Maybe you run around naked at home. And you definitely undress to hop into the shower. But what about taking off your clothes and running around in front of a bunch of college students?Some might think this would be a good way to get yourself expelled.
But get this. A group of undergraduate students from Hamiton College has turned a fondness for being nude into an athletic team. The Hamiton College Varsity Streaking Team has repeatedly made appearances at campus events in just their birthday suits.
The team has even played “away games”. Tired of streaking at Hamiton,the students hit nearby schools such as Colgate,Wellesley,and Middlebury College. While still clothed,the team makes a first run through the campus to choose where to streak. They then strip and make their way around the school grounds,encouraging local students to join in as they go.
Sound like fun?Dont run out and start your own school team just yet,because acts of public nudity can have their consequences. Besides needing to deal with stripping down on bitter cold,snowy winter days,theres also always the risk of getting caught by campus police. And streaking is probably not the best thing to have on your school record.