Defence Technology
- Analysis of sliding electric contact characteristics in augmented railgun based on the combination of contact resistance and sliding friction coefficient
- Aerodynamics analysis of a hypersonic electromagnetic gun launched projectile
- Synergistic effect of hybrid Himalayan Nettle/Bauhinia-vahlii fibers on physico-mechanical and sliding wear properties of epoxy composites
- Study on dynamic response of multi-degree-of-freedom explosion vessel system under impact load
- An investigation on anti-impact and penetration performance of basalt fiber composites with different weave and lay-up modes
- Path planning for moving target tracking by fixed-wing UAV
- Theoretical calculation and experimental study on the interaction mechanism between TKX-50 and AP
- A high performance waveform and a new ranging method for the proximity detector
- Robust adaptive UKF based on SVR for inertial based integrated navigation
- Experimental investigation on dynamic response and damage models of circular RC columns subjected to underwater explosions
- A study of flames with millimeter-wave radiation
- Experimental study on explosion dispersion process of a multi-layer composite charge under different initiation modes
- Analysis for the residual prestress of composite barrel for railgun with tension winding
- Experimental study of transient pressure wave in the behind armor blunt trauma induced by different rifle bullets
- Fragment spatial distribution of prismatic casing under internal explosive loading
- Fast-armored target detection based on multi-scale representation and guided anchor
- Arbitrary-oriented target detection in large scene sar images
- Performance study of jute-epoxy composites/sandwiches under normal ballistic impact
- Novel approach for active vibration control of a flexible missile
- Modeling and simulation of muzzle flow field of railgun with metal vapor and arc