
2008-08-26 11:26何金梁
中学英语之友·中 2008年7期



误:Catherine can speaks a little Cantonese.

正:Catherine can speak a little Cantonese.

析: 情态动词没有人称和数的变化,其后要接动词原形。

2. 请问你能帮助我学英语吗?

误:May you help me with my English, please?

正:Could you help me with my English, please?

析:请求别人帮助,应用“Could (Can) you…?”或“Would (Will) you…?”而不用“May you…?”

3. 安妮能和你一起去北京。

误:Annie can be able to go to Beijing with you.

正: Annie can go to Beijing with you.

析:can和be able to都可以表示能力,意思相同,都有“能够”的意思,但不能同时使用。

4. 刘老师明天能用英语给你写信。

误:Mr Liu will can write to you in English tomorrow.

正:Mr Liu will be able to write to you in English tomorrow.

析:can指主语已有的能力、条件,只用于一般现在时和一般过去时的句子中,而be able to多指主语通过努力而“能够做某事”,它可用于各种时态的句子中。

5. 你可能是对的。

误:You maybe right.

正:You may be right.

正:Maybe you are right.

析:may be是“情态动词+动词原形”,在句中作谓语;maybe是副词,意为“大概、或许”,不能作谓语。

6. “我必须呆在这儿吗?”


误:——Must I stay here?

——No, you mustnt.

正:——Must I stay here?

——No, you neednt.


7. “我可以进来吗?”


误:——May I come in?

——No, you may not.

正:——May I come in?

——No, you mustnt.

析:may用于请求时,只用于主语为第一人称的一般疑问句中。对May I(we) …?提问,其否定回答用:No, you mustnt。mustnt只用来告诉人们不该做或不许做的事情,意为“不可以”。否定回答还可用Sorry, you cant./No, you cant。

8. 我不需要钢笔,我已买了一个。

误:I neednt to have a pen because Ive already got one.

正:I neednt have a pen because Ive already got one.

正:I dont need to have a pen because Ive already got one.

析:need 既可作情态动词,也可作实义动词。作情态动词时,具有情态动词的特点,主要用于否定句和疑问句;用作实义动词时,具有实义动词的特点,有人称、数的变化,后接带to 的不定式。

9. “需要她一起随你去吗?” “是的。需要。”

误:——Need she go there with you?

——Yes, she need.

正:——Need she go there with you?

——Yes, she must.



误:You mustnt go to school at all on Sunday.

正:You neednt go to school at all on Sunday.

析:mustnt是“绝对不可、不准”之意,有命令口吻。若表达“用不着、无须、不必”等意味时,要用neednt (dont have to)。

11. 你不许再像那样讲话。

误:You neednt talk like that any more.

正:You mustnt talk like that any more.


12. “帕特丽夏在哪里?”


误:——Where is Patricia?

——She can be in the lab.

正:——Where is Patricia?

——She must be in the lab.

析: 情态动词must, may, can 都可表示“推测”。must表示推测,可能性最大,“一定、必定”,只用于肯定句,它比may要肯定得多。在否定句和疑问句中用cant和can。

13. 阿曼达不仅会唱歌,而且会跳舞。

误:Amanda cant only sing but also dance.

正:Amanda can not only sing but also dance.

析:can not常可缩写为cant,但后跟only之类的词时,需要用can not,因为not是修饰后面的词,而不是can,即构成not only…but also这个词组形式。

14. 为了通过考试,查尔斯必须努力学习。

误:Charles must study hard to pass the exam.

正:Charles has to study hard to pass the exam.

析:have to和must都表示“必须”,have to强调客观需要,有“不得不”的意思;must表示说话人的主观看法。have to随人称、时态的变化而变化,must则没有时态、人称的变化。

15. 你最好明天不来这儿。

误:You had better not to come here tomorrow.

正:You had better not come here tomorrow.

析:had better是个复合情态动词,没有人称、数和时态的变化,其后直接跟动词原形。另外,在表示对别人劝告、建议时,不宜用在与陌生人、长辈及上级的交谈中,因为这往往被认为不太礼貌。

16. 詹尼弗不敢说出她的想法。

误:Jennifer dare not to say what she thinks.

正:Jennifer dare not say what she thinks.

正:Jennifer doesnt dare to say what she thinks.


17. 我希望现在就去香港迪斯尼乐园,好吗?

误:I wish to go to Disneyland in HK now, dont I?

正:I wish to go to Disneyland in HK now, may I?

析:当陈述部分是“I wish/want…”时,其后附加疑问部分应该用may的肯定式。

18. 我和克里斯蒂娜一块去买东西好吗?

误:Will I go shopping with Christina?

正:Shall I go shopping with Christina?

析:“Shall I (We)…?”是一种固定句式,表示“我(们)……好吗?”用于向对方征求意见。“Will you…?”的意思是“你(们)……好吗?”用于向对方提出请求。

19. 不要忘了,行不行?

误:Dont forget, wont you?

正:Dont forget, will you?

析: 肯定形式的祈使句要用wont you进行反问,也可以用will you。否定形式的祈使句后,只能用will you来进行反问。

20. 咱们一起去台湾,好吗?

误:Lets go to Taiwan, will you?

正:Lets go to Taiwan, shall we?

析:Lets表示说话者与对方都在其内,故其后的简短问句要用“shall we?”。

21. 但愿有一天我能坐上宇宙飞船去空间站。

误:I wish I can fly to the space station in a spaceship one day.

正:I wish I could fly to the space station in a spaceship one day.

析:动词wish虽是现在时,而后面从句中的情态动词一定要用过去式could,would, 而不能使用can, will。这是一种特殊的表达方式,表示wish后面说的是不可能实现的愿望。

22. 这条好消息不一定是真的。

误:The good news must not be true.

正:The good news cant be true.


23. 理查德可能今天下午回来。

误:Richard can come back this afternoon.

正:Richard may come back this afternoon.

析:can与may都可以表示“可能”, can常用在否定句和疑问句中,may常用在肯定句中。

24. 你必须说出你的理由。

误:You have to tell your reason.

正:You must tell your reason.


25. 要想上大学,我们就不得不努力学习。

误:In order to go to college, we must have to work hard.

正:In order to go to college, we must/have to work hard.

析:must和have to都有“不得不”的意思,不能重复使用。

26. 他一定去北京了。

误:He must go to Beijing.

正:He must have gone to Beijing.


巧记不规则动词 (二)
can have done用法小结
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must,have to和have got to
Units 1—2句型转换专练
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