《运动与健康科学(英文)》(Journal of Sport and Health Science, JSHS)是由上海体育学院主办的中国大陆第一本英文版体育学术期刊,2012年创刊,2014年被SCI和SSCI两大数据库同时收录,2020年被国际权威生物医学文献数据库MEDLINE收录。聚焦运动医学、运动损伤预防与临床康复、运动生理学、公共健康促进、身体活动流行病学、运动生物力学、运动生物化学与营养、运动心理学、锻炼与脑健康、体育教育学、中国传统体育与健康等研究领域。编委会成员由亚洲、北美洲、欧洲、大洋洲等地区国际知名专家组成(国际编委占78%)。已获得“中国百强报刊”“中国最美期刊”“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”等奖项,入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊建设项目”。
Journal of Sport and Health Science
- Application of e-health programs in physical activity and health promotion
- Acceptability,usefulness,and satisfaction with a web-based video-tailored physical activity intervention:The TaylorActive randomized controlled trial
- Effects of a remote,YouTube-delivered exercise intervention on young adults’physical activity,sedentary behavior,and sleep during the COVID-19 pandemic:Randomized controlled trial
- Teen reactions to a self-representational avatar:A qualitative exploration
- Active video games in fully immersive virtual reality elicit moderate-to-vigorous physical activity and improve cognitive performance in sedentary college students
- Situational interest impacts college students’physical activity in a design-based bike exergame
- Exercise is medicine for type 2 diabetes:An interview with Dr.Sheri R.Colberg
- Effect and feasibility of wearable physical activity trackers and pedometers for increasing physical activity and improving health outcomes in cancer survivors:A systematic review and meta-analysis
- The effects of resistance training on muscular strength and hypertrophy in elderly cancer patients:A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effects of resistance training performed to repetition failure or non-failure on muscular strength and hypertrophy:A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Comparative efficacy of various exercise interventions on cognitive function in patients with mild cognitive impairment or dementia:A systematic review and network meta-analysis
- Neurophysiological correlates of interference control and response inhibition processes in children and adolescents engaging in open-and closed-skill sports
- Using compositional data analysis to explore accumulation of sedentary behavior,physical activity and youth health
- Bidirectional relationships of physical activity and gross motor skills before and after summer break:Application of a cross-lagged panel model
- Movement behaviors and their association with depressive symptoms in Brazilian adolescents:A cross-sectional study
- A physically active lifestyle is related to a lower level of skin autofluorescence in a large population with chronic-disease(LifeLines cohort)
- Exercise cardiac power and the risk of heart failure in men:A population-based follow-up study