Communications in Theoretical Physics
- On Integrals Involving Universal Associated Legendre Polynomials and Powers of the Factor(1 −x2)and Their Byproducts∗
- Darboux Transformation for a Four-Component KdV Equation∗
- Some(Anti-)Self Duality Solutions on Six Manifolds
- A New Integrable(2+1)-Dimensional Generalized Breaking Soliton Equation:N-Soliton Solutions and Traveling Wave Solutions
- Semi-Relativistic Reflection and Transmission Coefficients for Two Spinless Particles Separated by a Rectangular-Shaped Potential Barrier
- Quasi-one Dimensional Topological Insulator:M¨obius Molecular Devices in Peierls Transition∗
- General Quantum Meet-in-the-Middle Search Algorithm Based on Target Solution of Fixed Weight∗
- Monogamy Relations for Squared Entanglement Negativity∗
- Charged Noncommutative Wormhole Solutions via Power-Law f(T)Models