Defence Technology
- A comparison of the ballistic behaviour of conventionally sintered and additively manufactured alumina
- Effect of operating temperature on aged single lap bonded joints
- Investigation on energy output structure of explosives near-ground explosion
- Characteristics structure analysis on debris cloud in the hypervelocity impact of disk projectile on thin plate
- A fast-running method for blast load prediction shielding by a protective barrier
- Coating processes towards selective laser sintering of energetic material composites
- Dynamic modeling and parameter identification of a gun saddle ring
- An INS/GNSS integrated navigation in GNSS denied environment using recurrent neural network
- 1D study of the detonation phenomenon and its influence on the interior ballistics of the combustion light gas gun
- Numerical simulation of dynamic large deformation and fracture damage for solid armature in electromagnetic railgun
- Influence of high overload on the collimating lenses of laser ranging systems
- Study on performance degradation and failure analysis of machine gun barrel
- Effect of microstructure on short pulse duration shock initiation of TATB and initial response mechanism
- Effect of tool rotational speed on the particle distribution in friction stir welding of AA6092/17.5 SiCp-T6 composite plates and its consequences on the mechanical property of the joint
- Priori information analysis of optocoupler accelerated degradation experiment based on failure mechanism verification test
- Performance evaluation and optimization design of photoelectric pyrometer detection optical system
- Experimental study on ceramic balls impact composite armor
- Moving horizon based wavelet de-noising method of dual-observed geomagnetic signal for nonlinear high spin projectile roll positioning
- Effect of nano powder (Al2O3-CaO) addition on the mechanical properties of the polymer blend matrix composite
- A novel variable topology design for a multi-flexible ejection mechanism
- Cross-linking density and aging constitutive model of HTPB coating under prestrain thermal accelerated aging
- The prediction formula and a risk-based sensor scheduling method in target detection with guiding information
- Anti-follower jamming wide gap multi-pattern frequency hopping communication method
- Numerical investigation of dynamic interaction with projectile and harmonic behaviour for T-finned machine gun barrels
- Modeling and realization of real time electronic countermeasure simulation system based on SystemVue
- Enhancing the explosive characteristics of a Semtex explosive by involving admixtures of BCHMX and HMX
- An air cavity method for increasing the underwater acoustic targets strength of corner reflector
- Defence Technology