Chinese Physics B
- Angle-resolved spectra of the direct above-threshold ionization of diatomic molecule in IR+XUV laser fields∗
- Nonlinear behavior of the population dynamics of three-level systems in the presence of single photon absorption
- Comparison of single-neutral-atom qubit between in bright trap and in dark trap∗
- Preliminary investigation on electrothermal instabilities in early phases of cylindrical foil implosions on primary test stand facility∗
- Physics of quantum coherence in spin systems∗
- Propagation of a Pearcey beam in uniaxial crystals∗
- Synthesis and characterization of β-Ga2O3@GaN nanowires∗
- Low-energy(40 keV)proton irradiation of YBa2Cu3O7-x thin films:Micro-Raman characterization and electrical transport properties∗
- Ultrasonic backscatter characterization of cancellous bone using a general Nakagami statistical model∗
- Recent progress of infrared photodetectors based on lead chalcogenide colloidal quantum dots∗
- Unusual tunability of multiferroicity in GdMn2O5 by electric field poling far above multiferroic ordering point∗
- Superlubricity enabled dry transfer of non-encapsulated graphene∗
- Quantum photodetachment of hydrogen negative ion in a harmonic potential subjected to static electric field
- Transition of photoconductive and photovoltaic operation modes in amorphous Ga2O3-based solar-blind detectors tuned by oxygen vacancies∗
- Development of long-wavelength infrared detector and its space-based application requirements∗
- Power of all- fiber amplifier increasing from 1030 W to 2280 W through suppressing mode instability by increasing the seed power∗
- Progress in quantum well and quantum cascade infrared photodetectors in SITP∗
- Experimental and numerical investigation of mid-infrared laser in Pr3+-doped chalcogenidefiber∗
- Energy feedback and synchronous dynamics of Hindmarsh-Rose neuron model with memristor
- In fluence of low-temperature sul fidation on the structure of ZnS thin films∗
- Recent advances in Ga-based solar-blind photodetectors∗
- Effects of secondary electron emission on plasma characteristics in dual-frequency atmospheric pressure helium discharge by fluid modeling∗
- Error-detected single-photon quantum routing using a quantum dot and a double-sided microcavity system∗
- Dynamical stable-jump-stable-jump picture in a non-periodically driven quantum relativistic kicked rotor system∗
- Reaction mechanism of D+ND→N+D2 and its state-to-state quantum dynamics∗