Defence Technology
- Statistical variability and fragility assessment of ballistic perforation of steel plates for 7.62 mm AP ammunition
- Local blast wave interaction with tire structure
- Research and development of training pistols for laser shooting simulation system
- Summed volume region selection based three-dimensional automatic target recognition for airborne LIDAR
- A novel noise reduction technique for underwater acoustic signals based on complete ensemble empirical mode decomposition with adaptive noise, minimum mean square variance criterion and least mean square adaptive filter
- Research on extraction and reproduction of deformation camouflage spot based on generative adversarial network model
- Studies on the flame propagation characteristic and thermal hazard of the premixed N2O/fuel mixtures
- Knowledge-oriented modeling for influencing factors of battle damage in military industrial logistics: An integrated method
- Direct ink writing of 3D-Honeycombed CL-20 structures with low critical size
- Attitude deflection of oblique perforation of concrete targets by a rigid projectile
- Growth model of cavity generated by the projectile impacting liquidfilled tank
- Optimal design of a novel cylindrical sandwich panel with double arrow auxetic core under air blast loading
- The mechanical performance and a rate-dependent constitutive model for Al 3Ti compound
- Liquid phase in-situ synthesis of LiF coated boron powder composite and performance study
- The Early Responses of Air-backed plate subjected to underwater explosion with aluminized explosives
- Research on simultaneous localization and mapping for AUV by an improved method: Variance reduction FastSLAM with simulated annealing
- Optimization of reluctance accelerator efficiency by an improved discharging circuit
- Formation and impact-induced separation of tandem EFPs
- High strain rate deformation of explosion-welded Ti6Al4V/pure titanium
- Microstructural characterization of silicon carbide reinforced dissimilar grade aluminium explosive clads
- Sensor radiation interception risk control in target tracking
- Structure design and property adjustment of new cage rich-nitrogen pentazolyltetraazacubanes as potential high energy density compounds
- Flow computations past a triangular boattailed projectile
- The effect of sintering and cooling process on geometry distortion and mechanical properties transition of PTFE/Al reactive materials
- Multifunctional A356 alloy/ PKSAnp composites: Microstructure and mechanical properties
- An infrared target intrusion detection method based on feature fusion and enhancement
- Texture evaluation in AZ31/AZ31 multilayer and AZ31/AA5068 laminar composite during accumulative roll bonding