.05 - the majority more than three times over the legal limit.

Of these drivers and riders killed who were over the legal limit of 0.05:

•nearly all are male

•41% are aged 20-29 years

•64% in South Australia are killed on rural roads

•65% are at least three to four times over the legal limit.

Drinking alcohol affects driving skills and increases the likelihood that the driver will engage in risk-taking behavior.You dont have to be drunk to be affected by alcohol.You might feel normal, but no one drives as well after drinking alcohol.Studies have also shown that a drivers risk of being involved in a casualty crash doubles for every increase of 0.05 above zero BAC.

While most of the attention is focused on people who drink and drive, cyclists and pedestrians affected by alcohol also risk being killed or injured on our roads.

Alcohol has been identified as a significant risk factor in collisions involving a pedestrian with 36% of pedestrian fatalities found to have a blood alcohol concentration above the legal driving limit of 0.05.Over half of those who had been affected by alcohol were found to have a blood alcohol concentration more than 4 times the legal limit.

Research also shows that a single drink increases the risk of death or serious injury by five times.Cyclists who are affected by alcohol were also less likely to wear a helmet.Those who have lost their drivers license and switch to cycling as a means of transport may be putting themselves at even greater risk if they continue to drink and use the roads.

A person who drives, or attempts to drive a motor vehicle while so much under the influence of an intoxicating liquor or drug.

Driving under the influence, more commonly referred to as DUI, is not the same as driving with the prescribed concentration of alcohol.Even if your BAC is less than 0.05, you may still be charged with DUI if your driving ability is impaired because of the effects of alcohol or other drugs.Factors that are likely to contribute towards this offence are the manner in which the vehicle was being driven and any signs of intoxication, the smell of alcohol about the driver, unsteadiness, watery or bloodshot eyes and slow or slurred speech.

Ⅶ.书面表达 (10分)

在网络游戏的冲击下,曾经陪伴过几代人的传统游戏现在却难觅踪迹了,学校、家庭乃至社会应该创造条件让这些传统游戏回归,让孩子们在这些游戏中体验天真和快乐。请以The traditional and healthy games should be back为题,写一篇短文。

注意:1. 词数150;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。







Ⅰ. 1. carrier 2. unprotected 3. individual 4. furthermore 5. airspace

6. hatred 7. estimated

8. weaken 9. symptom 10. certificate.

Ⅱ. 1. stood at a crossroads 2. fall behind 3. putting pressure on 4. at rise 5. make sense

6. caters to 7. designed for 8. Compensate 9. Prejudice 10. has access to

11. will make a great difference 12. to quit 13. rebel against 14. no doubt 15. involved in

Ⅲ. 1—5 BBACC 6—10 BBBDD 11—15BBACC

Ⅳ. 1—5 CDABC 6—10 BBADA 11—15 DABBA 16—20DBCBC

Ⅴ. (A) 1—4 CBDA 5—7 AAB 8—10 BAD

Ⅵ. 1. Safety 2. driving 3. South 4. crashes 5. rural

6. least 7. affected 8. death 9. alcohol 10. helmet

Ⅶ. One possible version:

The traditional and healthy games should be back

With the development of science and technology in the electrics and the Internet, more and more children are attracted to playing these games. Theyre keen on playing these games for almost day and night which does great harm to their health, especially to their eyes. For the sake of the childrens health, the parents and teachers should help them to play more traditional and healthy games. After all, the childrens health comes first.

However, what kinds of measures should we take? First, we should let them know the benefits of the traditional and healthy games. Then we should limit their time and places of playing computer games. Finally, train the childrens abilities of judging the games advantages and disadvantages, because the parents and teachers couldnt accompany them forever. Only the children themselves can keep a healthy life through their own efforts to play the traditional and healthy games. (148 words)

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